27 MUSICAL COURIER April 19, 1923 SUMMER SCHOOL Normal Courses FIVE WEEKS—June 27 to July 31 Special Courses Public School Music Normal TEN WEEKS-May 23rd to July 31st SIX WEEKS- June 27 to August 7 The greatest faculty ever assembled in any American school of music. Over 90 teachers of international reputation. Among them are: THEORETICAL COURSES—Kenneth M. Bradley, Edgar A. Brazelton, Grace Walter, Rowland Leach. ALL ORCHESTRAL INSTRUMENTS, ENSEMBLE, ACCOMPANYING, LANGUAGES EXPRESSION—Mae Riley McKinley; ACTING— Lester Luther; DANCING—Cora Spicer Neal. PIANO—Jan Chiapusso, Mme. Julie Rive-King, Edgar A. Nelson, Ella Spravka, Edgar A. Brazelton, John J. Blackmore. VOICE—Charles W. Clark, Boza Oumirofí, Gustaf Holmquist, Herbert Miller, Mae Graves Atkins. VIOLIN—Richard Czerwonky, Bruno Esbjorn. ORGAN—Edgar A. Nelson, Florence Hodge. CELLO—Bruno Steindel. OPERA—Madam Nelli Gardini (Special Engagement) NORMAL COURSES Modern and complete Normal Courses are offered in all departments. Special attention is called to the Six-Weeks Course in Public School Music under Lyravine Votaw and William Nordin and DORA G. SMITH, famous authority on Chicago High School Music. Special announcement is made of the exclusive teaching engagement of Otakar Sevcik World-renowned violinist and teacher of Kubelik, Kocian and Morini, available MARCH 1st to SEPTEMBER 1st A remarkable opportunity for American violinists to study with the foremost violin teacher of the present day, with the superior artistic advantages of this great school. FREE SCHOLARSHIPS in Piano, Voice, Violin and Opera with each of the Artist Teachers of these departments. The scholarships will be awarded in open competition. Send for application blanks. STUDENT DORMITORIES The only Conservatory in Chicago maintaining extensive student dormitories for Women and Men. All outside rooms. Practise pianos. Rates $9.00 per week and up. Excellent table. Reservations should be made as far in advance as possible to insure accommodations for the Summer Term. For detailed information and Summer Session Bulletin address C. A. JONES REGISTRAR 839 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, III.