MUSICAL COURIER 14 April 12, 1923 MONTREAL’S MUSIC WEEK PROVES REAL SUCCESS Thibaud, Winnipeg Male Choir, Denishawn Dancers and Three Parisian Artists Appear—Pelletier, Organist of the Basilica, Resigns—Local Instrumentalists Prove Popular—Notes Montreal, Can., March 20.—Jacques Thibaud, violinist, gave a recital to a large audience composed of Montreal’s most distinguished musicians, music lovers and society people, who responded to his admirable playing with outbursts^ of applause. His program was sonata in E minor, Veracini-Salmon; Fantasy in C major, Georges Hue; concerto in A major, Saint-Saëns. Many encores were given, one a dance by his old friend, Enrique Granados, arranged by Thibaud himself. Charles Hart was the able accompanist. Louis H. Bourdon was the manager. Music Week Proves Successful. Music Week in Montreal, planned by the Ladies’ Delphic Study Club, has been a success beyond expectations. It was opened on Monday afternoon, March 12, in the concert hall of the Willis Piano Rooms, with an address by Percival J. Illsley, organist of St. George’s Church. A program followed under the direction of J. J. Goulet, after which an Ampico recital was given. In the evenings, concerts were given in all the music halls and hotels to which great crowds gathered. The principal concert was held in the large hall of the Windsor Hotel, by the Brassard Choir of mixed voices. Mayor Beaubien of Outremont presided, congratulating the Delphic Club for its activity and spoke of the good that would accrue from it. The program given by the choir consisted of choruses from Rebecca, by César Franck and De Corps Divine, from St. Matthew’s Passion, by Bach. L. Beaudoin, soprano, who sang the Shadow Song from Le Pardon de Ploermel, Meyerbeer, revealed a delightfully sweet and clear voice and admirable diction and interpretation. The choruses were ably conducted by Mr. Brassard. Concerts by Visitors. The Kreisler recital was held in the St. Denis Theater, March 5. Carl Lamson was the Sccompanist and Louis H. Bourdon the local manager. Mr. Bourdon also presented the Winnipeg Male Voice Choir, with Hugh C. M. Ross, conductor. Alberto Salvi, harpist, was soloist. He played Impromptu de Concert, Schuecker: Lumiere Arabesque, Debussy; The Fountain, Debussy; Faerie Prelude and Dance, Tournier; Scherzo, Posse, and many encores. The program by the choir consisted of Border Ballad, J. H. Maunder; Save Lord or We Perish (written for and dedicated to the Winnipeg Male Voice Choir), by T. Tertius Noble; Hymne a la Nuit, Rameau; Now Is the Month of Maying, Thomas Morley; Deep River, arranged by Clarence Lucas; Rolling Down to Rio, Edward German; There Rolls the Deep, Jean Louis Nicode; The Reveille, Edward Elgar; Feasting I Watch, Edward Elgar; De Sandman, Daniel Protheroe; Cossack War Song, arranged by Horatio N. Parker, and several encores. The excellent singing and the enthusiasm was greatly appreciated by the audience. A delightful concert was given in the Ritz-Carlton, March 11, by three distinguished artists from Paris who were part of the Opera Comique Company, which gave a few weeks of French comic operas lately in Canada. These were Andree Amalou-Jacquet, harpist; Jose Delaqueriere, tenor of the Gaite Lyrique, Paris, and Maurice Jacquet, orchestra leader and composer. J. A. Morency managed this concert. Ruth St. Denis, with Ted Shawn and the Denishawn Dancers, came to the St. Denis Theater for matinee and evening performances on March 3. The large audience was charmed by the versatility of the interpretations. Veteran Organist Resigns. R. Octave Pelletier, for over thirty-five years the organist of the Basilica, has lately resigned that position. Mr. Pelletier, dean of organists in Canada, began his career as organist at the age of fifteen and has been in the profession for sixty-five years. Mr. Pelletier will be succeeded by Arthur Letondal, formerly organist at the Church of the Gesu of this city. Local Instrumentalists Appear. The Faculty of Music of the McGill University gave an orchestral concert in the Royal Victoria College, March 8, Dr. H. C. Perrin conducting. The program, which was well rendered, consisted of symphony, Dvorak; overture, Weber, and the E flat minor piano concerto by Liszt, with Olga Guilaroff at the piano. Her interpretation was full of vigor and refinement. The Dubois String Quartet is holding its concerts of Chamber Music regularly; the third of this season’s took place on March 14. This was the seventy-fifth concert given since its organization thirteen years ago. The last program consisted of quartet No. 12, Mozart, quartet in D major, César Franck, and the sonata, op. 19, by Rachmaninoff for cello and piano, with George M. Brewer at the piano. The Adney’s Dance Orchestra, which is composed of six young students of the McGill . University, is doing good work and is in great demand. F. Glen Adney is the leader. Notes. At the urgent request of several persons in Montreal, Jose Delaqueriere, tenor of the Gaite Lyrique, Paris, has decided to stay here for a few months to teach. He has opened a studio at 901 Dorchester Street West. Mr. Delaqueriere is the son of Louis Delaqueriere, professor of singing in Paris. After the concert by Jacques Thibaud, his old friend Camile Couture, violinist, and Mrs. Couture gave an exclusive reception at their residence in his honor. A. E. Whitehead, organist, and Florence Hood, violinist, gave a concert under the auspices of the Canadian College of Organists, in Christ Church Cathedral, March 3. Madame Parizeau, contralto, sang a Salve Regina in the Church of-St. Madeleine, written by a Montrealer, Arthur Pruneau, which was greatly liked. It has been published lately. Herve Cloutier, a local musician, is to succeed Arthur Letondal as organist at the Church of the Gesu. Irene Pavloska was the guest of her mother, Mrs. David Levi, at Mark street, the first week of March. M. J. M. WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA Civic Sommer Master School oi Music WILLIAM BREACH, Director Six Weeks Session, June 25th to Aug. 4th ADELAIDE CAMPBELL 'X DICIE HOWELL Soprano and Teacher Head, of Voice Dept. Hollins College, Va. CHARLES TROXELL Tenor Assistants to Mr. Cornell © Underwood & Underwood. A. Y. CORNELL Celebrated Vocal Instructor ot New York City wiU head the Vocal Department. CHARLES GILBERT SPROSS Coach and Accompanist Teachers Normal Courses—Piano and Voice Session held at Salem College—Oldest Women’s College in the South—Beautiful Campus —Fine Music Building—Studios— Practice Rooms—Recital Hall—Artist and Student Recitals —Civic Orchestra Concerts and Summer Festival. Winston-Salem is North Carolina’s largest city. Situated within fifty miles of main range of the Blue Ridge Mountains, has altitude of 1000 feet—Delightful climate, healthful and invigorating. Accommodations in new modern dormitory building at reasonable rates. Early registration is advised. Mr. Cornell and Miss Howell each have consented to award a free scholarship to the student who after an open competitive examination is found to possess the greatest gift for singing. Four other Scholarships will also be awarded. Free Scholarship application blank on request. For Catalogue and Full Particulars Address SECRETARY CIVIC MUSIC COMMISSION Box 514, Winston-Salem, N. C.