March 1, 19 2 3 MUSICAL COURIER 4 The Best Bargain is Quality— f I 4HE Conover is one of the few great Pianos of A today which is still being built by its original maker :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ÇI Its continued use in such institutions as the University of Chicago, University of Illinois, University of Wisconsin and Northwestern University is the best proof of its satisfactory tone qualities and durability :: :: :: :: :: MAKERS Send for free illustrated Art Catalog THE CABLE COMPANY, Chicago THE AEOLIAN COMPANY Aeolian Hall, New York City Manufacturers of the Supreme Reproducing Piano THE DUO-ART EDMUND GRAM GRAND and UPRIGHT PIANOS and PLAYERS ol ARTISTIC TONE QUALITY Manufactured In Milwaukee, WIs. HELEN ALLYN Soprano with Boston Society of Singers: late of leading European opera houses 820 ORCHESTRA BLD6., CHICAGO, ILL LOUIS BAKER PHILLIPS KARL RECKZEH PIANIST KIMBALL HALL CHICAGO. ILL. PIANIST INSTRUCTION ORGAN ■ IKEORY • ACCOMPANIST • COACH European Experience Organist, First Church of Christ, Scientist, Residence, 503 West 111th Street, New York tel. Cathedral 5810 L E O M PIANIST Residence Studio: 631 Stratford Place PIANO BENDITZKY Chicago, III LEADING ENGLISH MUSICAL PAPERS A weekly “THE MUSICAL NEWS & HERALD for 3d gives all the latest news of the musical world. Subscription 4 dol-lars a year post. free. A monthly, “THE SACKBUT” is a thor-oughly sound and interesting shilling review, edited by that brilliant young singer Ursula Greville. Subscription 3 dollars a y-^ar post free. Both are published by J. CURWEN & SONS, Ltd. 24 Berner. Street. London. W. 1, England MYRON W. WHITNEY VOICE TEACHER Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Dav d Marines School,157 E. 74th St., N.Y. Other days, 1406 H. Street, Washington, D. C. HERMAN SPIELTER Author of “MANUAL OF HARMONY״ Theory end Composition Instruotor of Mana-Zuoca and many others. 616 West 180th Street, New York Tel. Wadsworth 8760 HAROLD A. LORING LECTURE — RECITALS American Indian Music Management : ELON C. BORTON 14 W. Washington Street, Chicago HARTHAN ARENDT Exclusive Management, Maude N. Rea Telephone Harrison 7850 Graceland 4897 KING 7196 Vanderbilt ELIZABETH Soprano Clubs — Musioales — Recitals Mgt. : Standard Booking Office ' ־ ־־ ־־ ־־־ Tel. 17 East 42nd St., New York Leon Sametini for dates address Personal Representative L. FERRARIS 626 So. Michigan Avenue - - - Chicago VOICE CULTURE New York City MARGOLIS A IVI U E L 1425 Broadway, Suite 38. LILY STRICKLAND FOUR SONGS FROM THE HILLS “O Little Drum,״ “Mir Jahan,״ “By Jhel-urn's Stream״ and “Here In the High Hills.״ Published by G. Schlrmer, Inc. Personal address: Grand Hotel, Calcutta, India. A. B. Chase Piano Co. Upright and Grand Pianos -AND- Reproducing Player Pianos Offices: 20 West 45th Street • • New York City Factory: Norwalk, Ohio THE Original Welte-Mignon CABINET REPRODUCING PLAYER for GRAND PIANOS and INTERIOR MECHANISMS in UPRIGHT PIANOS With a Great Library of Original Welte-Mignon Music Rolls Consisting of over 2,500 Records by the Greatest Pianists WELTE-MIGNON CORPORATION New York City GEORGE W. GITTINS, President Office and Wareroome : 667 Fifth Avenue SHEET MUSIC A COPY YOU know Paderewski’s “Men-uet”—his masterful composition is world famous. But, do you know that you can buy it for 15c—beautifully printed on the best of paper—certified to be correct as the master wrote it ? That is the achievement of Century ^Certified Edition Sheet Music — for 15c you can select from masterpieces like "Madrigale,' "II Ttovatore," "Humoresque.'' " Barcarolle,' "Melody in F," "But-t terfly," " Harlekin,'' i "Shepherd's Dance,'' 1 "First Tarantelle," "Grand Marche de Concert,” "II Puritani," "The Brook,” "La Scintilla,” "Mazurka No.2, ”"ThePalms,‘ and practically all the other standard classics. Insist on Century Edition When you buy music,select the dealer who has Century. You’ll get the best music at a real saving and deal with , a merchant who is fair minded and broadminded. Remember,Century at 15c means a low profit for him. Insist on Century. If I your dealer won’t supplyyou, *we will. Catalogue of over 2,000 classical and standard com־ k positions free on request. Ask your dealer to show you Martin’s"Elementary Rudiments for the Piano" and John’s " Elementary Rudiments for the Violin.” ״CENTURY MUSIC PUBLISHING CO/ 241 West 40th St., New York City Maestro G. LOMBARDO TEACHER OF SINGING author of “The Art of Singing” DE LUCIA Pupil of the famoui Fernando who says: "I always suggest to the student: Consult Maestro Lombardo; no roioe defect can escape him. He will correct your roice from nasal shouting and guttural sound." Teacher of Ciceolini, John Eagan and other celebrities. Consultation and voice trial by appointment only. Studio: 120 West 94th St., New York City Telephone Schuyler 558 Conductor—Coach—Accompanist STUDIOS: 37 West 72nd Street New York Pheae 2297 Columbas J. WARREN ERB H. W. Maurer Specialist In VIOLIN TECHNICS Studio: 1425 Broadway, New York City Residence: 867 East 179th Street, Bronx, N. Y. D ILLING M R E HARPIST D Mgt HAENSEL & JONES. Aeolian Hall. N. Y Personal Address: 315 West 79th St., N. Y< HURLBUT Latest De Reszke Disciple MASTER-CLASSES SUMMER 1923 Seattle Spokane Lewiston 319 West 95th St. New York Tel. Riverside 4650 Concert Organ-let, Conductor, and Accompanist. Instruction, Plano Theory and Counterpoint Robert Formerly assistant to Mengelberg SHEET MUSIC S51 West 67th Street, New York Tel. 9888 Circle ELSA FISCHER STRING QUARTET Elsa Fiacher, 1st Violin Lucie Neidhardt, Viola Isabel Rausch, 2d Violin Carolyn Neidhardt, Cello Address 474 West 150th Street N«w York City Read—“Thi Secrets or Svengali״ By J. H. Duval And You’ll Find Out. $2.00 at all Music Dealers and Booksellers Published by James T. White, 70 Fifth Ave., New York City Do You Study Singing? Are You Making Progress? If Not, Why?