13 MUSICAL COURIER March 15, 1923 Chicago Musical College The leading and largest College of Music in America (58th year) Summer Master School June 25 to August 4 (SIX WEEKS) Fall Session Opens Sept. 10 Concerts, Recitals, Opera, Etc. During Entire Summer Session GUEST TEACHERS OSCAR SAENGER Celebrated Vocal Instructor and Vocal Coach HERBERT WITHERSPOON Famous Singer and Teacher LEON SAMETINI Renowned Violinist and Teacher CLARENCE EDDY Dean of American Organists PROF. LEOPOLD AUER Master Violin Instructor of the World PROF. XAVER SCHARWENKA Master Piano Instructor of the World RICHARD HAGEMAN Noted Coach and Accompanist PERCY RECTOR STEPHENS Notable Teacher of Teachers FLORENCE HINKLE America’s Foremost Soprano The Regular Faculty of Over 100 Brilliant Artist-Teachers in Attendance Private and Class Lessons with All Teachers Summer and Regular Catalog On Request Dormitory Accommodations FREE SCHOLARSHIPS Professor Auer, Professor Scharwenka, Mr. Saenger, Mr. Witherspoon, Mr. Hageman, Mr. Stephens, Mme. Hinkle, Mr. Sametini and Mr. Eddy have each consented to award a Free Scholarship to the student who, after an open competitive examination, is found to possess the greatest gift for playing or singing. Free Scholarship application blank on request. UNEXCELLED NORMAL COURSES IN PIANO, VIOLIN, VOCAL, Etc. TEACHERS’ CERTIFICATES AND DECREES Teachers’ Certificates and the Degrees of Bachelor of Music, Master of Music, Doctor of Music, Bachelor of Oratory and Master of Oratory will be conferred at the end of the summer session upon candidates who show sufficient knowledge and who take the required studies. Full details in Summer Catalog. COLLEGE BUILDING, 630 S. Michigan Avenue FELIX BOROWSKI, President Dr. F. ZIECFELD, President Emeritus CARL D. KINSEY, Manager