15 MUSICAL COURIER April 26, 1923 JOSEPH REGNEAS VOCAL INSTRUCTOR and COACH 135 West 80th Street, New York City Announces his SEVENTH SEASON AT RAYMOND ON LAKE SEBAGO MAINE To Sept. 12 th From June 28th The mornings from 9 to 1 are spent at work, following an especially arranged plan, laid out to meet the needs of each individual. The afternoon and evenings are free to indulge in hiking, tennis, bathing, fishing, boating and social intercourse. The student can accomplish, during this short period of concentrated work, as much as during an entire winter in New York, and at one-third the cost. JOSEPH REGNEAS Mr. Regneas extends no free scholarships—nor has he any assistants in vocal training. Associated with Mr. Regneas are accompanists and coaches of the first rank—including Miss Blanche Barbot and Mr. Harry Oliver Hirt. Arrangements can be made for special work in operatic training—concert stage deportment and visualizing. Minimum Course 20 Half Hour Private Lessons with MR. REGNEAS ״״$200 MR. & MRS. J. T. POTTER 26 Shepard Place Newark, N. J. Proprietors of the ELM TREE INN Raymond on Lake Sebago, Maine, have arranged a special rate for the students of Mr. Regneas of $175 each and up. For ten weeks—room and board.