April 19, 1923 M 11 S I C /1 L C 0 11 II 1 E R 40 MUSIC FOR COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Appropriate Selections, Both Old and New, for Colleges, Conservatories and Studios, Carefully Graded for the Guidance of Teachers YOU IS JES AS SWEET, by Gilberte. Lyrics by Haz-zard. In high F, medium D, and low B flat. BUTTERFLIES, by Crist. Lyrics by Gautier. In hign F and low D. , . , _ _ . LOVE’S SPRINGTIME, by Putnam. In high E flat. TO THE BUTTERFLY, by Chaloff. Lyrics by Robers. In high D and low C. RAIN SONG, by Brownell. Lyrics by Loveman. In high F and low D flat. ROSE PRAYER, by Stoessel. Lyrics by Selmger. In high B flat. . WIND FLOWERS, by Farley. Lyrics by Rosetti. In medium B flat. (/. Fischer & Bro.) Part Songs for Women’s Voices SONG OF PRAISE (Netherland folksong), by Bieder-mann. In unison. FLOWER SONG (vocal waltz), by Davies. For soprano and alto, also first and second sopranos and alto. MUSIC OF SPRING, by Dunn. For two sopranos and alto. ׳TIS OUR FESTAL DAY, by Forman. For soprano and alto. MOTHERLAND, by Johnson. For soprano and alto, and in unison. . ״ ALMA MATER, FARE THEE WELL, by Kinkel. For first and second sopranos and alto. SCHOOL DAYS, FAREWELL, by Klauer. For soprano and alto. GRADUATES’ FAREWELL, by Lejeal. For soprano and dlto. SONG OF WELCOME, by Lejeal. For soprano and alto. SONG OF PRAISE, by Mendelssohn. For soprano and alto, also first and second sopranos and alto. HOW־׳ LOVELY ARE THY MESSENGERS, by Mendelssohn. For soprano and alto. WITH COURAGE AND FAITH (Coronation march), bv Meyerbeer. For soprano and alto. HURRAH FOR A HOLIDAY, by Paul. For soprano and alto. SCHOOL IS OVER, by Paul. In unison. SCHOOL DAYS ARE O’ER, by Rhys-Herbert. For first and second sopranos and alto. SCHOOL FESTIVAL SONG, by Rhys-Herbert. For soprano and alto. ANNIE LAURIE, by Silver. For first and second sopranos and alto. NIGHT IN MAY (vocal waltz), by Silver. For soprano and alto. TO THE SPIRIT OF MUSIC, by Stephens. For first and second sopranos and first and second altos. WITH HEARTS OF HOPE, by Sullivan-Rhys-Her-bert. For first and second sopranos and alto. GRADUATES’ FAREWELL SONG, by Wiegand. For soprano and alto. M. J. Putnam Song a “Best Seller” Eugen Putnam’s song, I’d Rather Have a Young Man, which was recently reviewed in the Musical Courier as a promising song and “perfectly sure to become a popular concert number with American singers,” now appears listed in Carl Fischer’s latest catalogue as one of the “best selling songs.” This song, which our reviewer called “a most quaint conception” and one that “will appeal to anyone that has the smallest degree of sympathy with our native population,” is now bringing its composer the largest royalty of any of his compositions yet published, so it is stated. I’d Rather Have a Young Man is an American folk song arranged by Mr. Putnam for concert use. “It is for medium voice and easy for singer and accompanist alike, and affords a rare combination of words and music, both humorous and catchy,” says the Musical Observer; “A jolly melody in which the composer has shown taste and skill in arranging the folk tune for the concert program,” asserts Musical America. Frieda Klink Reengaged Frieda Klink, contralto, has just been engaged for another year at the St. Nicholas Collegiate Church, Forty-eighth street and Fifth avenue. This will be her third year in one of the most important church positions in New York. Miss Klink has also been engaged as one of the soloists with the Goldman Concert Band for the Central Park concerts next summer. CHRYSANTHEMUM, by Salter. Lyrics by A. F. Brown. Medium key. DANDELION, by Salter. Lyrics by A. F. Brown. Medium key. THE OLD ROAD, by Scott. Lyrics by R. V. Darow. High and low key. DREAMING, by Shelley. Lyrics (anonymous). High and low key. CHEERY SONGS, by Slater. Lyrics by Jean Meredyth. Medium key. GARDEN IDYL. By Speaks. Lyrics by Wallace Peach. High and low key. ANSWER, by Terry. Lyrics (unknown). High and low key. JOY OF THE MORNING, by Ware. Lyrics by Edwin Markham. High and low key. APRIL RAIN, by Woodman. Lyrics by Elaine Goodale. Medium key. FORGET-ME-NOT, by Woodman. Lyrics by E. B. Roelofsen. Medium key. RUN, LITTLE BROOK, by Woodman. Lyrics by I. E. Mackay. High key. (Carl Fischer Co.) Vocal Solos A BIRTHDAY, by Luckstone. Lyrics by Rosetti. In high D flat and medium B. APRIL RAIN, by Crist. Lyrics by Aiken. In high B flat and low G. COME OUT IN THE SWEET SPRING NIGHT, by Gilberte. Lyrics by A. Gilberte. In high F, medium E flat, low C. SNOW BIRD, by Burleigh. Lyrics by Butterworth. In high A and medium F. IF YOU WOULD HAVE IT SO, by Hadley. Lyrics by Tagore. In high C minor, medium A minor. TREES, by Alberti. Lyrics by Kilmer. In high C. SONG OF THE CANOE, by Gilberte. Lyrics by Jeka-bourake. In high G, medium F, and low E flat. WOOD GOD PAN, by Garbett. In medium G. RED RED ROSE, by Cottenet. Lyrics by Burns. In high G, medium F, and low E flat. MY SHADOW, by Samuels. Lyrics by Stevenson. In high A, medium G. and low F. Three-Part Songs for Women’s Voices COME WITH ME, LADY FAIR, by Reginald Barrett. ARCADY’S WHERE YOU ARE, by Florence Parr Gere. TWO ROSES, by Hallette Gilberte. GOOD NIGHT, by Christiaan Kriens. MENUET D ERANDES, by J. B. Weckerlin. Four-Part Songs for Women’s Voices BABY IS SLEEPING, by Bainbridge Crist. LADY BUG, by Bainbridge Crist. THE MOUSE, by Bainbridge Crist. THE OLD WOMAN, by Bainbridge Crist. WHAT THE OLD COW SAID, by Bainbridge Crist. Solos LITTLE BELLS OF SEVILLA, by Samuels. Lyrics by Shorter. In high D and medium C. BEYOND KAMPALA’S HILLS, by Osgood. Lyrics by Leary. In high G flat. [This is the fifth and last installment of a series of graded lists of Music for Commencement Exercises, which are intended to be helpful to those attempting to select music for the coming Graduation Week. These lists have been carefully compiled, with the aid of the publishers, from both old and new music. The first list was limited to Piano Ensemble, the second list consisted of Advanced Piano Ensemble, and Piano Solos to Grade V. The third list contained Piano Solos to Grade VIII, and School Choruses. Then followed Mixed Choruses, Recitations with Music and Vocal Solos. The list below is miscellaneous, including choruses and solos.—The Editor.] Solos (G. Schirmer, Inc.) MOTHER MOON, by Barnett. Lyrics by A. J. Burr. Medium key. TAKE JOY HOME, by Bassett. Lyrics by J. Ingelow. High and low key. ALL ABOARD SLUMBER BOAT, by Bauer. Lyrics by E. F. Bauer. Medium key. LITTLE CARES, by Brewer. Lyrics by E. B. Browning. High and low key. SUNSET, by Brown. Lyrics by H. Brewer. Medium key. THE FERN SONG, by Bullard. Lyrics by J. B. Tabb. High key. WELCOME, SWEET WIND, by Cadman. Lyrics by N. A. Eberhard. High key. FOUR LEAF CLOVER, by Coombs. Lyrics by E. Hig-ginson. High and medium key. HO! MR. PIPER, by Curran. Lyrics by P. G. Curran. High and low key. RAIN, by Curran. Lyrics by P. G. Curran. High and ■ low key. WINTER LULLABY, by DeKoven. Lyrics (unknown). High and medium key. ־ NIGHT WIND, by Farley. Lyrics by Eugene Field. High and low key. LITTLE CURLY HEAD. Both music and lyrics by B. Hamblen. Low key. MY GARDEN, by Hughes. Lyrics by T. E. Brown. Medium key. DAISIES, by Hawley. Lyrics by F. D. Sherman. High and low key. DREAMLAND GATE, by Huerter. Lyrics by H. J. Brandon. High and low key. DAISIES, by Kinscella. Lyrics by F. D. Sherman. Medium key. ROSES AFTER RAIN, by Lehman. Lyrics by A. S. Stanton. High and low key. TALLY-HO, by Leoni. Lyrics by C. P. Raydon. Higri and medium key. THE BIG BROWN BEAR, by Mana-Zucca. Lyrics by H. A. Heydt. High and low key, HI’ LI’L FELLER, by Riker. Lyrics by F. L. Stanton. Medium key. CLOUD SHADOWS, by Rogers. Lyrics by K. Pyle. Medium key. GOLDEN THOUGHT, by Ross. Lyrics (anonymous). High and low key. LULLABY, by Ross. Lyrics by G. Ross. High and low key. FUCITO FIVE YEARS WITH ^ /V ,flZ) T T Author of **Caruso and the Art /־% ot Singing.״ In Concert and Operatic Work TEACHING, COACHING and CONCERTIZING MARTINELL FOR PAST TWO YEARS .1 NEVADA APARTMENT, 2025 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY Telephone: Columbus 6944 Available for concert appearances in America Entire Season of 1923-1924 Booked Exclusively Through the Mischa Elman Concert Direction MAX ENDICOFF, Manager 728-729 Aeolian Hall New York STEINWAY PIANO VICTOR RECORDS MISCHA ELMAN Celebrated Violinist Coloratura Soprano with Metropolitan Opera Company Exclusive Management: R. E. JOHNSTON L. G. Breid and Paul Longone, Associates 1451 Broadway New York City Suzanne Keener “PRINCE OF THE RECITALISTS״ Management: EVANS & SALTER 506 Harriman National Bank Bldg. Fifth Avenue and 44th Street. New York Mason & Hamlin Piano Used Victor Records TITO SCHIPA Photo © Lumiere, N. Y.