March 15, 1923 AUSTRO-GERMAN MUSICIANS’ RELIEF FUND COMMITTEE Theodore Spiering, Chairman List of contributors up to and including March 10, 1923: Harold Randolph Frederick Jacobi Arthur Shattuck Walter Knupfer Josef Hofmann C. O. Herz Amy H. Beach Mrs. John Gerrian Dagmar de C. Rybner Adolph Mayer Dr. Cornelius Rybner Louise Robyn Thuel Burnham Edith Braun Carl Busch Augusta Murphy Henry Hadley Bertha J. Burlingame Victor Herbert Mrs. L. von Bernuth Margaret A. Cox Willem Mengelberg Mme. Charles Cahier George Fergusson Frank La Forge Frederic Reidemeister Myra Hess Theo. Cassebeer J. Lawrence Erb Hans Kindler Nicoline Zedeler-Mix Marcella Sembrich Sergei Klibansky Joseph Lhevinne Louise Keppel Theodore Spiering Augusta Cottlow Frederic Jacobi, in memory of Eva S. Joseph the late Robert Leonhardt Ida S. Lester Paul H. Wagner Ernest Urchs Henry Ziegler Chalmers Clifton Ernest Hutcheson J. B. Berkhoel Alvin L. Schmoeger Alfredo Oswald George Meader Guy Maier Elly Ney Steinway & Sons Willem van Hoogstraten Joseph Regneas Fred Steinway Max Adler Mr. and Mrs. Crosbey Adams Herman Irion Frank A. Schaedler Walter Fischer Alfred Hertz Fritz Kreisler Paul H. Bilhuber Victor Harris Carl Westmann Anna Faber Elizabeth Cueny B. H. Balensiefer Florence Easton Paul H. Schmidt Francis Maclennan Theodore E. Steinway William H. Daniels R. Mojewski Ted Bacon Hattie Kammerer Edwin Grasse Albert Stuercke Rubin Goldmark Sylvia Cushman Katherine Cavalli Bern Boekelmann Madeleine S. Stern Mrs. Norman S. Goldberger Anonymous, Springfield, Mass. Guiseppe A. Randegger Francis Macmillen Hans Schneider Walter Spry Herman Epstein A. C. Wieland Paul Mausolff R. F. Balke Hugo Kortschak Emerson Whithorne John R. Oatman William K. Schmoller Rudolph Ganz Mrs. David J. Kelley H. C. Kudlich John Passaretti George Raudenbush Morris Goldberg Anonymous, Brussels Paul Miersch Herman Diestel H. H. Flagler August Palma Louis Lupo Arthur Alexander Carl J. Stern Varette der Stepanoff Frank Paul Ernest Schelling T. J. Hattstaedt David Stanley Smith Mrs. Geo. Herbert Engelhard Gustav Saenger Martha Martin Eugene Gruenberg Sergei Rachmaninoff Julius Marx D. W. Lerch Anonymous (Toronto) Edmund Gram Mrs. Henry Schradieck Coenraad V. Bos John Friedrich Lee Pattison Anna Heuermann Hamilton Geo. J. Bickel Frieda Hempel Tean Stockwoll Budloug Oscar Springer Marguerite Melville-Liszniewska Sohmer Co Georges Enesco Society of American Musicians, Oscar G. Sonneck Ossip Gabrilowitsch Carl R. Edson Ruth G. Hill Mrs. Carl R. Edson Leopold Auer Sophie Beebe Gustave Becker Eastman Theater Orchestra (Rochester) Orchestras of the Rivoli and Capitol theaters, New York Contributions are to be sent to Ernest Urchs, treasurer, care Steinway & Sons, 109 East Fourteenth street, New York. Gigli Entertains On Sunday, March 4, Beniamino Gigli, tenor of the Metropolitan Opera Company, gave a dinner in honor of Commissioner and Mrs. R. E. Enright. Among those present were: Rosa Raisa and her husband, Giacomo Rimini; Sophie Irene Loeb, Mrs. R. Scognamillo, Mr. H. W. Dearborn, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Longone, and Maestro Rosati. Commissioner Enright presented little Rina, Gigli’s daughter, with a small, white Sealyham terrier. Mr. Gigli says that his “Noah’s Ark” is now complete—comprising a dog, a cat, five birds, and two children. After the dinner Mr. Gigli and Mr. Rimini sang several operatic duets. Helen Moller Dancers Draw Large Audience On February 27, The Stowaways and Art Alliance of America of the Art Center presented The Helen Moller Dancers; Joseph Mathieu, tenor; Robert Armbruster, pianist, and the Duo-Art Piano in a concert at the Little Theater for the Greek Dance, Lexington Opera House building. The affair was a real success, over a hundred people being turned away because of lack of room. The audience was very appreciative. Cherniavskys Score at London Concerts A cable from the Musical Courier’s London representative, Clarence Lucas, received as the paper went to press, reads: “All Cherniavsky Wigmore Concerts Crowded. Encores. Critics praise.” 40 MUSICAL COURIER. BENEFIT CONCERT FOR ST. MARY’S ITALIAN MISSION Armand Tokatyan of the Metropolitan Opera Company, Magdalene Erbland, Constance Veitch and Southland Singers to Participate on Program at Plaza on April 16 Under Bishop Manning’s Auspices On Monday evening, April 16, at the Hotel Plaza, a benefit concert will be given for St. Mary’s Italian Mission in the Bronx, under the auspices of the Rt. Rev. William T. Manning, D. D., Bishop of New York. The artists appearing will be Armand Tokatyan, tenor of the Metropolitan Opera Company; Magdalene Erbland, coloratura soprano; Constance Veitch, English cellist, with Maestro Gennaro Curci, the well known coach, at the piano for the singers. A novel feature of the evening will be several dances in costume, by girls from St. Mary’s Mission, one of the dances being given to the vocal accompaniment of the Southland Singers, Emma E. Dambmann, founder and president, with Lucille Blabe at the piano. Ruth Emerson will play for Miss Veitch. The proceeds of this concert will go toward building a new church. Last year’s concert resulted in sufficient funds being raised to purchase the site. At present the chapel is a slightly improved old engine house. The rapid influx of Italian families into the Wakefield district of the Bronx section of New York City made it imperative to act at once so as to cope with the religious needs of this incoming population. Since 1917 St. Mary’s Italian Mission has been holding its services with the Rev. Lorenzo De Sano as priest in this little engine house, but now it is hoped that enough funds may be raised through the concert on April 16 to build a new church. Bishop Manning in a recent letter to the Rev. Lorenzo De Sano says: It gives me pleasure to express my warm endorsement of the faithful, devoted and efficient work for our Lord and His church which you are doing among your people at St. Mary’s Mission. With every good wish, Faithfully yours, (Signed) William T. Manning. Mrs. Thomas Ewing is the chairman; Edith Ballin, treasurer, and the program committee includes: Mrs. Floyd F. Chadwick, Louise Eustis, Mrs. Edward Egenberger, Mrs. W. Dallis Goodwin, Mme. Emma Dambmann and Mrs. E. M. Peters. The patrons and patronesses include: Rev. J. G. H. Barry, D.D., Rev. Selden Delany, D.D., Rev. H. V. B. Darlington, Rev. Milo H. Gates, D.D., Rev. Arthur Judge, D.D., Rev. Wm. Pitt McCune, Ph.D., Rev. Joseph P. McComas, D.D., Rev. H. Percy Silver, D.D., Rev. Caleb R. Stetson, D.D., Rev. Ernest N. Stires, D.D., Rev. J. D. Sutton, D.D., Judge Thomas C. T. Crains, William C. Dickey, R. Carlton Fontaine, Haley Fiske, Harry Groesbeck, Jr., Henry L. Hobart, Charles C. Marshall, F. deLancey Robinson, George Ellis Reed, Mrs. Harry W. Butler, Mrs. William C. Dickey, Miss DeVoe, Mrs. Albert Delafield, Mrs. B. D. Donchain, Mrs. R. Carlton Fontaine, Mrs. Haley Fiske, Mabel Gerry, Mrs. Harry A. Groesbeck, Jr., Mrs. Paul Galatti, Mrs. J. M. Hodson, Mrs. Harold M. Hadden, Julia McAllister, Mrs. William T. Manning, Adeline Moller, Mrs. Charles C. Marshall, Mrs. Joseph P. McComas, Helena Pierce, Mrs. George Ellis Reed, Mrs. F. deLancey Robinson, Mrs. Myles Standish, Maud Sword, Mrs. Caleb Stetson, Mrs. Joseph Serris Simmons, Mrs. Percy Hamilton Stewart, Mrs. J. Kemp West, Mrs. Ernest Fahnestock, Mrs. John Burwind, His Eminence Archbishop Platon, Metropolitan for the Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church of North America, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore F. Humphrey, Justice ^nd Mrs. Edward R. Fintch, Mrs. John Sanford and Mrs. Jonathan Bulkley. Orders for boxes and reserved seats may be sent to Edith Ballin, 230 West Seventy-sixth street, treasurer. The boxes range in price from fifty, forty and thirty dollars for a box seating eight. Tickets are two dollars and a half, and reserved seats may be obtained at an additional cost of fifty cents. ־ An especially fine program has been arranged which will include operatic selections and songs by Mr. Tokatyan and Miss Erbland, as well as several duets. ־ Mr. Tokatyan recently enjoyed a striking success as Lucio in Anima Allegra at the Metropolitan Opera’s first performance of the new opera. His singing and acting re- RICHARD HAGEMAN Announces the Opening of His New York Studios Temporary Address: Hotel Ansonia 73rd Street and Broadway ־ ־ New York Phone: Columbus 3320 ceived unanimous praise from the press, H. E. Krehbiel, veteran critic of the Tribune, commenting: “Mr. Tokatyan wrote his name distinctly in the books of the judicious.” The reviewer of the World said: “Among the males, the surprise of the evening was Mr. Tokatyan. He blossomed out as a clever actor with an amazingly fine voice, well ARMAND TOKATYAN, tenor of the Metropolitan Opera Company. handled, of lyric color and admirable volume. He should go far at this, house.” Following his brilliant success, Mr. Tokatyan next sang with Maria Jeritza in her farewell performance in Thais. Miss Erbland is a young American singer endowed with a beautiful voice. In a recent concert in Columbus, O., Nelson H. Budd, critic of the Morning Journal, said: “Miss Erbland made a charming stage presence. In this regard she was reminiscent of Galli-Curci and vocally her gifts probably resembled those of her maturer'sister in the latter’s early career.” The Brooklyn Eagle, in commenting upon a recent concert of Miss Veitch, said: “Miss Veitch played with great expression on that beautiful instrument.” Revival of L’Africaine The Metropolitan will revive Meyerbeer’s opera, L’Africaine, on Wednesday evening, March 21. The opera has not been heard in New York since the season of 1906-7. The cast will be as follows: Selika, Rosa Ponselle; Ines, Queena Mario; Anna, Marion Telva; Vasco da Gama, Beniamino Gigli; Nelusko, Giuseppe Danise; Don Pedro, Adamo Didur. Artur Bodanzkv will conduct and Samuel Thewman has the stage direction. Frederick Dixon to Include American Works Deems Taylor, Beryl Rubinstein and Marion Bauer are the Americans represented on the program to be given by Frederick Dixon at his second piano recital of the season in Aeolian Hall on the evening of March 20. The balance of the program will be made up of the Beethoven, op. 57, sonata, and works by Mendelssohn and Chopin. TOUR DIRECTION HEARTCRAFT ADDRESS: PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR GRAY-LHEVINNE JAMES GRAY, 35 E. 62nd St., New York “The Violin Star.” “With a Tone of Spun Gold and a Technic That Dazzles.” (Says MacQueen)