15 MUSI C AL COURIER March 15, 192 3 Press Opinions of Last New York Recital Morning Telegraph, Feb. 27,1923: At Aeolian Hall in the afternoon Maria Carreras pleased a large audience with an interesting piano program played with the fine authority and technical skill of this capital artist. The Herald, Feb. 27, 1923: Mme. Maria Carreras, a Spanish-Italian pianist, who was first heard here a few weeks ago, gave a second recital yesterday afternoon in Aeolian Hall. At her first hearing Mme. Carreras’ art showed itself as of brilliant and commanding type. Her performance yesterday emphasized and extolled the excellent impression she had heretofore created here. She played with a power intellectually keen and showed in rich abundance imagination, dramatic eloquence and technical mastery. Her knowledge of her scores as to notes was flawless and her phrasing clear and admirable. She held the close attention of a numerous and discriminating audience. Following Schumann’s Carnival she was recalled again and again. Evening World, Feb. 27, 1923: Maria Carreras, one of the season’s exceptional pianists, gave her second recital in Aeolian Hall. Her opening number, Beethoven’s Second Sonata, was sufficient to confirm the artist’s authority, command of expression and color and her secure technique. The Sun, Feb. 27,1923: A large audience yesterday afternoon testified to the excellent impression made by Maria Carreras at her first New York recital some weeks ago, and found even more of interest in a program that included Beethoven’s Sonata, Op. 2, No. 3, and Schumann’s Carnival. The sonata is a light one, but the pianist brought out all its tender values to their most graceful fulfillment. The Schumann was a miracle of dexterity and adroitly disposed. #118 ״a ; ׳ • -c WM ! Evening Mail, Feb. 27, 1923: There is definite purpose and keen intelligence in the piano playing of this fiery Italian, and her second recital at Aeolian Hall yesterday added new laurels to the successful debut of a few weeks ago. Watching her hands in Schumann’s Carnival reminded us of two powerful thoroughbreds taking the hurdles ; they leaped with brilliant ease through the prestos and swept the fortes by with careless grace. Evening Journal, Feb. 27, 1923: Maria Carreras, the Italian pianist, gave a second recital yesterday afternoon in the Aeolian Hall. She is a player of distinction and intelligence, equipped with a sensitive and various finger technic and possessing an admirable feeling for the use of the pedals. Staats-Zeitung (Translation) Feb. 27, 1923: The Italian virtuoso is coming more and more to the front. Maria Carreras must be placed in the first rank. On the occasion of her first appearance here a few weeks ago Mme. Carreras proved herself to be a serious artist, with a full knowledge of the classic tradition and possessed of an all-embracing command of technic. This first impression was not only confirmed but strengthened at the recital given by Mme. Carreras before a very large audience at Aeolian Hall. Notable, especially, is this artist’s pleasing simplicity. She refrains from all mannerism and affectation; her playing breathes health and solidity, is guided by her innate musical _ taste and her feminine charm and delicate poetic emotion lend her playing a particularly appealing grace. The two works that make the greatest demand upon her art, Beethoven’s Sonata, Op. 2, No. 3, and Schumann’s Carnival were amazingly well interpreted. Her Beethoven was characterized by genuine greatness and depth of emotion, and the various types of the cotortul whirl of the Carnival were finely differentiated. Mme. Carreras’ magnificent touch was there particularly noteworthy. Mme. Carreras was greatly honored by her public and received full recognition as one of the greatest of pianists. Tribune, Feb. 27,1923: There was a good sized gathering yesterday afternoon at Aeolian Hall to hear Maria Carreras in her second piano recital here, with. Beethoven Sonata, Op. 2, No. 3, and Schumann’s Carnival as the principal numbers. These had an expressive, fiery, thorough, skillful performance which aroused the audience. CARRERAS SEASOM 1 1923-24 1 NOW BOOKING Management: B LOUDON CHARLTON l Carnegie Hall New York City § Baldwi n Piano