THE NEW DERESZK OF SINGING The First Institution of Its Kind, Originated by Summer Season Schroon Lake, New York Beginning May 15, 1923 Summer Home of the De Reszke-Seagle School, Schroon Lake, N. Y., in the Adirondacks. OSCAR SEAGLE will be personally in charge at Schroon Lake WITH A CORPS OF ARTIST ASSOCIATE AND ASSISTANT TEACHERS. EVERY BRANCH OF THE SINGER’S ART, AND THOROUGH PREPARA-TION FOR EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN DEBUTS. De RESZKE FREE SCHOLARSHIP M. de RESZKE WILL GIVE A YEAR’S TUITION UNDER HIM AS A SCHOLARSHIP TO THE MOST TALENTED PUPIL AT SCHROON LAKE EACH SUMMER. The De Reszke-Seagle School announces two distinguished French teachers this summer at Schroon Lake: CAMILLE DECREUS leading French operatic coach and répétiteur. Head of that department at the Fontainebleau School. Teacher of many noted artists. His first visit to America in the capacity of a teacher. MME. WEINSCHENK famous for years at the Paris Opéra and the Opéra Comique as teacher of acting and mise-en-scène. Numbers among her pupils many of the world’s foremost operatic stars. For information in regard to SUMMER SEASON address: LUCIUS ADES, Manager, Summer School, Glens Falls, New York