WALTER HENRY ROTHWELL, the popular conductor of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Los Angeles, brought a busy season to a close with the concerts of April 20-21. It would be difficult to exaggerate the musical influence throughout the Southwest of Mr. Rothwell and the band of musicians he conducts. The concerts at home have shown a consistent growth during the four years of the orchestra both in point of intrinsic excellence and in public approval. The thirty-one concerts played in other cities of southern California have invariably been sold out and in many cases hundreds turned away. Mr. Rothwell left immediately after the season for a hurried business trip to New York and the East, to return early in May for a summer of study and rest. The pictures show his Los Angeles home {1) ; himself at the gate of his summer home, Carmel-by-the-8ea {2), and at Carmel on the rocks with his little daughter. HUGO KAUN HALE AND HEARTY AT SIXTY. Hugo Kami, well known in America as composer and conductor, celebrated his sixtieth birthday on March 21. At present he is residing in a suburb of Berlin. HANS KINDLER, the eminent cellist, who sailed for Europe on April 21 on the 8. 8. Majestic. Mr. Kindler will appear in four concerts in London, two in Paris, and two in Berlin. His itinerary also includes a tour of England. He will return to A merica November 1. (© Kubey-Rembrandt Studios) MARIA JERITZA AT NIAGARA FALLS. (/) Metropolitan Opera soprano at the famous falls. (2) The group includes: Mme. Jeritza; Bessie Bellanca, the Buffalo impresario; Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Coppicus; William Wolski, the violinist, and Walter Golde, pianist. The concert party stopped off at Niagara Falls while on the singer1 s recent tour. BENIAMINO GIGLI AND IIIS TWO CHILDREN, RINA AND ENZO. Maybe they are discussing ways and means of recovering Rind's little terrier, tolio ran away recently. Papa Gigli is an honorary captain in the police force and word was sent out to the entire forces to keep a look-out for the missing dog. (Elzin photo)