MUSICAL COURIER March 8, 1923 Manager: CHARLES L. WAGNER D. F. McSweeney, Associate Photo by Campbell Studio Press Opinions Across the Country The baritone held the audience spellbound. His numbers are things of beauty.—Rock Island, III, Zanelli has a fine voice, rich in quality, produced with great ease. Hopkinsville, Ky. Zanelli is a marvelous baritone. There is something wonderfully appealing in the youth and strength of his voice and the artistry with which he handles it.—Davenport, Iowa. Zanelli quite swept the audience away with the luscious quality of his voice, the unassuming manner and the thorough musical appreciation manifested by him.—Dallas, Texas. RENATO ZANELLI ,Baritone METROPOLITAN OPERA COMPANY New York 511 Fifth Avenue