April 5, 19 2 3 MUSICAL COURIER 38 MUSIC FOR COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Appropriate Selections, Both Old and New, for Colleges, Conservatories and Studios, Carefully Graded for the Guidance of Teachers (Willis Music Co.) A SONG OF GREETING. For voices in unison, by Walter H. Aiken. (Lorenz Publishing Co.) (The following are all arranged by Ira B. Wilson.) PvEAN TO SUMMER. Von Suppe. Published for three parts and four parts. SPINNING SONG. Mendelssohn. Also three and four 1*3THE INVITATION OF THE BELLS. From the Chimes of Normandy, Planquette. Also for three and four parts. , , . BOAT SONG. Music by Tosti. Also for three and four parts. . ״ ״ , , ., A GARDEN LULLABY. Music by Offenbach. Also for three and four parts. FLOATING WITH THE TIDE. By Ira B. Wilson. THE SONG AND THE BREEZE. Music by Dvorak. Also for three and four parts. (Oliver Ditson Co.) FONDLY WE GREET YOU. Music by Claribel. ’TIS JUNE. By Luigi Denza. MERRY MAIDENS. By Sinclair Dunn. OH! COME LET US SING. By Sinclair Dunn. DRINK TO ME ONLY. Old English Air. 0 LOVELY MONTH OF ROSES. By Alfred R. Gaul.• JOYS OF SPRING. By Adam Geibel. IN THE MERRY, MERRY MAY. By F. Clarisse Mallard. GREETING. By Mendelssohn. MAYBELLS AND THE FLOWERS. By Mendelssohn. ״ . ,, GAILY WE’RE TRIPPING. By George A. Veazie. A HOLIDAY. By Charles Vincent. MERRY JUNE. By Charles Vincent. THOUGHTS OF HOME. By Charles Vincent. Three Part Songs for Women’s Voices (Chappel-Harms, Inc.) BECAUSE. By D’Hardelot. Also male quartet and mixed chorus. , . BELLS OF ST. MARY’S. By A. Emmet Adams. Also for male quartet and mixed chorus. BIRTH OF THE FLOWERS. By Lehmann. GREY DAYS. By Johnson. Quartet for female, also for male, voices. BOWL OF ROSES. By Clarke. Also male quartet and mixed quartet. ״״״ _ CROON, CROON UNDERNEAT’ DE MOON. By Clutsan. Also mixed quartet. THE WORLD IS WAITING FOR THE SUNRISE. By Seitz. Male quartet and mixed quartet. THANK GOD FOR A GARDEN. By Del Riego. Male quartet and mixed chorus. WHERE MY CARAVAN HAS RESTED. By Lohr. Male quartet and mixed chorus. ROSES OF PICARDY. By Wood. Male quartet, also mixed chorus. , . SMILE THROUGH YOUR TEARS. Hamblen. Male quartet and mixed chorus. IF WINTER COMES. By Tennent. Male quartet, also mixed chorus. I’D BUILD A WORLD IN THE HEART OF A ROSE. By Nicholls. Also male quartet and mixed chorus. 1 KNOW A LOVELY GARDEN. By D’Hardelot. (Oliver Ditson Co.) WERE I A GARDENER. By Chaminade. Arranged by Victor Harris. WHO DID SWALLOW JONAH? Adapted by Lucy Rider Meyer and arranged by Daniel Protheroe. A SONG OF INDIA. By Rimsky-Korsakoff. Arranged by Victor Harris. VOLGA BOATMEN’S SONG. Arranged by Victor Harris. GOIN’ HOME. By Dvorak. Words and adaptation by William Arms Fisher. (Lorenz Publishing Co.) (The following are all arranged by Ira B. Wilson.) PHiAN TO SUMMER. Von Suppe. HOW LOVELY ARE THE MESSENGERS. From music by Mendelssohn. THE HEAVENS ARE TELLING. From music by Haydn. SWEET AND LOW. Music by Barnby. ABIDE WITH ME. By J. Carlton Drew. (Arthur P. Schmidt Co.) THE SONG OF THE WOODS. By George B. Nevin. THE MILKMAID. By H. Waldo Warner. LARKSPUR AND LILIES TALL. By Cuthbert Harris. A FIFE FISHER SONG. Arranged by Hugh S. Robertson. THE THROSTLE. By W. Berwald. HOW BEAUTIFUL IS NIGHT. By Duncan W. Dearie. THE FOUNTAIN. By Charles Sanford Skilton. (Willis Music Co.) THE MAY BELL. By Edwin Vaile McIntyre. OUR ALMA MATER. By M. A. Stewart. SERENADE. By Augustus O. Palm. THE DANCE. By Molloy-Wilkins. COME, DANCE AND SING. By Frieda Peycke. FAIRY BELLS. By J. Lindsay Redmon. (Oliver Ditson Co.) UNDER LEAFY BRANCHES. By Jacques Weiss-heyer. A BALLAD. By Cecil Burleigh. ETUDE ARABESQUE, ETUDE BURLESQUE and ETUDE VALSETTE. By Louis Victor Saar. BACH. (Vol. I). The Well-Tempered Clavichord. 48 Preludes and Fugues. Analytic Edition. By Percy Goets-cliius. BACH. (Vol. II). The Well-Tempered Clavichord. Arranged and Edited by Percy Goetschius. (W. Paxton & Co.) THE SILENT HIGHWAY. A suite of four numbers. One Volume. By Percy Elliott. (London and Continental Music Pub. Co.) FANTAISIE ESPAGNOLE. By Kaikhosru Sorabji. (Elkin & Co., Ltd.) THE ISLAND CAVE and EARLY MORNING. By Edgar Barratt. Tli)ES. Two pieces for the piano, by William Baines. The Lone Wreck and Goodnight to Flamboro. Published separately. (Composers' Music Corporation) JAPANESE SILHOUETTES. By Koscak Yamada. A set of four pieces. One volume. Grade VI (Oliver Ditson Co.) WINGED WINDS. By Cecil Burleigh. (John Church Co.) NEPENTHE AND THE MUSE. By R. Nathaniel Dett. RAINBOW ROSES. By Edward A. Mueller. SPRING SONG. By Emil Liebling. BIRDS AT DAWN. By Fannie Dillon. VALSE GRACILE. By Horatio Parker. ROMANCE. By Reginald De Koven. INTRODUCTION AND FUGUE. By Clayton Johns. A CRADLE SONG. By Ethel Leginska. THROUGH ENCHANTING MEADOWS. By W. O. Forsyth. A DOLL’S BALLET. By Harold Morris. GRACE. By Mentor Crosse. SKILL. By Mentor Crosse. Grade VII and VIII (Carl Fischer Co.) HISPANIA. By Albert Stoessel. (John Church Co.) SOUTHERN SKETCHES. By Arthur Nevin. SCHERZO FROM SONATA OP. 2. By Harold Morris. ENCHANTMENT. A suite of four numbers, published separately. Incantation, Song of the Shrine, Dance of Desire and Beyond the Dream, are titles. By R. Nathaniel Dett. THREE MOODS. A suite of three numbers by Charles Wakefield Cadman: A Nubian Face On the Nile, To a Vanishing Race and The Pompadour’s Fan. A SONG OF THE SEA. By Harriet Ware. BARCAROLLE. By Charles Gilbert Spross. CONTE SERIEUX. By Horatio W. Parker. PRELUDE ARABESQUE. By James H. Rogers. TOCCATELLA. By Arthur Nevin. SONATA IN B FLAT MINOR. By Harold Morris. ALBUM OF PROGRAM PIECES. Selected from the programs now being played by Paderewski, Rachmaninoff, Moiseiwitsch, Hofmann and Bauer. Choruses Kindergarten Song Books (J. Fischer & Bro.) JOLLY JINKS SONG BOOK. Verses by Leroy F. Jackson, with music by Edith Lobdell Reed. Twelve short numbers which will attract the kiddies. A KINDERGARTEN BOOK OF FOLK SONGS. Collected and arranged by Lorraine d’Oremieulx Warner. Seventy-seven short selections suitable for every occasion. Most attractive edition. . Two-Part Songs Soprano and Alto. Medium Difficulty (Arthur P. Schmidt Co.) SCHMIDT’S COLLECTION OF TWO PART SONGS. Fifteen well known numbers. !This is the third of a series of three graded lists of Music for Commencement Exercises, which are intended to be helpful to those attempting to select music for the coming, Graduation Week. These lists have been carefully compiled, with the aid of the publishers, from both old and new music. The grading, as here given, refers to the most difficult of the parts, and teachers can determine for themselves to what grade the other parts belong. The first list was limited to Piano Ensemble, the second list consisted of Advanced Piano Ensemble, and Piano Solos to Grade V. The following completes the list of piano solos, and begins with School Choruses, both secular and sacred.—The Editor.] Piano Solos Continued Grade V (J. & W. Chester, Ltd., London) QUASI ORIENTALE. By R. Drigo. (John Church Co.) A MIDSUMMER WOOING. By Walter Rolfe. ARBUTUS. By Gerrit Smith. A NIGHTINGALE’S SONG. By Ethelbert Nevin. THE THRUSH. By Ethelbert Nevin. ETHELINDA. By W. H. Sherwood. (Forster Music Publishing Co., Inc.) STAR BLOSSOM. (Novellette). By Frederic Knight Logan. (Arthur P. Schmidt Co.) THE MOUNTAIN BROOK. By G. A. Grant-Schaefer. ROMANY. A Suite of Gypsy Dances, by E. Newrazek. (Sam Fox Publishing Co.) LA SOUDANESE. By Ralph C. Jackson. LOVE LETTERS. (Valse Charming). By Ralph C. Jackson. A GARDEN DANCE. By G. Vargas. A JAPANESE SUNSET. By Jessie L. Deppen. THE DRAGON FLY. By Wilson G. Smith. WOODLAND MURMURS. By Wilson G. Smith. (Clayton F. Summy Co.) FOREST IDYLLE. By Walter Keller. (Carl Fischer Co.) SEGUIDILLA. By Emile Frascard. NOW BOOKING (! As Great in C oncert as in Opera ] ROSA PONSELLE Prima Donna Dramatic Soprano Metropolitan Opera Co. FLORENCE MACBETH JEANNE GORDON Prima Donna Prima Donna Coloratura Soprano Contralto Chicago Civic Opera Co. Metropolitan Opera Co. GIUSEPPE DANISE Principal Baritone Metropolitan Opera Co. NATIONAL CONCERTS, Inc., 1451 Broadway, New York City PERSSON c Vocal Coach and Concert Accompanist Diction, Interpretation, Languages, etc. Associated with Chamlee, Gentle, Eva Gauthier, Marie Tiffany and other noted artists Studio: 201 West 85th Street, New York Phone: Schuyler 2982 “He was born to play the piano.’ —Philip Hale, Boston Herald. Address : 407 West 123d Street New York PIANIST Season 1923-24 CHICKERING PIANO AMPICO RECORDS ALEXANDER ÖUNN