15 MUSICAL COURIER April 5, 1923 A NEW CONCERT STAR OF THE FIRST MAGNITUDE IN THE MUSICAL FIRMAMENT --IS- DUSOLINA GIANNINI The Sensation of the Last Concert of the Schola Cantorum Such a mezzo-soprano voice has not been revealed to this public in years. It gave its first audience a genuine thrill.—W. J. Henderson in The New York Herald. She has one of the finest voices that New York has heard this season. A voice of such power that it filled Carnegie Hall to the brim. Her hearers recalled her with an enthusiasm that has been equalled only a few times this year.—Deems Taylor in The New York W orld. The voice is one of beautiful and peculiarly rich timbre. The singer’s use of it is admirable and full of a native fire and spirit of a tune that cannot be taught.—Richard Aldrich in The New York Times. Her voice one of unusual power and quality of tone. Filled the hall with a smooth, rich quality of tone.—F. D. Perkins in The New York Tribune. © Underwood & Underwood. A triumphant success. One of the sensations of the season. She has a voice of rare beauty, well trained; she sings with the spontaneity of a nightingale, the vivacity of a canary.—Henry T. Finck in The New York Evening Post. Won a ringing, quick reward. She skimmed the cream of the evening’s enthusiasm. She carried home with her first few notes the realization of a big, warm, splendid dramatic voice.—G. W. Gabriel in The New York Sun. Created something approaching a sensation. Although she had learned her music at the eleventh hour, Miss Giannini not only sang with remarkable assurance, but disclosed a voice of unusual power and beauty.—Max Smith in The New York American. She arrested the attention and interest of the entire audience. Voice is of lovely quality, warm rich and colorful, and artistically managed. She has poise, a dramatic sense and, that great desideratum, style. She should have a bright future.—Frank H. Warren in The New York Evening World. Miss Giannini Will Record Exclusively for the Victor Aeolian Hall, New York DANIEL MAYER Exclusive Management