13 MUSICAL COURIER May 10, 192 3 JUDSON HOUSE SENSATIONAL ^ M EHI CAN TENOR- SCORES AS SAMSON at Three Important Festivals TEL ttfitlWD *T room 1736, AEOLIAN BLDG N Y 3FY FMo 49 3 EXTRA NL COLUMBUo OHIO APR 24 1 9 23 HAENJEL AND JONES AEOLIAN HALL NEWYORK NY GENJLfcM«* HOUSE SENSATIONAL SAMSON AFTER HEARING HIM IN MOZARTS COSl FAN IUTTE AND SAINT'. SAENS SAMSON AND DELILAH CONSIDER HIM THE MOST VERSATILE AND DEPENDABLE ARTIST ON THE AMERICAN STAGE TODAY GLAD TO HAVE. HA.D HIM AS ONE OF THE FESTIVAL ARTISTS AND *ANT HIM AGAIN* MRS C B DICKINSON PRESIDENT OF FESTIVAL APR 25 S55A “Mr. House is an admirable tenor, vocally competent and artistically fit.”—H. E. Cherrington, Columbus Dispatch. “Judson House carried the title rôle with a vigorous tenor voice.”—H. G. Davidson, Columbus Citizen. “Judson House made a good Samson. He has strength and quality of tone, and impressed his audience by his unusually clear enunciation. His technique was well illustrated in the crescendos occurring in the recitation in the second scene of act one, but his highest singing falls in the final act, where the pathos of the blinded Samson, humiliated by his downfall and the enslavement of his people, finds rich expression in the supplication songs.”—Asheville Times. “Mr. House has a wonderful voice. He gave a flawless performance of his rôle.”—Asheville Citizen. “Incidently on the few phrases of this song (‘My Heart At Thy Sweet Voice’) in which the tenor joins, either in an interlude or in a duet, Judson House, who had the part of Samson, did his best singing of the night. Mr. House has a powerful voice which he had no difficulty in hurling against a heavy orchestration. In the duets with Delilah and in the final prayer as Samson pulls down the pagan temple, he sang with a genuine ring and his final high tone sounded forth with the clarity of a bell.”—Ernest Colvin, St. Louis Star. “The cast was headed by Judson House, one of America’s best oratorio tenors. House did beautifully with his first song, ‘Is Your God on High?’ in which there is a horn obligato of surpassing beauty which splendidly sustained the singer’s effort.”—Richard Spamer, St. Louis Daily Globe-Democrat. “Judson House, the tenor soloist, revealed the true measure of his voice. His voice rose in golden tone disclosing beauty and fine power.”—Harry Burke, St. Louis Times. CHARACTERISTIC LINES FROM HOUSE CRITICISMS: “Judson House accomplished the first tenor recitative and aria with an impeccable finish of style.”—Gilbert Gabriel, New York Sun. “Judson House has long been well and favorably known as an oratorio singer.”—Paul Morris, New York Telegram. “Mr. House’s voice is of excellent timbre, suave and melodious.” —Norwich Evening Record. “Certainly he has a sonorous and virile lyric tenor which soars readily, and he enabled us to hear what it was all about.”—Worcester Daily Telegram. “Mr. House has a lyric tenor, very smooth and flexible.”■—Washington Evening Star. “Mr. House has a voice of rare beauty, power and volume, as well as musicalness.”—Charlotte Observer. “It goes without saying that Judson House sang beautifully.”— —Asheville Citizen. “Judson House showed fine cultivation of his voice, the purity of his tone and its clarity.”—Savannah Morning News. “Judson House sang delightfully.”—Atlanta Georgian. “Judson House’s voice is beautiful.”—Pine Bluff Daily Graphic. “Judson House revealed a singer with a beautiful voice.”— Texarkana Four State Press. “Judson House was a singer with a good tenor.”—Waco Herald Times. “They all sang well, exceptionally so, especially Judson House, who possesses a pleasing tenor.”—Tulsa Daily World. “Judson House has a fine, thoroughly trained tenor voice.”— Topeka Daily State Journal. “He is a tenor with a voice of great power and beauty.”—Minneapolis Morning Tribute. “Judson House possesses a tenor voice of rare beauty which he used with very excellent effect.”—Los Angeles Evening Herald. Aeolian Hall, New York HAENSEL & JONES For Terms and Available Dates ADDRESS MANAGEMENT: rÆYl ftStf i/ÎYl i/S\1 iV8\1 i7SYl tfS<\ ÎViYi ! /ÏYl lYStf T/ÄVl iTîYl ÎYSxl lYSYl ¡VÂYl f/ÎYl