Triumphs with the MINNEAPOLIS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA BRUNO WALTER, Guest Conductor “His playing will bear comparison with the majority of piano performances we have heard for some time.” James Davies in Minneapolis Tribune, Mar. 26,1923. “Then came the Schumann Piano Concerto in which Raymond Havens to entire satisfaction played the solo part to an adorable accompaniment. His scholarly and finished interpretation which was in full understanding with the romantic spirit of the work was warmly applauded and brought him back to play extra numbers in a delightful manner.” Victor Nilsson in Minneapolis Journal, Mar, 26,1923. “A FITTING SOLOIST” “For once, moreover, the soloist and solo number fitted admirably into the scheme of things. The Schumann Concerto must be played with genuine musicianship and with an understanding of the fact that the piano forms an integral part of the orchestral structure. It was so played yesterday by Raymond Havens. His performance showed understanding of an unusually high order and an imaginative insight keen enough to read the poetic significance of Schumann’s music. On the whole, Mr. Havens’ playing was one of the most satisfactory solo performances of this season’s Sunday afternoon concerts.” H. A. Bellows in Minneapolis News, Mar. 26, 1923. Management: H. B. WILLIAMS, 12 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass.