H. Gartlan, O. E. Robinson and David A. Clippinger will be largely attended. Kenneth Fiske, violinist; Esther Gielo, soprano, and Joseph Brinkman, pianist, will give the musical program for the benefit entertainment of the Daughters of the G. A. R. at the Playhouse on Friday afternoon, May 18. Frank Waller Returns to Chicago. Frank Waller, the widely known pianist, accompanist and conductor, has just returned to Chicago after a triumphant tour in Europe, where he conducted several orchestras and received the full approval of both the public and press. Rene Devries. A. K. Virgil Memorial Dedicated St. Petersburg, Fla., was the scene April 17 of the dedication of a rugged granite boulder in memory of the life and work of the late A. K. Virgil, undoubtedly one of the greatest teachers of piano technic of modern times. City officials attended the dedication, and arrangements were in charge of Edith Tadd Little, representing the widow. Mayor Pulver paid a tribute to Mr. Virgil, and the Kiwanis Quartet sang, a brass quartet from the Sunshine City Band playing One Fleeting Hour. Rev. Dr. Poulson delivered the principal address, a telegram from Mrs. Virgil was read, Miss E. Dodd attending the dedication as the personal representative of her sister, Mrs. Virgil. Thus was dedicated the fitting memorial to the work of one whose influence on technic in piano playing was and remains grea Beniamino Gigli Concertizing After finishing his season with the Metropolitan Opera Company in Atlanta—appearing in Romeo and Juliet, L’Afri-caine, and Traviata—Gigli immediately commenced his concert tour. He was heard in Memphis with the Beethoven Club on April 30 and appeared at the Spartanburg Festival on May 4; in a recital at Pittsburgh on May 7; in concert at Jersey City on May 10, for the benefit of Christ Hospital. He will sing at the Waldorf-Astoria on May 12, with the Rubinstein Club; at the Ann Arbor Festival on May 16, and at the Evanston Festival on May 30. On June 5 Signor Gigli will sail for Italy, where he is planning to spend the entire summer. Edward Johnson Sails May 16 Edward Johnson, tenor of the Metropolitan Opera Company, will sail for Europe on May 16 to spend the summer in Italy. He will return for a concert tour extending from October to January, after which he will appear at the Metropolitan for the remainder of the season. La Forge Pupil Makes Good at Short Notice Florence Barbour, pupil of Frank La Forge, was called upon at about an hour’s notice to play for Greta Torpadie, who substituted for Mme. Matzenauer at a concert on Friday afternoon, April 6, at Aeolian Hall, and provided artistic accompaniments. dents of violin have made application for a hearing in the hope of winning the privilege of lessons with the world-famous teacher of Kubelik, Morini and Kocian. Lyon & Healy, the Chicago music house, has offered again this year a fine old Italian violin to the most talented student in the class of Richard Czerwonky at Bush Conservatory. The violin will be awarded in an open competition to be held at Bush Conservatory, Wednesday, May 9. The judges will be Otakar Sevcik and Jacques Gordon. Advance enrollments for the summer terms at Bush Conservatory indicate that classes of this progressive institution will be filled with a tremendous enrollment during the summer months. The ten weeks’ term opens May 23, the six weeks’ and the five weeks’ terms respectively on June 27, the former lasting until August 6. The Normal Classes will be full as usual with ambitious teachers who find the classes under President Bradley and Edgar Brazelton of great value. A special course in children’s work will be given by Ethel L. Marley. The free scholarships to be given by the artist-teachers of the Conservatory have created a great deal of interest and numbers of applications. The examinations for these scholarships will be held on June 23 and 25 in the Conservatory recital hall. Beduschi Pupil Heard. William Rogerson, tenor, professional pupil of Umberto Beduschi appeared as soloist in the Stabat Mater and the New Earth with the Cvson-Pirie Chorus on April 27, at Orchestra Hall. Jeannette Durno Pupil to Give Recital. Isabel Ebert, a talented artist-student from the well known Jeannette Durno Studio, will be heard in a piano recital at Lyon & Healy Hall, on Thursday evening, May 17. Miss Ebert has arranged a comprehensive and most interesting program. Gustaf Holmquist Concertizing. Concerts are still keeping Gustaf Holmquist, the distinguished basso, constantly busy. On April 25 he sang at the Pittsburg (Kans.) festival; May 1, he sang the Messiah in Joplin (Mo.), and is now filling engagements in Kansas City, Topeka and Lindsborg (Kans.), Galesburg, Moline and Rockford (111.). American Conservatory Notes. The public contests in the various departments of the American Conservatory will be held at Kimball Hall, beginning with the contest for appearance at the Commencement Concert, to be held at the Auditorium, by members of the post-graduate and diploma classes. The contests will be decided by boards of adjudicators who are not members of the faculty. The examinations in the various branches Will begin Monday, May 7, with the Normal Department and continue to the end of May. - All indications point a record-breaking attendance at the Summer Master School of 1923, as well as the regular session. Applications for lesson reservations for Josef Lhe-vinne, Delia Valeri and William S. Brady are coming in daily, and the Public School courses directed by George May 10, 1923 CHICAGO (Continued from page 45) were badly defeated by those from small towns. The affair adds great lustre on the Chicago Musical College, which institution has grown by leaps and bounds since Carl D. Kinsey took charge a few years ago. For next season the Chicago Musical College already announces prizes similar to those given this year. Cara Verson at Lyon & Healy Hall. All through the week, beginning April 30 and ending May 5, Cara Verson, the gifted pianist, who has just returned from a prolonged stay abroad, appeared at Lyon & Healy Hall in piano recital before large and enthusiastic audiences. Heard for the purpose of this review, last Friday afternoon, in her last group, comprising Rachmaninoff’s humoresque, Godowsky’s Alt Wein, Prokofieff’s prelude op. 12, No. 7, Royce’s interlude and Debussy’s Gardens in the Rain, she impressed this reporter as agreeably as she did the critics of Berlin and other large cities of Europe, where she played recently. On her program also were found Brahms’ ballade in G minor, three Chopin selections —nocturne in F sharp major, etude, op. 25, No. 7, and valse in E minor—and Ravel’s sonatine. Many professionals took occasion to hear Miss Verson anew and to mingle their plaudits with those of the general public. The Lyon & Healy artist series has included many splendid artists and Miss Verson’s appearance was a happy addition to the list. Karl Reckzeh Presents Pupils. A piano recital by students of Karl Reckzeh took place Sunday evening, April 29, at Kimball Hall. Anna Kaufman opened the program with a very clear reading of Bach’s concerto in D major. She was followed by Lillian Karish, who demonstrated her pianistic ability and equipment in Hummel’s A minor concerto. Mary Sindler played the seldom heard Rosenhain concerto in D major. Miriam Horwitz distinguished herself in Beethoven’s C major concerto. Harriet Mason, like all the other soloists, reflected credit on her teacher by a beautiful reading of the Mozart concerto in C major. ׳Wilhelmina Harrison won much applause from the large audience at the conclusion of the Beethoven concerto in E flat major. Kathryn Anderson showed the result of good training by her reading of the Saint-Saëns G minor concerto. Mildred Heyman played with refinement the Grieg concerto in A minor. Molly Niemkowsky interpreted brilliantly the Arensky concerto in F minor and Margaret Wilson had the distinct honor of concluding the program with a fine rendition of the MacDowell D minor' concerto. A very comprehensive program all to the credit of Mr. Reckzeh and his brilliant and serious class! Bush Conservatory News Items. Prof. Otakar Sevcik, the world renowned violin teacher and author of standard technical works for violin, has offered a scholarship of weekly lessons in his class at Bush Conservatory. Prof. Sevcik will hear applicants for the scholarship on Wednesday, May 16, at 2:30 p. m., in the recital hall of Bush Conservatory. Many ambitious stu- AMERICAN CONSERVATORY Chicago’s Foremost School of Music and Dramatic Art Ninety Artist-Instructors Catalog Mailed Free John J. Hattstaedt, President. Karleton Hackett, Adolf Weidig, Heniot Levy, Associate Directors. Kimball Hall, Chicago, III. KANSAS CITV CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC KANSAS CITY, MO. Piano, Voice, Violin, Expression, Dancing JOHN A. COWAN, President ARNOLD VOLPE, Musical Director Send for Catalog Founded 1867 by Clara Baur. A Complete School of Musical Learning. A Faculty ' ~ of International Reputation. Residential Halls on Beautiful Wooded Campus. Ideal 56th Summer Session Six Weeks’ MASTER CLASS Conducted by The Great Pianist and Teacher MME. MARGUERITE MELVILLE USZNIEWSKA Intensive Course in PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC, State Accredited—for Six Weeks, from June 15th to July 28th, 1923. PROGRESSIVE SERIES OF PIANO LESSONS All Departments open until Aug. 1st. Students may enter at any time. Send for announcement to Bertha Baur, Directress, Highland Avenue and Oak Street, Cincinnati Ohio. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF APPLIED MUSIC Metropolitan College of Music—Thirty-Seventh Season Summer Session, June 18th to July 28th Summer Rates, May 15th to September 15th Special Pedagogy Courses for Piano Teachers All branches of music taught by a Faculty of Specialists KATE S. CHITTENDEN, Dean J. LAWRENCE ERB, Managing Director 212 West 59th St. (Central Park South), New York City Tel. Circle 5329 GORDON CAMPBELL Vocal Coach—Professional Accompanist 17 Peschke Str., Berlin-Steglitz JOHN HEIMEL Concert Violinist and Pedagogue Studio : 151 Second Avenue (near 9th Street) New York City Telephone Dry Dock 4070 BEULAH ROSINE Violoncellist Concerts, Recitals 1818 Summerdale Ave., Chicago, 111. | HAMILTON MORRIS ^ Soprano CONDUCTOR Teacher 835 Lincoln Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Tel. 6935 Lafayette WMEFIELD CADMAN COMPOSER-PIANIST In Recitals of His Composition and His Famous “Indian Music-Talk.*’ 2220 Canyon Drive Hollywood, Cal. GRANBERRY SCHOOL Carnegie ¡Hall, New York Courses For PIANISTS TEACHERS ACCOMPANISTS SUMMER Sight, Touch and Hearing. Booklet Mr. Granberry will again have charge of the music in the University of Georgia Summer School, giving courses for the Professional Training of Music Teachers. Soprano Concerts Chicago, 111 ft BUTLER A PUPILS ACCEPTED 512 Fine Arts Building, Milan Lusk Concert Violinist Management: LUDMILA WETCHE 206 W. 99th St.. N. Y. B E R G E Y Chicago Opera School Lyon &. Mealy Bldg.. Chicago DO YOU STUDY SINGING? ARE YOU MAKING PROGRESS? IF NOT. WHY? Read—“Thz Sicekti or Svingali" By J. H. Duvet And You’ll Find Out $2.00 at all Music Dealers and Booksellers Published by James T. White, 70 Fifth Ave., New York City LOVETTE, Welsh Pianist Teacher of International Reputation EVA WHITFORD LOVETTE ART OF SINGING A Limited Number of Resident Students Accepted 2019 N street. N. W. WASHINGTON. D. C. —To Visitors to England— MR. MURRI MONCRIEFF Diploma Canto, Conservatorio Napoli Voice Consultant Production and Training for Opera. Vocal Troubles in Singing or Speaking, Hoarseness, etc., removed entirely. 5 Princes Street, Cavendish Square London, W. 1. Telephone Mayfair 4030 Moritz Emery p,no TEACHING vo,cE 1617 Spruce St., Philadelphia Management: DANIEL MAYER & CO. Crafton House, Golden Square, W. 1 S R E ־■־ 0 (K T-. ¡W H Y T Contralto d T E Bass-Baritone A LONDON R ENGLAND