:THE MUSIC OF INDIA (II—HINDU TEMPLES AND THEIR MUSIC)—By LILY STRICKLAND MUSIC AND THE MOVIES—By GUSTAV KLEMM ' PRACTICAL INSTRUMENTATION (ELEVENTH INSTALLMENT)—By FRANK PATTERSON |V\USICAL(OVRIER Weekly Review OF THE World 's Music Subscription $5.00 Europe $6.25 Annually Published bv Musical Courier Company, Inc.. 437 Fifth Avenue, New York. Entered as Second Class Matter January 8, 1883, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Forty-Fourth Year Price 15 Cents WHOLE NO. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, VOL. LXXXV1 WHOSE REPEAT DATE AND CAPACITY AUDIENCE RECORD IS DUE TO HER ORIGINAL WAY OF DOING GREAT WORKS IN AN APPEALING MANNER.