35 MUSI C A L С О URI ER March 1 , 19 2 3 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliilllllllllllllllH NSERVATORY CHICAGO I SUMMER 1923 FRIEDA HEMPEL “To my dear friend and teacher, Delia Valeri, with deepest appreciation from Frieda Hempel.” My Bear Mme. Valeri: Let me express to you my sincerest thanks for your excellent work on my voice. 1 believe that every broadminded artist, no matter how great, should realize the need of constant guidance and advice by a capable teacher in order to handle the delicate organ of the voice properly and prevent the development of undesirable or harmful habits. With these ideas in my mind I placed my voice in your hands with the most satisfactory results. I am now happy and take pleasure in giving you the present testimonial of my appreciation and everlasting gratitude. Frieda Hempel. YOUNG MEZZO SOPRANO WITH METROPOLITAN OPERA COMPANY “To my splendid teacher, Mme. Delia Valeri, with a million kisses and everlasting• gratitude.” Myrtle Schaaf. A PARAGRAPH OF PRAISE is due to the Siebel of Myrtle Schaaf. —N. Y. Evening Post. Myrtle Schaaf sang the role of Siebel and displayed an EXCELLENT VOICE. IN THE FLOWER SONG SHE SANG VERY WELL.—N. Y. Sun. CLARA CLEMENS GABRILOWITSCH “To my saviour, Mme. Valeri, in desperate gratitude. Whatever lies in the voice will be discovered and developed to its fullest beauty by this master of technique. With warmest friendship.” Clara Clemens. Dear Mme. Valeri: I want to express my admiration to you for accomplishing such an extraordinary change in my wife’s tone production. You have succeeded in liberating her from so many technical difficulties and her high notes and low notes ring out now without a trace of effort, and the quality is always mellow and velvety. It is almost unbelievable that such a radical change could have been accomplished after only three months’ study uhth you, and this certainly is convincing proof of the excellence of your method. We are both most deeply thankful to you. Ossip Gabrilowitsch. WHAT -CLARENCE WHITEHILL THINKS OF MME. VALERI d in securing the services of Vocal Teacher for its UMMER ter School e 25 to July 28 1923 S-REPERTOIRE-TEACHERS׳ CLASS S only ־visit to Chicago took place ot 1920, when she obtained a tress giving an average ot 111 lessons that time a considerable number uld not be accommodated. My Dear Madame Valeri: Will you let me thank you for the wonderful help you have given me ? After years of work in Wagner roles, singing had almost become nothing but hard work. Now, in the very comparar tively short time I have been working with you, it is a genuine pleasure. With best wishes for your continued great success, I am your sincere and grateful Clarence Whitehill, Metropolitan Opera Co. MONTH AGO MORE THAN HALF OF HER TEACHING TIME HAS BEEN SOLD s unique opportunity should immediately write or wire to ORY CHICAGO’S FOREMOST SCHOOL OF MUSIC KIMBALL HALL, 300 S. WABASH AVE. CHICAGO, ILL. EDT, President