March 15, 1923 •Marie Sundelius will sing for the Rubinstein Club on April 3. The Institute of Musical Art is twenty years old. Annie Louise David, the harpist, is in demand out West. Salvatore Fucito was Caruso’s sole accompanist from 1915 to the time of his death. The Musk Travel Club of America is the name of a new organization. Augusta Cottlow has resumed teaching at her studio-apartment at 385 Ft. Washington avenue. Ruffo’s farewell appearance in America for this season will take place at the Hippodrome on April 8. A portrait of Karl Langlotz was unveiled in Nassau Hall, Princeton, on February 22. Charles Wakefield Cadman and Princess Tsianina are completing a long concert tour. Oratorios will be heard at the Goldman Band Concerts in Central Park this summer. There are only three diplomaed teachers of the Jaques-Dalcroze Method in the United States. Estelle Gray-Lhevinne will open the fall season for the Cleveland Musical Association on September 30. Richard Crooks will be heard this month in concert from Toronto to Trenton. The entire solo quartet at a Dickinson lecture recital was from the Regneas studios. Dupre’s last organ recital before returning to France will take place in New York on March 19. Hugo Troetschel celebrated his thirty-fifth anniversary as organist of a Brooklyn church. Music teachers of Louisiana are to meet in convention April 6 and 7 at New Orleans. Amy Neill, violinist, has been appearing successfully in recital in Europe. Mabelle Addison is a great festival favorite. Lambert Murphy has been engaged for the fourth consecutive time as soloist at the Cincinnati Festival. Bruno Walter will conduct the New York Symphony next season for two months early in 1924. The Chicago Musical College is in its fifty-eighth year. Yolanda Mero, after playing in Europe this spring, summer and fall, will return to America for concerts after the first of the year. The Metropolitan will revive Meyerbeer’s opera, L’Afri-caine, on Wednesday evening, March 21. The Cincinnati Orchestra will give two concerts in New York next season under the direction of Fritz Reiner. The music firm of M. Witmark & Sons has sold the Witmark Building at 144-146 West Thirty-seventh street. Wassili Leps, the conductor, is in Europe. Sidney A. Baldwin, well known musician of Newark, died last Sunday. According to Nicola A. Montani, there are many musical treasures in Italy awaiting discovery. Mrs. J. W. Darby and Arthur Judson succeed A. F. Thiel as managers of the Cincinnati Orchestra. The Irish Band will again appear in the United States next Season. G. N. May will be a busy month for Miss Addison, for in addition to the festival engagements, mentioned afore, she will sing in New York City and Philadelphia, and there will be a tour in New York, Pennsylvania and Connecticut. Following these engagement Miss Addison will sail for Eu- MABELLE ADDISON rope. The month of July will be spent filling engagements in Paris, Berlin, Milan, etc., and in seeking rest and recreation. She will return to America the first week in August. Heifetz to Comply with Requests The announcement of Jascha Heifetz’ last recital of the season scheduled for Sunday afternoon, April 1, has resulted in a veritable avalanche of requests that he include in his program the Ave Maria by Schubert. This he has consented to do, though of recent years he has reserved this popular number as an encore piece. MUSICAL COURIER I SEE THAT Nelson Perley Coffin was found dead at the Hotel Commodore on March 6. The critic of the Brooklyn Eagle stated that if Queena Mario keeps on as she has begun she will soon find herself in the class with Emma Eames and Lillian Nordica. Ruth St. Denis, Ted Shawn and the Denishawn Dancers will begin a week’s engagement at Town Hall, April 9. The German Opera Company moved to the Lexington Theater last Monday evening. Chaliapin is back at the Metropolitan this week. Joseph Schwarz will have a tour in the Far East and Orient the early part of next season. Kathryn Meisle’s Chandler was stolen from her garage recently ; it was recovered later in the day. At a recent Paderewski recital in San Francisco the receipts were no less than $24,590. Schonberg scored triumphantly in his concert in Copenhagen. George Folsom Granberry will again direct the music department this summer at the University of Georgia. Lamond will give another recital at Aeolian Hall on March 19. Anna, Lisa and Margo Duncan will return to America next season for a transcontinental tour. Florence Golson, the blind singer and composer, will be married on March 22. May Peterson will soon return from a successful tour to the Pacific Coast. There has been a heavy demand for tickets for the forthcoming Bach Festival in Bethlehem. The Orpheus Club of Buffalo honored two members who have been in the ranks for fifty years. Grace Welsh was the first artist to appear in recital at the new Rosary College at River Forest, 111. Prague recently had two operatic premieres on the same night. Guiomar Novaes was given an ovation at her Boston recital on March 3. Isadora Duncan lost her American citizenship by her marriage to Serge Essenine. The song Home, Sweet Home is one hundred years old. Heifetz was exceedingly well received in three recitals in Havana last month. Theo Karle will make his first trip to Europe this summer. Paolo Ludikar will give a recital in Aeolian Hall on April 9. Josef Hofmann is to appear in recital for the benefit of two sisters of Robert Schumann. George Pickering, a well known Baltimore tenor, died recently. The report that Cosima Wagner is in want is greatly exaggerated. That Mabelle Addison is a favorite at festivals is proven in the number of festival engagements booked for her. This year in May she will appear at three of them. Miss Addison is one of the artists who will appear at the Ann Arbor Festival, which will be held from May 16 to 19. She will be heard on the 17th with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Frederick Stock conducting, in one or two Bach arias. May 26 this sterling^ artist will sing the principal solo parts in the Bach B Minor Mass with the Bethlehem Bach Choir, under the direction of Dr. J. Fred Wolle. This will make her third appearance with this choir, having sung with it in Philadelphia on November 4 and in Bethlehem on December 27. On each occasion she was heard in the same mass. The third May festival booked for this artist will be in Erie, Pa., when she will be heard in the Verdi Requiem, with Morris Gabriel Williams conducting. Aeolian Hall, New York City Columbia & Duo-Art Records 36 tage” (American). “The singer proved tc be the possessor of a voice of power, tonal beauty and capable of dramatic expression” (Times). “Her voice revealed lyric qualities and a good deal of power. Mr. Shuk not only displayed nimble work on the fingerboard but he played with much musicianship and feeling. There was a charm and delicacy about ■his art which did not exclude more vigorous characterizations” (Herald). “Mr. Shuk played four other numbers, displaying nimble fingering and steady bowing” (Tribune). D’Ollone Work in Opera Comique Repertory Les Uns et les Autres, by Max d’Ollone, the new director of the Fontainebleau School of Music, is in the repertory of the Opera Comique in Paris this winter. Murphy Engaged for Cincinnati Festival Lambert Murphy, the well known tenor, is a great favorite at Cincinnati Festivals, for he lias been engaged as soloist for the fourth consecutive time. The forthcoming festival will be held the first week in May. Nyiregyhazi to Play in Trenton Tonight Erwin Nyiregyhazi, the sensational young pianist, will appear in Trenton at the New Y. M. C. A. Building, tonight, March 15. His program will contain numbers by Bach, Grieg, Schubert, Liszt, Chopin and Tschaikowsky. A Soprano for your Spring Festival ADELAIDE FISCHER Prepared for Seventeen Choral Works NEXT SEASON NOW BOOKING Management: CHAS. N. DRAKE, 507 Fifth Ave., New York Mgr.: ANTONIA SAWYER, Inc., Steinway Piano Mabelle Addison a Festival Favorite “GRAINGER’S —touch is master of the entire paint-box of colors, —hands—quite on par with Liszt’s, —playing stands quite alone: like whole personality, —place is amongst the greatest of the great, —renderings touch the most tender strings of the human heart, —recital was a rare feast of beauty.” ENTIRE 1923-24 SEASON IN AMERICA