31 MUSICAL COURIER March 29, 1 923 ELENA GERHARDT Again Acclaimed in London IN ALL-SCHUMANN PROGRAM AT QUEEN’S HALL, MARCH 2nd, 1923 “She Is the Incarnation of 19th Century German Song —LONDON DAILY MAIL There is no need for me to discuss her art in detail again. Suffice it to say that there was all the old ravishment of tone in the mezza-voce singing, and all the old beauty of phrase-line and of modelling. More perfect miniatures than her “Du bist wie eine Blume” or “Der Sandmann” could not be imagined, nor more moving expression than her “Zum Schluss” or the tragic final song of the “Frauenliebe.”—Ernest Newman in The Sunday Times. Not even in her palmiest days before the war did Miss Elena Gerhardt sing better than at her Schumann recital in the Queen’s Hall last night. Her interpretation of “Frauen Liebe und Leben,” that cycle which has proved the downfall of so many would-be artists, was as perfect an example of the vocal art in all its aspects as could be desired.—The Evening Standard. The mere fact that Elena Gerhardt had a bumper audience and reception at the Queen’s Hall last Friday evening shows that a considerable portion of the London public still love the highest when they hear it. She certainly sings Lieder better than almost anybody else —and that is enough for me. For sheer genius of phrasing, of building up an interpretation, so to say, commend me to Elena Gerhardt.—The Daily Express. Every seat at Queen’s Hall was occupied last night for Elena Gerhardt’s Schumann recital, of which the central feature was a beautiful performance of the Frauen-liebe cycle. Both Schumann and Elena Gerhardt came to their own last night. One could realize how great a song-writer was the one and how great a singer is the other. The recital ranks as one of the very finest that Gerhardt has ever given in London.—Pall Mall Gazette. That any objection to hearing the German language in the concert room has completely passed away was made abundantly manifest by the large audience drawn to hear Miss Elena Gerhardt at the Queen’s Hall last night. And a man would need indeed^ to feel very inveterate on the subject who could fail to enjoy such beautiful singing of such noble songs as she gave her hearers. The whole recital was indeed a rare delight. -—Westminster Gazette. She commands, of course, the most lovely mezza-voce in the world and it is in the incomparable mildness of Schumann’s melody that her mezza-voce tones find their most beautiful and magical expression. Miss Gerhardt sang with such aspiration and loveliness of tone that the effect went far beyond what she made with the song on her last visit. The most statuesque singing our ears can ever hear.—Manchester Guardian. MISS GERHARDT RETURNS IN SEPTEMBER FOR ANOTHER AMERICAN TOUR WHICH WILL OPEN AT THE PITTSFIELD, MASS., CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL. SHE WILL VISIT THE PACIFIC COAST IN DECEMBER AND JANUARY AND WILL BE AVAILABLE ONL\ UNTIL THE EN FEBRUARY. Aeolian Hall, New York DANIEL MAYER Steinway Piano Exclusive Management