May 10, 1923 MUSICAL COURIER 4 The Best Bargain is Quality— maker :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: § Its continued use in such institutions as the University of Chicago, University of Illinois, University of Wisconsin and Northwestern University is the best proof of its satisfactory tone qualities and durability :: :: :: :: :: Send for free illustrated Art Catalog THE CABLE COMPANY, Chicago MAKERS THE AEOLIAN COMPANY Aiolian Hall, New York City Manufacturtrs of tht Suprtme Reproducing Piano THE DUO-ART EDMUND GRAM GRAND !and UPRIGHT PIANOS and PLAYERS of ARTISTIC TONE QUALITY Manufactured in Milwaukee, WIs. I. MISERENDINO VIOLINIST and TEACHER 2020 Broadway New York City Telephone 6737 Columbus MYRON W. WHITNEY VOICE TEACHER Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Oavid Mannes School, 157 E. 74th St.,N.Y. Other days, 1406 K Street, Washington, 0 C. KARL RECKZEH PIANIST KIMBALL HALL CHICAGO. ILL. Clarence Bawden HERMAN SPIELTER Author of “MANUAL OF HARMONY” Theory and Composition Instructor of Mana-Zucca and many others. Studios J 30 West 71st St., New York t 516 West 180th St., New York Tel. Wadsworth 8760 PIANO INSTRUCTION Stndios: 34 South ISth St., Philadelphia, Pa. IBENDITZKY N PIANIST Residence Studio: 631 Strattord Place Chicago, III HAROLD A. LORING LECTURE — RECITALS American Indian Music Assisted by A full-blood Sioux Indian FRANCO DE GREGORIO Specialist in Voice Culture Metropolitan Opera House Bldg., Studio 18. 1425 B'way. City Phone: 5251 Penn. LEADING ENGLISH MUSICAL PAPERS A weekly “THE MUSICAL NEWS & HERALD״ for 3d give• all the latest new■ of the musical world. Subscription 4 dollars a year post free. A monthly, “THE SACKBUT״ is a thoroughly sound and interesting shilling review, e