23 MUSICAL COURIER May 10, 19 23 Calvin Coxe Active Among the recent engagements filled by Calvin Coxe, tenor, were the following: April S, Elijah, with the Southampton Choral Society; April 8, New York Mozart Society; April 10, Hotel Pennsylvania, New York; May 2, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in recital with Amy Ellerman, contralto, and Gilbert Spross, composer-pianist. Mr. Coxe will continue as tenor soloist at the Central Presbyterian Church, Montclair, N. J., and he has been engaged as soloist at Temple Israel, on Ninety-first street and Broadway, New York. In addition to his church and concert work Mr. Coxe has a i large class of vocal students. ---------- : .j Gunster Well Schooled in Oratorio Frederick Gunster, the American tenor, besides filling‘' numerous recital engagements, is also in demand as an oratorio singer, having specialized in oratorio in London, and continued coaching with leading authorities since beginning his professional career in New York. Mr. Gunster Tirings to oratorio music that same style and artistic finish which characterize his work in recital. His most recent oratorio engagement was in Haydn’s-; The Seasons, at the Syracuse Music Festival, May 1. Seventy-Five Cities Hear Cortot At this reading Alfred Cortot will already have departed for Europe for a much needed rest. This brilliant pianist‘; has been heard from coast to coast, and from border to* border, and has also given several concerts in Canada. In :' all Mr. Cortot’s engagements for this past season have;, brought him to seventy-five cities; !:| . k McQuhae to Sing at Hiram, Ohio t Allen McQuhae, heard in recital this winter at Aeolian Hall, will sing the tenor part in a performance of Coler-idge-Taylor’s Hiawatha’s Wedding Feast, at ...Hiram _CoL% lege Music Festival, Hiram, Ohio, on May 12. MOZART: VOI CHE SAPETE P. Marius Paulsen won the Balaban & Katz prize of $1,000 for the best composition submitted. The Russian Grand Opera Company will have a sixteen weeks’ tour through Mexico, Central America and Cuba. Cora M. Chase was married to Samuel Thruston Williamson on May S. Leo Sowerby’s new La Nata for two pianos and orchestra was performed in Rome on April 8. Charlotte Lund and N. Val Peavey are giving well attended opera recitals. Mary Potter has returned from a four months’ tour of the East and Middle West. Professor Baldwin will give his 900th organ recital at City College on May 20. Frank H. Ormsby, tenor, died on April 21. Mrs. John Dennis Mehan has occupied the same duplex studio suite in Carnegie Hall for over two decades. Jeannette Vreeland was enthusiastically received at the Syracuse Festival. The National Association of Harpists, Inc., held its convention in Providence, April 22-24. Helen Teschner Tas announces the organization of her own management. Idelle Patterson has been engaged for the third consecutive year as soloist at the Buffalo Festival. Mme. Charles Cahier is to have an extensive European tour before returing to America in October. Taft School won the Interpreparatory Glee Club Contest held at Town Hall on April 21. Josef Hofmann will go to Europe late in January for a long tour. On page 26 George E. Shea gives his ideas on the value of radio publicity. The Cincinnati Conservatory of Music summer school offers many inducements to students and artist-pupils. Richard Bonelli has won high praise from the press for his fine singing with the San Carlo Opera Company. Edgar Schofield believes that there is too much vocalizing and too little thinking done in the studio. G. N. Original etching by Marianne Hitschmann-Steinberger. I SEE THAT The San Carlo Opera Company is meeting with tremendous success in Havana. Maria Carreras will give five concerts in Havana, Cuba, next month. George Reimherr is now under the management of Evelyn Hopper. Ashley Pettis will remain in New York this summer, teaching and preparing programs for next season. Beryl Rubinstein has had five engagements with the Cleveland Orchestra during 1922-23. May Stone has had a successful four weeks’ tour with the Wagner Opera Company. ׳There are two novelties and seven revivals on the list for the Metropolitan next season. Elena Gerhardt has been booked for her fourth Indianapolis engagement in three seasons. John Finnegan began his nineteenth year as tenor soloist at St. Patrick’s Cathedral on May 1. The opera class of the Institute of Musical Art will give performances at the school on May 24 and 25. Guy Maier and Lee Pattison are going to have a bumper season for their temporary farewell American tour. Arthur Bliss is not British, but American. The proposed trip to Berlin of the Konzertforeningen Orchestra of Stockholm has been cancelled. Music patrons of New York City have banded together in the interest of musical public school children. Switzerland is to have a great “Festival of Youth and Joy” at Geneva, June 6 to 8. The report is untrue that Adolf Tandler’s daughter passed away following an operation. Willy Burmester, after a quarter of a century’s absen.ce, will appear in concert in America next season!