I Love A Little Cottage Words by ROSCOE GILMORE STOTT Music by GEOFFREY O’HARA ₪ HE beauty of its melody and words un-I folds a combination of individuality * that is carrying “I LOVE A LITTLE COTTAGE״ to the very pinnacle of success. Artists and teachers alike have found “I LOVE A LITTLE COTTAGE״ an unusually appealing song and it is already numbered among the most popular of this season’s semi-classic songs. Slowly, expressively Published in 3 kexs with Violin and Cello Obbligato Duet and Octavo Arrangements Also Available LAMBERT MURPHY Sings the Victor Record JOHN BARCLAY Sings the Brunswick Record COLIN O’MORE Sings the Vocation Record WALTER SCANLAN Sings the Edison Re-Creation love a ׳lit-tie church-house on a friend-ly lit ־ tie hill, love a lit ־ tie school-bouse with a flow-ring win ־ dow sill Published by SAM FOX PUBLISHING CO Cleveland and New York Visit our New York Studio at 158-160 W. 45th St., Just a Door from Broadway Copyright MCMXXII by Sam Fob Pub.Co.,Cleveland O.O.S.A. International Cocvcisht Spoored