May 10, 1923 MUSICAL COURIER 56 CINCINNATI CONSERVATORY SUMMER SCHOOL OFFERS MANY INDUCEMENTS TO STUDENTS Splendid Teaching Staff Includes Many Well Known Musicians—Master Classes a Feature—Affiliation with University of Cincinnati and Artistic Environment of the City Itself Big Assets—Summer Concerts and Summer Opera—The Stewart Walker Stock Company viting her to join its Master Faculty. Her broad acquaintance with the Leschetizky method, which more than any other has produced, perhaps, great artists of brilliant technic, makes her especially fitted for being, an exponent of this celebrated school. Her personality, her education and her wide experience abroad made it possible for her to reproduce an atmosphere in Cincinnati similar to that created by the great Viennese master in the Austrian capitol. Mine. Liszniewska’s pianoforte master class is modelled after that of Leschetizky and it has met with such splendid success and such wide approval that Miss Baur has determined to continue it during the coming summer’s session. The master class will be organized on the afternoon of June 15 and will meet on alternate afternoons for a period of three hours through to July 27. The distinctive purpose of this course may be said to be fourfold: the securing of an enlarged repertory; the correct criticsm of each player in the class as to tone,, technic, pedalling and interpretation; musical learning, and will include classes in modern languages, in dramatic art and expression and in dancing including toe, classic and folk dancing. Mme. Liszniewska’s Master Classes. Of special interest are the Master Classes given by Mme. Liszniewska, a pianist who achieved distinguished success abroad. ■ She was born in New York of Scotch-Irish parent- Unusually interesting announcements have gone out from the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music in regard to the Summer Session of the conservatory which opened May 1 and continues to August 1. The conservatory, which not only stands in the front rank of American musical institutions but which challenges those of similar scope and purpose in Europe as far as curriculum, faculty and grade of scholarship are concerned, has this summer extended a very par- CINCINNATI CONSERVATORY ORCHESTRA AND CHORUS, Modeste Alloo and Burnet C. Tuthill, conductors. CINCINNATI CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, Clara Baur, founder. the overcoming of self consciousness and the increase of professional assurance leading to more successful appearances in public, and finally the securing of an educational pedagogy which will enable teachers to impart more advanced instruction as aids to more successful appearances in public. Other Master Classes. Among the distinguished artist teachers whose accomplishments have likewise brought then! into conspicuous public age and was sent when very young to Berlin to study. Her talent soon brought her to the notice of the famous Viennese master, Leschetizky, and she became not only a favorite pupil but also one of his leading assistants. After the death of Leschetizky and after the outbreak of the war she came to America where she concertized extensively with the greatest success. When in London, after her American triumphs she received a cable from Miss Baur, president and directress of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, in- ticular advantage to students who are anxious to employ their vacation in intensive musical study. The Conservatory of Music is enabled this season to offer these very exceptional advantages for two reasons, the remarkable personnnel of its teaching staff for the summer session, and by the general background of Cincinnati and all that it offers artistically as a musical and educational center during a period of study. The conservatory announces courses in every branch of EFFA ELLIS PERFIELD DIRECTORY OF TEACHERS By EFFA ELLIS PERFIELD, 121 Madison Avc., (30th Street), New York City Phone: Madison Sq. 9069 NEW YORK C. KATE BEACOM Piano and Class Work 621 E. 29th St., Brooklyn Phone: Mansfield 1297 JENNIE S. LIEBMANN Piano and Class Lessons 1140 St. John’s Place, Brooklyn Phone: 0981 Decatur ETHEL Y. THOMPSON President, Roseville Music Club Individual and Class Lessons 11 Pittsfield Ave., Cranford MISSOURI FLORENCE E. HA MM ON Examining Normal Teacher Nine Assistants Musical Art Bldg. St. Louis RICHARD McCLANAHAN Grad. Mu8. A. B. Director of Music, Riverdale Country School Telephone Kingsbridge 3123 CALIFORNIA ADELE DAVIS Piano Belvedere. Phone: 3-M EDITH BEARDSLEY Piano and Classes Pupil of Xaver Scharwenka 253 West 91st St., Tel. Riverside 1215 OKLAHOMA LEILA G. MUNSELL Pianist, Teacher and Accompanist Muskogee MME. SCHUBERTH-NEYMANN Piano Ensemble and Individual Lessons Steinway Hall, Studio 9B, New York Phone: Stuyvesant 0500 ETHEL MAE OSBORN Piano and Classwork 427 Moss Ave., Phone: Oakland Piedmont 4659-W EMMA BECK 124 West 12th St., New York Phone: 3715 Chelsea RUTH CARLMARK Accompanist and Piano Instruction Pupil of La Forge-Berumen Studio 436 Sterling Place, Brooklyn PENNSYLVANIA CORA SHEFFER ANTHONY Piano and Voice Individual and Class 616 West 3rd Street Williamsport MRS. WILLIAM D. REED Piano and Class Lessons 34 West 96th St. Riverside 4634 ETHEL ALAIR Piano 167 W. Washington St., Pasadena Phone: Colorado 4593 TENNESSEE MATTIE EZELL Piano and Class Work 185^4 8th Ave. N. Nashville Phone Main 3432 MAUDE TUCKER DOOLITTLE 164 22nd St., Jackson Heights, Elmhurst, L. I. Phone: 2477 Newtown Carnegie Hall, Room 803-4, Wednesdays Phone: Circle 1536 LESLEY GUEST REILAND, Mus. B. Member of the Piano Faculty, Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y., 1911-1918 Studios: 809 Carnegie Hall, New York City 1410 Avenue H, Brooklyn, N. Y. EDNA WHEELER BALLARD Harp 1101 Pine St., San Francisco Phone: Prospect 2306 KATHRYN DRIGGS Pupil of Moszkowski and Victor Wittigstein Teacher at Scoville School for Girls 15 Clarke St., Brooklyn Phone: 2384 Main ILLINOIS LUCY SPENCER Director Children’s Dept. Columbia Conservatory of Music and Dramatic Art Aurora Phone: 235 TEXAS NEL LIE HALL Piano and Class Lessons Eriburg, Apt. 2 Abilene Phone 390 ADELE F. SOUTHARD 11 West 96th St. Riverside 9773 EMI LY L. SNOW Piano and Class Lessons 204 East 18th St., N. Y. Tel. 4428 Lexington OLGA FISHER Piano and Class Work 93 Junction Ave., Corona, L. I. Phone: Havemeyer 0531 WASHINGTON ALICE REYNOLDS FISCHER 314 E. Birch Walla Walla MARY G. S TOWE Teacher of Piano Pupil of Raif, Moszkowski, Thuel Burnham 275 Central Park West, N. Y. INDIANA EDITH LACEY Pleasant Lake MILDRED HAIRE Five years Director of Piano at Scoville School for Girls and four years director of theory department at Greenwich House Music School. 365 West 23rd St., N. Y. Phone 9144 Watkins FLORA McCONAUGHEY 50 Park Walla Walla MRS. A. B. THOMPSON Voice and Piano Certified 22 Bayshore, L. I. Phone: 300 Bayshore IOWA HAWAIIAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC Mrs. Nina Warner, director (All Stringed Instruments Taught) 701 2nd Ave. East, Cedar Rapids CHARLOTTE McNEELY Piano 2603 Everett Ave. Everett RUTH JULIAN KENNARD Piano and Class Lessons 530 West 113th Street, N. Y. Phone: Cathedral 5613 MABEL COREY WATT Examining Normal Teacher Directress of Music Flatbush School Four Assistant Teachers 94 Prospect Park W., Brooklyn Phone: South S688-J. WISCONSIN MADISON MUSIC SCHOOL Laura J. Richards, director Piano and Harmony 132 Lathrop Street Madison Phone: Badger 3243 ETTA GABBERT Teacher of Piano, Pipe Organ, Harmony and Theory Individual and Class—All Ages Studio: 1934 Farnam Street, Davenport MARY EDNA LAWRENCE Musical Pedagogue Individual Piano Lessons Class Lessons in Musicianship Gold Street, Rosedale, L. I. Phone: Laurelton 1746 HARRISON E. WOOD Piano 5 Robins Place, Yonkers Phone: 3652 Yonkers MASSACHUSETTS MARY BLACK 156 Newberry Street Boston FOREIGN! IDIS LAZAR Concert Pianist and Teacher 50 Morningside Drive, Apt. 42, New York Phone 7770 Cathedral CANADA CARA FARMER Piano and Class Lessons, Demonstrations Certified Normal Teacher Mothers* Creative Music Course 750 Bathurst, Toronto MAUDE BALLARD WOOD Teacher of Pianoforte 150 Lenox Road, Brooklyn Phone: Flatbush 8872-J. ANGIE WILDE Piano Summer Address: Duxbury Winter: 169 Park Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. JEANNETTE C. LEIDY Piano and Class Work 416 West 122nd St., N. Y. Phone: 4475 Mom. GERTRUDE LEONARD Pupil of Heinrich Gebhardt Teacher 1920-21 at Smead School, Toledo, Ohio; 1922 at Riverdale County School. N. Y. 29 Orchard Place, New Rochelle. NEW JERSEY RUTH E. JONGENEEL Piano Lessons 119 North 9th Street, Newark Phone: Branch Brook 4745 MICHIGAN DORIS GLEZEN Piano and Theory 517 Village Street Kalamaioo Phone 995 CHINA EMIL DANENBERG Pianoforte Instruction Pupil of Teichmuller (Leipzig) The Albany, Hong Kong