43 MUSICAL COURIER pril 5, 1923 MRS. WILLIAM COWEN AND HER LITTLE DAUGHTER, MARY. Mrs. Co-wen is -playing a triple part in music in ־New York just now. She is chairman of the Special Program Committee of New York's Music Week, which will arrange programs during the week for charity institutions, prisons, homes, etc.; she is chairman of the Stadium Concerts' Auditions, which begin this month, and chairman of the Score Committee of American composers (manuscripts of orchestral compositions) closing May 1. {Photo© Davis & Sanford.) CHARLES WAKEFIELD CADMAN. Charles Wakefield Cadman, who left for a tour of the South and Middle West with Princess Tsianina, and appeared in the following cities in March: March 8, Corpus Christi, Texas; 10 and 12, Galveston, Texas; 15, Greenville, Miss.; 16, Jackson, Miss.; 17, Talladega, Ala.; 19, Hopkinsville, Ky.; 20, Lima, Ohio. A short tour of Pittsburgh district for ten days was scheduled to follow. April dates include: April 2, Alliance, Ohio; 3, Bellevue, Ohio; 5, Columbus, Ohio; 10, Evansville, Ind. Mr. Cadman will return to California about April 16, where he is booked to present recitals alone during April, May, and June. CECILIA CRAMER, soprano, who made a successful operatic appearance before a Broadway audience, March 21f, in the role of Nedda {Pagliacci), which she had already sung in Passaic. Her beautiful voice and intelligent acting, together with a fine stage presence, stood out well against the tragic background of this popular opera. Miss Cramer studied singing with the Sapios, and the result of excellent training ivas apparent thorughout her work. ־ ANIL DEER, coloratura soprano, on her Southern tour, snapped in Yuma, A-ris., after her song recital given there February 23. CHORUS OF THE SOCIETY OF THE FRIENDS OF MUSIC. {Left to right, first roiv) Stephen Townsend, chorus master; Artur Bodansky, conductor, and Harry M. Gilbert, accompanist. As is well known, this organisation gives a series of concerts in New York each season. WASSILI LEPS, the well known conductor, photographed in Monte Carlo with Mme. De Zeilinska, a singer who appeared on tour with Kubelik. Mr. Leps recently spent some weeks traveling in Europe, and as this was the first extended vacation he has had in about twenty years he made the most of his time and enjoyed himself to the utmost. YORK OPERATIC SOCIETY IN THE MIKADO. This popular Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera recently was produced by the York Operatic Society, York, Pa., at which time all the principals of the members of the cast were pupils of W. Warren Shaw and Mrs. Camilla Stieg-Treible and students in the Shaw summer school of singing at York, Pa. Among those taking principal roles were Louise Finkbinder Katisha; Ralph Garrett, Nanki Poo; Leslie Joy, Ko-Ko; Erwin Schroeder, Mikado; Florence Wolpert, Yum-Yum; Pauline Lehn, Pitti-Sing. The last two mentioned and Bertha Shellenberger also were the three little maids.