FRANK PATTERSON ( NEW YORK’S NEW BAND STAND—By A. T. KING. IN THIS ISSUE MAKING SONG PROGRAMS—By URSULA GREVILLE ( PRACTICAL INSTRUMENTATION (TWENTY-SECOND INSTALLMENT)—By |V\vsical(5vrier Weekly Review OF THE Worlds Music Published weekly by the Musical Courier Company, Inc., 437 Fifth Ave., . . .r ״ ״ */- o r A It Entered as Second Class Matter January 8, 1883, at the Post Subscription $ J.UU ELUTOpe $ O. Z J Annually Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. ‘ r J WHOLE NO. 2251 NEW YORK. THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1923 Forty-Fourth Year Price 15 Cents VOL. LXXXV1 NO. 22 Mishkin Photo GLAIR EUGENIA SMITH AS AMNERIS IN AIDA, PHILADELPHIA, MAY 17