MUSICAL COURIER Rozsi May 10, 1923 VARADY young Hungarian Violoncellist Protege of the great DAVID POPPER NEW YORK HERALD “Miss Varady’s playing discloses a genuine talent. In the simple, melodious Haydn music, as in her own master’s concerto, her style was easy and graceful. Personal charm, moreover, was a feature the young woman added to her musical work.” NEW YORK GLOBE “Young and comely, this Austro - Hungarian golden-locks delighted an audience that filled the Aeolian auditorium by reason of her winsome presence as well as by her skillful playing of the ’cello. Her tone in cantilena was rich and flowing, in passage work she was fleet and dextrous of finger and bow.” NEW YORK TIMES Young Rozsi Varady, Musical to Her Fingertips, at Debut. “Rozsi Varady, a very gypsy of a Hungarian ’cellist, despite her girlish white frock and Psyche knot, made an instant success yesterday afternoon at Aeolian Hall. She is musical to her fingertips and mistress of a singularly pure tone that might imply much greater strength in handling the big fiddle. Her crisp phrases, pianissi-mos, arpeggios, quadruple stopping and upper octave scales were tossed off lightly as silver confetti by a queen of carnival.” Victor Herbert the noted composer regards Rozsi Varady as the greatest woman ,cellist of the day NEW YORK TRIBUNE (H. E. Krehbiel) “The admirable features of her playing were an ample tone and unaffected and musicianly style: her strong and flexible manipulation of the bow.” Miss Varady won the distinction of appearing in a Musicale at the White House before President and Mrs. Harding and guests Feb. 2, 1922. NEW YORK AMERICAN (Max Smith) “She brings to her playing not only technical proficiency, but genuine musical sensibility and temperamental warmth.” NOW BOOKING FOR SEASON 1923-24 Exclusive Management: INTERNATIONAL ART CONCERT MANAGEMENT 132 WEST 43rd STREET, NEW YORK