41 MUSICAL COURIER April 12, 1923 THE MacDOWELL COLONY FUND There is no cause in music more worthy of support Nobody in the American musical world needs to be told what the MacDowell Colony is or what it does. It is unique—in this country or any other. It affords each summer a place where a limited few who work in the Seven Arts can go and find, at moderate rates, seclusion for creative work. And the work that has come from the colonists in the sixteen years of its existence speaks for itself. (Mrs. MacDowell, it must be emphasized, receives no personal advantage in any way from the Colony; on the contrary, she has herself made large contributions of land and money to it). THE COLONY IS IN IMMEDIATE NEED OF FUNDS Its income comes from a small endowment, from the dues of the Edward MacDowell Memorial Association, from voluntary contributions and from the earnings of Mrs. Edward MacDowell, who constantly travels about giving recitals of her late husband’s compositions. This latter source of income has been cut off this season by the unfortunate accident of which Mrs. MacDowell was a victim early in January. She has been incapacitated from work ever since and in consequence THE WORK OF THE COLONY THIS SUMMER IS ENDANGERED At the suggestion of Joseph Regneas, a special fund was started to make up this unexpected deficit. The response has been generous, but in order to ensure the continuance in full of the Colony activities this summer MORE MONEY IS NEEDED AT ONCE Send your check for any amount to the MACDOWELL COLONY FUND, care of the Musical Courier. Your contribution will be acknowledged in these columns. (Space donated by Musical Courier) WHERE THEY ARE TO BE From April 12 to April 26 Macbeth, Florence: Sherman, Texas, April 13. Jacksonville, Fla., April 17. Owensboro, Ky., April 20. Boston, Mass., April 23. Newark, N. J., April 25. Maier, Guy: Des Moines, Iowa, April 12-13. Norfolk, Va., April 18. Montclair, N. J., April 24. Menth, Herma: Baltimore, Md., April 16-18. Wilmington, Del., April 19-21. Novaes, Guiomar: San Diego, Cal., April 12. Sacramento, Cal., April 19. Oakland, Cal., April 20. San Francisco, Cal., April 23. Portland, Ore., April 25. Nyiregyhazi, Erwin: Plainfield, N. J., April 13. Wilmington, Del., April^ 16. Baltimore, Md., April 17. Reading, Pa., April 19. Onegin, Sigrid: Providence, R. I., April 15. Paderewski, Ignace: Troy, N. Y., April 12. Philadelphia, Pa., April 14. Pattison, Lee: Des Moines, Iowa, April 13. Norfolk, Va., April 18. Patton, Fred: Sydney, N. S., April 12-13. Bridgeport, Conn., April 17. Springfield, Ohio, April 19. Columbus, Ohio, April 23-24. Schenectady, N. Y., April 26. Powell, John: Hollins, Va., April 12. Nashville, Tenn., April 15. Atlanta. Ga., April 18. Foxcroft, Va., April 21. Raisa, Rosa: Chicago, 111., April 15. San Francisco, Cal., April 22. Los Angeles, Cal., April 24. San Diego, Cal., April 26. Rimini, Giacomo: Chicago, 111., April 15. San Francisco, Cal., April 22. Los Angeles, Cal., April 24. San Diego, Cal., April 26. Ringling, Robert: Spokane, Wash., April 16. Rubinstein, Erna: Minneapolis, Minn., April 12. St. Paul, Minn., April 13. Wichita, Kans., April 24. Emporia, Kans., April 26. St. Denis, Ruth: New haven, Conn., April 20. Samaroff, Olga: Philadelphia, Pa., April 19. Schumann Heink, Ernestine: Denison, Texas, April 11. Hutchinson, Kans., April 13. Schofield, Edgar: Bridgeport, Conn., April 26. Seagle, Oscar: Glen Falls, N. Y., April 20. Shawn, Ted: New Haven, Conn., April 20. Thibaud, Jacques: Spokane, Wash., April 12. Artone Quartet: Minneapolis, Minn., April 16. Bensel, Caryl: Nutley, N. J., April 19. Bock, Helen: Philadelphia, Pa., April 23. Calve, Emma: Montreal, Canada, April 12. Claussen, Julia: Columbus, Ohio, April 24. Cortot, Alfred: Spokane, Wash., April 12. Crooks, Richard: Springfield, Ohio, April 19. Cuthbert, Frank: New Glasgow, N. S., April 12. Truro, N. S., April 13. Davis, Ernest: Erie, Pa., April 17. Dilling, Mildred: Bridgeport, Conn., April 26. Dumesnil, Maurice: Port Huron, Mich., April 13. Streator, 111., April 16. La Fayette, Ind.. April 17. Flonzaley Quartet: Santa Rosa, Cal., April 12. San Francisco, Cal., April 15. Marysville, Cal., April 16. Portland, Ore., April 18. Corvallis, Ore., April 19. Astoria, Ore., April 20. Victoria, Wash., April 23. Vancouver, Wash., April 24. Yakima, Wash., April 26. Gordon, Jeanne: Newark, N. J., April 25. Gunster, Frederick: Corning, N. Y., April 18. Hempel, Frieda: Lima, Ohio, April 13. Galesburg, 111., April 17. Peoria, Ilk, April 18. Hanover, Pa., April 22. Hess, Myra: Philadelphia, Pa., April 12. Greensboro, N. C., April 19. Hinshaw’s Cox and Box Co.: Okanogan, Wash., April 12. Wenatchee, Wash., April 13. Seattle, Wash., April 14. Seaside, Ore., April 16. Portland, Ore., April 17. Bend, Ore., April 18. The Dales, Ore., April 19. Pendleton, Ore., April 20. Baker, Ore., April 23. Boise, Idaho, April 24. Logan, Utah, April 25. House, Judson: Columbus, Ohio, April 23. Howell, Dicie: Toledo, Ohio, April 24. Jeritza, Marie: Columbus, Ohio, April 12. Jollif, Norman: Mt. Vernon, N. Y., April 19. Philadelphia, Pa., April 25. Klink, Frieda: Bridgeport, Conn., April 17. Kruse, Leone: Norfolk, Va., April 25. Letz Quartet: Summit, N. J., April 19. Alberti, Composer and Coach Two new songs of Sol Alberti’s are being usedvery extensively by a number of artists. Renato Zanelli is singing The Hour on all his recital programs, and Evelyn Scotney sang Trees on her entire concert tour to the Pacific Coast and back, the song receiving some very fine newspaper notices. Grace Wagner, Thomas Fuson, Thomas MacGrana-han, and other artists are also using these songs. They are published by Carl Fischer. Mr. Alberti, as usual, is very busy accompanying artists, besides his regular teaching. On March 17 he was accompanist for Cyrena van Gordon and Raoul Vidas at Atlantic City, and on the evening of March 18 he played two programs—the first for Father Bracken in Brooklyn, and after finishing there he hurried back to Manhattan to play for Renato Zanelli at the Lambs’ Club. Engagements for Klibansky Pupils Cyril Pitts, pupil of Sergei Klibansky, has been engaged as tenor soloist at the Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church, Plainfield, N. J. Miriam Steelman appeared with the Trenton Symphony Orchestra, March 26. Grace Marcella Lid-dane was the soloist at an organ recital given at the Washington Irving High School, March 18. James E. Blankenship, tenor, appeared in a song recital March 14, at Roanoke, Va., after which he received very _ favorable criticisms, not only for his artistry but also for his splendid diction. Mr. Kli'bansky’s most recent pupils’ recital was given in White Plains, N. Y., March 22, the following pupils participating: Helen McFerran, Grace Marcella Liddane, Lot-tice Howell, Miriam Steelman, Cyril Pitts and Walter Preston. Godillot-Richardson Recital, April 12 This (Thursday) afternoon, 3:00 o’clock, Alice Godillot, soprano, and Martin Richardson, tenor, with Rachel O. Smiley at the piano, will give a recital at Rumford Hall. The pair are singers of distinction, Mme. Godillot having a luscious voice of naturally beautiful quality. Two Glee Club Engagements for Jollif Norman Jollif, baritone, has been engaged as soloist with the Philadelphia Mendelssohn Club, on April 25. This will be Mr. Jollif’s second appearance with this club. April 4 he appeared ■with the Glee Club of the New York Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.