PAVLEY AND OUKRAINSKY’S RUSSIAN BALLET. These admirable artists have joined Fortune Gallo's forces for his engagement in Havana, Cuba, bringing with them the entire ballet of the Chicago Civic Opera. (Photo by Mishkin) CLAIR EUGENIA SMITH, the striking young mezzo soprano, who will give a radio concert at Wanamaker's in Philadelphia this evening, April 19. Miss Smith has arranged a most interesting program for this appearance. (Photo by Bain News Service)■ ESTHER DALE, soprano, who recently gave a very successful Chicago recital. She has just returned from the Pacific Coast and is now preparing several new programs which ivill be presented early next season. HARPISTS TO APPEAR AT CONVENTION. Marie Miller has been selected to direct two groups of seven harpists each at the concert of the annual convention of the National Association of Harpists. The convention will take place at Providence, R. I., April 22 and 23. La Provençale by Can-deille and Debussy's La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin, each arranged polyphonically by Carlos Salzedo, will be the numbers presented. Marie Miller will play the solo parts. In the picture are (left to right, standing) Dorothy Miller, Ruth Burnham, Eve Horan, Mildred Persons, Anna Russell, Marjorie Frank, Frances Keeney, (seated) Eleanor Collier, Leona Burgess, Helen Franc, Marie Miller, Elizabeth Letchford, Adaline Messerchmitt and Emily Ridgeon. JUAN MANEN, the distinguished Spanish violinist, and his aero mpanis 1, starting on an aeroplane trip from Stuttgart toNue-rem berg ( Germany ) where Man¿n played last spring. ALMA SIMPSON, American soprano recitalist, noiv on a concert tour of Europe, photographed on the terrade of the historical Castello of St. Angelo in Rome, Italy, the original scene for the setting of the last act of the opera Tosca. The dome of St. Peter's may be seen in the distance. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllimilllllllllllllllimillllllllllimilllillllliilimiiliiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiHii