MUSICAL COURIER April 19, 1923 Austro-German Musicians’ Relief Fund EUROPEAN COMMITTEE Dr. Friedrich Rösch, Chairman Dr. A. Von Gwinner, Treasurer, Deutsche Bank, Berlin Berlin Conrad Ansorge Sidney Biden Carl Flesch Carl Friedberg Willy Hess Paul Juon Robert Kahn Hugo Kaun Wilhelm Klatte Karl Klingler Cesar Saerchinger Xaver Scharwenka Max Schillings Dr. Cahn-Speyer A. Von Fielitz E. N. Von Reznicek Braunschweig Carl Pohlig Bremen Ernst Wendel Cologne Herman Abendroth Darmstadt Arnold Mendelssohn Dresden Fritz Busch Walter Petzet Essen Max Fiedler Frankfort Hildach Hamburg Karl Muck F. Woyrsch Hanover J. Frischen Kiel und Lübeck Stein Königsberg Kunwald Leipzig WilhelmFurtwangler Paul Graener Magdeburg F. Kauffmann Munich Haas Pfitzner Von Hausegger Von Waltershausen Nürnberg Ferdinand Meister Stuttgart Max Pauer Carl Wendling Vienna Loewe Arnold Rosé Arnold Schoenberg Richard Strauss To the Musicians of America C| Generous and fine as your response has been to the cry of the starving musicians of Germany and Austria, their need is still great—-terrible and great. fj The same mail that brings us pathetic and touching letters of thanksgiving from those whom your gifts have saved from starvation, brings us from our committee abroad heartrending reports of musicians in desperate privation, for whose relief there are no funds. t| Their suffering is ours! They and we alike are priests at the altar of Eternal Truth and Beauty. •I A dollar will buy you a few trifling indulgences, or may save the life of a fellow artist. Obey your heart and send your life-saving dollar now. THEODORE SPIERING, Chairman All remittances to ERNEST URCHS, Treasurer Care Steinway & Sons 109 East 14th Street, New York (Space donated by Musical Courier) AMERICAN COMMITTEE Theodore Spiering C hairman m: Arthur Alexander Leopold Auer Amy M. Beach Thuel Burnham Mme. Charles Cahier Maria Carreras Chalmers Clifton Florence Easton J. Lawrence Erb George Fergusson Ignatz Friedman Ossip Gabrilowitsch Giulio Gatti-Casazza Alma Gluck Rubin Goldmark Edwin Grasse Henry Hadley Victor Harris Victor Herbert Josef Hofmann Bronislaw Huberman Ernest Hutcheson Alberto Jonas Ernest R. Kroeger Frank La Forge Frederic Lamond Francis Maclennan Francis Macmillen Guy Maier Daniel Gregory Mason George Meader Yolanda Mèro John Powell Joseph Regneas Cornelius Rybner Gustav Saenger Felix Salmond Marguerite Melville-Liszniewska Willem Mengelberg Olga Samaroff Marcella Sembrich Arthur Shattuck Alexander Siloti David Stanley Smith Oscar G. Sonneck Walter Spry Edgar Varese Emerson Whithorne Mortimer Wilson Efrem Zimbalist <׳, ft ; -