61 MUSICAL COURIER pupil of Richard Czerwonky, was engaged to appear as soloist with the Sinai Symphony Orchestra, Arthur Dunham conductor, on February 18, at Sinai Temple. Chicago College of Music News. Several professional pupils from the class of Mark Oster, head of the vocal department of the Chicago College of Music, have filled the following dates recently: Henrietta Pepin sang at the Blackstone Hotel on January 4 for the Ideal Club, December 23 at the Armory for a children’s benefit under the auspices of the Kiwanis, for the Illinois Woman’s Athletic Club also in December, in November for the Knights of Pythias, in January at a private music at the home of Mrs. Richard Connell ,and to-day, February 24, she will sing for the radio; Maxim Brodsky, tenor, who has been engaged for thirty weeks at the Thaviu Grand Opera Pageant, and Miss Gibson, who sang for the Y. M. C. A. January 28. Musical News Items. Pupils of the Auditorium Conservatory, of which Karl Buren Stein is president, were presented in recital at the Auditorium Recital Hall on February 12. Pupils of the voice, piano and dramatic departments were heard. Those taking part were Eileen Everett, Mildred Eichmeyer, Gray-don Hammond, Merlin Morgen, Dorothy Clark, Lillian Machek, Ruth Timme, Axel Pedersen, Mammie Hampl, Agnes Marcan, Eleanor O’Conner, Stephen Pepich, Frank Triner, William Dahlborn, Frank Porter, Anna Straka, Isabel Winkel, Erwin Plecity and Marie Nugent. There was also presented The Typewriter Lady, by Mumford, by the dramatic department. Active members of the Lake View Musical Society presented the program on Monday afternoon, February 12, at the Parkway Hotel. Those appearing were Maida Lewis Dudley, soprano; Marion Bluthardt, contralto; Mildred Brown, violinist; Dorothy Bell, harpist, and Goldie Gross, cellist, with Marion Lychenheim and Beatrice Ives Welles, accompanists. Rene Devries. Annie Louise David Recuperating Annie Louise David, the harpist, has been ill for a week with an attack of the “flu,” having to cancel an engagement to play on Sunday at St. Mark’s Church and a recital the next day. Miss David, however, is recuperating and will be able to fill her future engagements, which includes one to play at the West End Collegiate Church on Easter Sunday. Owing to request, Miss David has also opened a studio in East Orange where she will teach Mondays. Stopak Soloist with Westchester Musical Art Society Recently Josef Stopak, violinist, appeared in Bronxville, N. Y., as soloist with the Westchester Musical Art Society, and scored with the large audience present. Mr. Stopak played the Vivaldi concerto and three numbers with piano accompaniment. ster, student of Mr. Kraft, has been engaged as soloist with the Desplaines Glee Club. Walton Pyre gave the first of a series of ten Saturday night literary recitals recently in the recital hall, Steinway building; his subject was Sacha Guitry’s Deburau. Felix Borowski lectured on the life and work of Beethoven in the recital hall, Chicago Musical College a short time ago. A concert by students in the piano, violin and vocal departments was given in the recital hall, Steinway Hall, Friday evening. Musicals at Louise St. John Westervelt Studio. The regular Saturday afternoon studio musicale presented by students of Louise St. John Westervelt_ at the Columbia School of Music on February 10 was given by Lola Scofield and Ivine Shields, sopranos. Each sang two groups of songs, reflecting what a splendid teacher Miss Westervelt is. Eugene Barkow Plays. Eugene Barkow, pupil of Frederik Frederiksen, played Monday evening, February 12, a program at the Wisconsin School of Music at Madison (Wis.). Mr. Barkow’s program was comprehensive, and according to reports, he was a credit to his violin teacher, Mr. Frederiksen, who, besides teaching a large class in Chicago, is in great demand in surrounding towns. Bush Conservatory One of Chicago's Busiest Schools. Many artistic activities are centered this season at Bush Conservatory, and the public appearances of artist teachers and students brings to public notice the splendid quality of artistic achievement which is characteristic of this progressive Chicago music school. Edgar Nelson, one of America’s leading musicians, is in the midst of one of his busiest seasons. Although he has played the majority of his recitals, there remains a weekly schedule of activities which would stagger many another musician. Beside his regular engagements, which include the directorship of the Sunday Evening Club Chorus and the Swedish Choral Club, both of which have made tremendous artistic strides under his direction, and the rehearsals of the Apollo Club for which he is accompanist, he has a large class at Bush Conservatory, in which are many talented pupils, and is also Dean of the Master School at that institution. Mr. Nelson gave an organ recital in Defiance, Ohio, on February 16, and he played for the Union League Club at the Auditorium, Chicago, February 22. On February 26 he plays the Bach D minor Mass for the Apollo Club, under Harrison Wild. On February 27 he is booked for a recital with Merle Alcock at Greencastle, Ind., and on March 11, a joint recital with Arthur Middleton and Paul Althouse. Members of the Pianists’ Master Class, under Mr. Chia-pusso, gave an unusual recital recently, the six members of the class presenting the entire twenty-four etudes of Chopin in groups, although each of the pianists was required to memorize the entire series. Boza Oumiroff presented some of his pupils at the Chicago Commons on February 16, and two other students, Lucille Salsich and Florence Newman, have recently sung for the radio and the Y. M. C. A. Marion Levin, artist March 1, 1923 CHICAGO (Continued from page 45) soprano, an artist pupil of Carl Craven, presented a program at the Austin Avenue M. E. Church on February 23, with Esther Thoman as accompanist. The Musicians’ Club of Women concert on Monday afternoon, February 19, was offered by Peggy Canter Anderson, Mona Redman, Mrs. J. Sidney Burnet and Marion Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Buren Stein announce the fourteenth annual opera production by their pupils. Girofle and Girofla, by Lecocq, will be given by them at the Playhouse on May 27. American Conservatory Notes. Reservations for lessons in the master classes of Josef Lhevinne, Mme. Delia Valeri and William S. Brady are coming in rapidly, which is most gratifying to the management of the conservatory. Advanced students and teachers from all parts of the country eagerly grasp this opportunity to study with these renowned teachers. The free scholarship competitions will also be most keen, judging from the number of applications received. In the preliminary contest held under the auspices of the Society of American Musicians for the privilege of appearing with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra at one of its “pop” concerts next season, seven out of the thirteen that qualified were American Conservatory students. Elamae Morser and Vern Mitchell, advanced vocal pupils of Elaine De Sellem of the conservatory faculty, appeared with excellent success at the Chicago and Tivoli theaters. The mid-year examinations in the piano department of the conservatory will be held early in March. The Department of Public School Music of the American Conservatory has added to its faculty Dr. William D. Blatz, of the Department of Psychology of the University of Chicago. The Department of Public School Music is enjoying the most prosperous year in its history. Dr. Blatz is giving two lectures every week throughout the year. The Department of Public School Music is expecting the largest summer term of its existence. George H. Gartlan, director of music in the public schools of New York City, will be the guest instructor in thé Department of Public School Music for the summer term. Active Gannon Students. During the past week several students of Rose Lutiger Gannon had the following engagements, showing that those studying with this prominent vocal instructor are in demand : Emmaline Sievers will give a concert before the Civic Club ; Mrs. Paul Holland, as program for the D. A. R., in Morgan Park (111.), and Kathleen Ryan, a program at Michigan City (Ind.) Mrs. Gannon counts a number of professional students all over the country who are adding luster to her name by their splendid work. She is one of the best known voice teachers and contraltos in Chicago. Chicago Musical College Notes. Theodore Kratt, of the faculty, has been engaged to sing at the University of Cincinnati, March 1. Raymond Web- AMERICAN CONSERVATORY Chicago's Foremost School of Music and Dramatic Art Ninety Artist-Instructors Catalog Mailed Free ' John J. Hattstaedt, President. Karleton Hackett, Adolf Weidig, Heniot Levy, Associate Directors. Kimball Hall, Chicago, III. BAYLOR COLLEGE CONSERVATORY J. C. Hardy, President The largest of its kind in the country BELTON, TEXAS | HAMILTON MORRIS A Soprano CONDUCTOR Teacher 835 Lincoln Placn Brooklyn, N. Y. Tel. 6935 Lafayette JOHN HEIMEL Concert Violinili and Pedagogue Stadio: 151 Second Avenue (near 9th Street) New York City Telephone Dry Doek 4070 Soprano Concerts Chicago, 111, ft BUTLER A PUPILS ACCEPTED 512 Fine Arts Building, CADMAN CHARLES WAKEFIELD COMPOSER-PIANIST ïn Recitals of His Compositions and His Famous “Indian Music-Talk.” 2226 Canyon Driva, Hollywood, Cal. GRANBERRY S*CHOOL Carnegie Hall, New York Courses For PIANISTS TEACHERS ACCOMPANISTS SUMMER Sight, Touch and Hearing. Booklet Mr. Granberry will again have charge of the music in the University of Georgia Summer School, giving courses for the Professional Training of Music Teachers. GORDON CAMPBELL Vocal Coach—Professional Accompanist 17 Peachka Str., Berlin-Stegliti LEEFSON-HILLE CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Inc, MAURITS LEEFSON. Pres. Philadelphia Pa. B E R G E Y Chicago Opera School Lyon & Healy Bldg., Chicago REUTER и о PIANIST New York L P H Management: HAENSE1 & JONES, Aeolian Hall LOVETTE, Welsh Pianist Teacher of International Reputation EVA WHITFORD LOVETTE ART OF SINGING A Limited Number of Resident Students Accepted 2019 N Street, N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. DO YOU STUDY SINGING 7 ARE YOU MAKING PROGRESS? IF NOT. WHY? Read—“The Secrets of Sveugau" By J. H. Duval And You’ll Find Out $2.00 at all Music Dealers and Booksellers Published by James T. White, 70 Fifth Ave., New York City Moritz Emory PIANO TEACHING VOICE 1617 Spruce St., Philadelphia Management: DANIEL MAYER & CO. Craiton House, Golden Square, W. 1 G R ROS T-. ¡W H Y T Contralto d g Bass-Baritone A LONDON R ENGLAND