3 COURIER MUSICAL May 31, 1923 . TOFI TRABILSEE g־|t*h* ]sj 1'yS' ■^ecommon^ci* by Nt״Y׳°S: 202 West 74th St* I™®1Saturdays in Brooklyn LAZAR S. SAM0IL0FF Teacher Rosa Raisa, Giacomo Rimini, HH Gabrielle Besanzoni, Jean Barondess, Luisa Escobar, VS Edward Lankow, Alice Zep-HHHBk jSlw pilli, and many others. «׳ wM BEL CANTO SCHOOL OF SINCINC Carnegie Hall New York GRACE G. GARDNER EUROPE—NEW YORK Artist Teacher "Singer and vocal pedagogue.” "Internationally recog-nlzod as a Voice Builder, Voice Bepairer and Coach.” Special Course in Diction. Pupils prepared for Opera. Oratorio and Concert. Teacher of Lucille Lawrence and many other successful singers. Studios: Burnet House Drawing Rooms, Cincinnati, Ohio. EARLE LAROS “The Pianist with a Message” Educational Recitals Address: MISS JEAN WISWELL. 437 Fifth Avenue. N. Y. Katharine HOFFMANN SOI , AI RFRTI Home Address: St. Paul. ^ H—j JL_j x.%, A JL Coach and Accompanist Studio: 65 West 71st street, New York Phone: Endicott 5840 Residence phone: Endicott 2535 ARCHIBALD - SESSIONS -Er Organist-Director "All Souls,” 53f West 121st St.. N. Y. Tel. SUT4 Momlngsld.. BETTY GRAY Mezzo Contralto OPEN FOR CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS 3 Linnaean Street Cambridge, Mass. ״ RUBANNI Soprano e 620 Spadina Avenue Toronto, Canada ״PQAQQr I I1! Hjj 14 11 ll 1 Will Accept Advanced N MIlrlVVL Pupils. 161 East 176th St. Tel. 2052 Tremont l LJUNGKVIST ^ Head of Voice Department L SULLINS COLLEGE. BRISTOL. VA IWARFORD 2K D ■ ■■ ■11■ VI 11^ 1425 Broadway, N.Y. E Phone 263 b Penn. ARTHUR M. BURTON BARITONE Fine Arts Building Chicago •KRAFT H Concert-TENOR-Oratorio £ Care of Frank La Forge K 14 West 68th St., New York City ; DE GREGORIO rm ivt Specialist in Voice Culture Metropolitan Opera House Bldg l№£«| x Studio 18, 1425 B'way. City M O Phone: 5251 Penn. HP11■ VV GEHRKFM Concert m 41 T*! **־ T1־־ Organist ¡v Able technic and fine command.” — R Brooklyn Eagle. E „ “?,ap!„ly . pining unique reputation.”— IM N. r. World. 587 Balnbrldge St., Brooklyn, N. Y. BonciSUAI FRI EH INDORSES E. inLLIil 7gt״nst r ׳ a¿ ”1 HAZEL rgtm\ gruppe ti\| £ rn Concert Pianist Teacher Accompanist—Coach Studio: 8 West 92nd Street ^ New York — Telephone Riverside 0118 ERNA CAVELLE SOPRANO Available for Concerts, Recitals *nd Oratorio PTl°7niMr*■ A’ R• ®uihman, 437 Fifth Ave., Knabe Piano Co.. New York POTTER l Contralto Concert-Oratorio-Opera-Recitals Musical Courier Co. afllH■ 437 Fifth Avenue. New York *ME3BS8SB Tel. 4292 Murray Hill Emma a^dambmanN rinnf״tro a??״Pies• S°ut™a״d Singers. Rehearsals Monday evenings, 110 Carnegie Hall. Vocal instruction. Residence l(|U Telephone: FitzRoy 3853 Robert (),CONNOR 'PIANIST Studio: 375 East 199th Street, New York Phone: 4016 Tremont “Not all may become Artists, but everyone can be taught to sing artistically.” HAGGERTY-SNELL Vocal Music METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE STUDIOS, 1425 Broadway, New York Suite 20 Phone: 2634 Pennsylvania RUSSELL J. ENGLAND COMPOSER—TENOR Concert*—Recital* of hi* songs—Oratorio 214 Lakevlew Drive, Colllngswood, N. J. CHRISTINE LANGENHAN Soprano Concerts—Recitals—Teaching and Coaching Studio: 768 West End Ave.. New York Telephone: 8838 Riverside HAYDN OWENS PIANIST—ACCOMPANIST—COACH Conductor Haydn Choral Society 1227 Kimball Building - - Chicago SIBYL SAMMIS MacDERMID SOPRANO Pupils Accepted. 312 Riverside Drive. New York * OLANOFF violinist “Sound musicianship'׳ — “colorful tone׳ ׳—‘ 'solid technic׳'—' 'style''— — “repose” — “excellent musical feeling and taste.”—N. Y. Press. CONCERTS—RECITALS Management: The Tillotson Concert Direction 935 Madison Ave., N. Y. Rhinelander 8046 VOICE CLINIC Mme. Rose Tomars, Voice Specialist and Rebuilder of Voices, will correct every defect under guarantee. Tremolo removing a specialty, as her method is not a theory but a Proven Fact. Write for descriptive folder. Sait. 824, Carnegie Hall Residence Stadia, 20 West 65th St., New York City. 9425 S. Robey Street, Chicago, III. Conductor—Apollo Musical Club, Mendelssohn Club J BAYERLEE V Formerly in charge of artist classes in the H studio of the late Royal Professor Julius Stock■ _ ' hausen, Frankfort o/M, Germany. Mme. Bay-\ erlee not only trains singers in their various N stages of development, but gives invaluable assistance to concert singers and teachers of sing-»1 ing who com® to perfect their art. Circular on request A St.dio: 502 W 113th St., N.Y City, Tel. Cathedral 7960