2 2, 1923 MUSICAL COURIER D’Alvarez Conquers All Who Hear “from start to finish she held her audience nothing less than spellbound with attraction. Her voice seemed almost supernatural— one could hardly conceive of it being surpassed today. In beauty and grace it was celestial, in volume and delivery wonderful, and from the point of control and expression the essence of perfection. ’ —Ottawa Journal, Feb. 24,1923. “Her voice is glorious, illuminated with an inner spiritual light that gave to her presentation of the immortal ‘Agnus Dei,’ a character that not alone pleased the ear, but excited the emotions.”—Portland Journal, Dec. 21, 1922. “But it is her voice that is well worth all the praise she earns. It has the full, luscious quality of the genuine contralto, and is of tremendous power and wide in range.”—San Diego Tribune, Nov. 22, 1922. “Mme. D’Alvarez has a voice of wonderful richness and sonority, with a wide range and a volume whose limits have yet to be suggested.”—Washington Post, Jan. 6, 1923. “Mme. D’Alvarez is a great artist. There is nothing affectations about her. She is versatile, has excellent command of several languages, possesses an extraordinary personality and —she can sing!”■—Washington Times, Jan. 6, 1923. “It was in the ‘Agnus Dei’ that Mme. D’Alvarez reached her climax. This passionately devout music needs a very real devotional feeling in the singer for its interpretation. A nd this Mme. D’Alvarez surely possesses.”—Portland Oregonian, Dec. 21, 1922. Mme. D’Alvarez is a true contralto of unique personality and unusual interest. She is gifted with a voice of extraordinary power and range, of a most imposing sonority and a rich musical quality and, moreover, its possibilities of dramatic expression seem to be limitless.”—Times, Palo Alto, Cal., Nov. 10, 1922. ‘a singer of magnificent voice and one who knows about all there is to know about the noble art of interpretation. No feminine singer of any fame or name who has come to us in the last few years can touch her.”—Los Angeles Express, Nov. 21, 1922. ‘Mme. D’Alvarez has a powerful voice of ringing quality, great range, and her songs are presented with artistic conception, as well as colored by the wealth of temperament possessed by this singer.”—San Diego Union, Nov. 22, 1922. “Though a contralto, her voice has a great range and its clearness of high notes was particularly noticeable. In her lower tones there was a rich resonance, and her voice and charming personality won the admiration of all.”—Hanford, Cal., Sentinel, Nov. IS, 1922. SEASON 1923-1924 NOW BOOKING MANAGEMENT: fcûaiiA '\r c&a/fr r March 527 Fifth Ave., New York