35 MUSICAL COURIER April 19, 1923 SCHOOL OPERA ean de Reszke in Association with Oscar Seagle eason, 1923-24 Wint Nice, France Jean De Reszke (right) and Oscar Seagle. ... Villa Vergemère, Nice, France, Winter Home of De Reszke-Seagle School. In Personal Charge of JEAN de RESZKE and OSCAR SEAGLE FIRST SEASON OF OPERA AT THE SCHOOL’S OWN NEW THEATER BEGINS IN DECEMBER, 1923 Statement of Jean de Reszke: “This winter, Oscar Seagle has brought me many pupils, selected from the best in his school. All of these young people have fine voices, excellently trained, and several will be heard on the operatic stage very soon. “Seagle is my oldest and best pupil. I have trained him completely myself and I have the utmost confidence in his ability and judgment. “He alone is capable of joining with me in this project I propose, and it is with his aid that we are forming a vocal school at Nice, which will be known as the ‘DeRESZKE-SEAGLE SCHOOL,’ where all the branches of operatic singing will be taught. But we shall go farther than any other vocal school which exists today, as far as I know. “We will not only prepare pupils for operatic debuts, but we have our own beautiful theatre, where they will debut under the most advantageous circumstances. Our theatre will be complete in every detail, with all of the adjuncts, the best obtainable and conducted under the finest possible auspices. Nice offers peculiar advantages for such an undertaking, as nowhere else in the world does one find such numbers of rich cosmopolitans, appreciative of the best in art and willing to support it. Our theatre will be exclusively for our own work. Not only will we attract a very choice audience, but during the winter many directors and impresarios, from all over the world visit Nice and thereby will have the opportunity to judge the singers’ ability under favorable circumstances. “I receive many requests from students in America, asking to come here to work with me. In the future these requests may be sent to Mr. Oscar Seagle, who will continue to conduct the American branch of the DeRESZKE-SEAGLE SCHOOL at Schroon Lake, New York; and to prepare pupils during the summer for the winter DeRESZKE-SEAGLE SCHOOL at Nice, France. He will hear all applicants and give them any information and advice necessary. “As a mark of my appreciation for the work done at the American School by Mr. Seagle, I am offering a scholarship each year to the pupil who may be selected as most worthy.” Nice, France, March 1, 1923. For information in regard to WINTER SEASON address: i q CCA/^IC Until October 15, Schroon Lake, New York UuLAK jtiAuLt After October 15, Villa Vergemere, Nice, France