musicai. r n Tl п 1 к п 48 WINSTON-SALEM TO HAVE CIVIC SUMMER MASTER SCHOOL OF MUSIC This Probably Will Be the Only Civic Summer School of Music in the Country—Classes to Be Held from June 25 to August 4 a music week to be held in the fall and orchestral concerts to be given during the summer for eight weeks in the parks under the direction of Mr. Breach. The orchestra will be composed of local and professional musicians. The sessions of the Civic Summer School will be held at Salem College, the oldest women’s college in the South. Great interest has been shown in the project, and its success is assured, judging by the^Kwtt enthusiasm which has been manifested in the entire stSfe^and its environs, and also because of the splendid faculty which has been secured. A. Y. Cornell will head the vocal department and will have as his assistants such competent musicians as Dicie ־Howell, the well known soprano; Adelaide Campbell, head of the vocal and unusual interest has been manifested in the project throughout the country. The recent rapid development of music in Winston-Salem is due in large measure to the untiring efforts put forth by Mr. Breach. Three years ago he came to Winston- From June 25 to August 4, Winston-Salem, N. C., will have a Civic Summer Master School of Music, with William Breach as the director. The school will be under the auspices of the Civic Music Commission, the personnel of which was appointed by Mayor James G. Hanes and is as follows: WHERE THE WINSTON-SALEM CIVIC SUMMER MASTER SCHOOL WILL BE HELD AND THOSE MOST ACTIVELY INTERESTED IN THE PROJECT. (I) Jaynes G. Hanes, Mayor of Winston-Salem; (2) Clement Manley, chairman of the Civic Music Commission; (3) The Alice Clewell building of Salem College; (4) the main hall of the college; (5) A. Y. Cornell, head of the vocal department; (6) the reception hall of the college; (7) William Breach, director of public school and community music; (8) Dicie Howell, soprano, and teacher of singing; (9) Charles Gilbert Spross, coach. Photo credits: (1, 2 and 7) ©Ben. V. Matthews; (5) Underwood cr Underwood; (8) Ira L. Hill’s Studio. department, Hollins College, Va.; Charles Troxell, oraforio and concert tenor. Charles Gilbert Spross, composer and pianist, will have charge of the work in repertory and the piano normal classes will be in charge of Mrs. William John Hall (Addye Yeargain Hall), chairman of the junior clubs of the National Federation of Music Clubs. Sanford Schlussel Wins Mason & Hamlin Piano Prize Sanford Schlussel, of Astoria, Ore., was selected as the winner of the Mason & Hamlin prize at the Chicago Musical College on May 2. He is a pupil of Edward Collins of the faculty and the contest took place on that date at Orchestra Hall, at which the contestants played the first movement of the B flat minor concerto, op. 32, by Schar-wenka, with the full Chicago Orchestra, under Frederick Stocky conductor. The judges were Franz Kneisel, Ernest Schelling and Oscar Saenger. Felix Borowski and Carl Kinsey, managers of the college, state that this was, perhaps, the most ■interesting contest of all that have been held in recent years for the Mason & Hamlin piano prize. Salem from Rochester, N. Y., where he was supervisor of music in the high schools and director of the Eastman Kodak Company Chorus. He formerly was director of music in the schools of Maine Township, Des Plaines, 111., and director of the Maine Township Music Festival. For four years he held the post of director of music at the First Baptist Church, Chicago, 111. Winston-Salem now has one of the most completely organized departments of public school and community music in the country. Mr. Breach is to be highly praised for the fine spirit he has shown in developing these projects. The Board of Education of Winston-Salem recently voted an appropriation of $10,000 for the purchase of orchestral and band instruments. All orchestral instruments are included in the equipment, there being even a concert harp. These instruments are loaned free of charge to the children and all instruction is free of charge. That Winston-Salem is thoroughly interested in music is evidenced also by another appropriation of $10,000, the Board of Aldermen recently having voted unanimously to grant that amount to the Civic Music Commission. An extensive program has been mapped out by the Commission, including, as it does, the Summer Master School, Clement Manly (chairman), Mrs. J. Edward Johnston, Mrs. Thomas Maslin, Dr. Howard E. Rondthaler, Henry Dwire, H. E. Fries and R. H. Latham. This probably will be the only civic summer school of music in the country TILLA GEMUNDER The Soprano who never uses the Book of Words Address: 1425 Broadway, New York 11The world’s greatest exponent of the violin as Teacher, Composer and Artist”, THOMSON CESAR rtf■ will teach at the ITHACA CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, beginning September 18 Free scholarship including Board, Room and Tuition awarded through competition Address ITHACA CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, 18 DeWitt Park, Ithaca, N. Y.