46 February 22, 1923 Song, Country Dance and Alla Turca, are all descriptive, as the titles indicate. Good material carefully arranged. FIRST YEAR HAYDN Arranged by R. Krentzlin The composer has taken ten selected compositions of Haydn’s and adapted, arranged and edited them for third grade study. These belong to the First Year Classics of the Schmidf Educational Series. Some teachers may feel the pupil is sufficiently far advanced to take up these easy classics earlier, yet this is not advisable. There should be a good foundation in order to master them thoroughly, even though they contain no technical difficulties. Standard material which every teacher should have. THE SATIN SLIPPER and FOR REMEMBRANCE By Ernest Harry Adams A valsette and romance for third grade. The kind of compositions students enjoy. ONCE UPON A TIME and SALUTATION By Clayton Johns The first selection belongs to the same class as the two above. A valse lente, bright and well written. The second is for four hands, one piano. Also a waltz. More commencement numbers׳ and studio recitals. The value of such is well understood by the modern teacher. Pupils are enthusiastic over combinations, particularly of this nature. (Schroeder & Gunther, New York) TOY WALTZ and TO A DAFFODIL By Elliot Griffis Two third grade piano pieces, graceful and most tuneful. Suitable for all classes in studios and conservatories. TEN SILHOUETTES FOR THE PIANO By M. Paul Ziegler Third grade teaching pieces of one page each, published separately. A well known set of good musical value: With Great Delight (Invention), Happy Go Lucky (Novelette), Happy Thoughts (Rondo), In Cheerful Mood (Impromptu). Grace and Humor (intermezzo), Repentance (romance), Joyous Moments (bagatelle), Vanished Dreams (reverie), Always Gay (a sketch), and Youth and Joy (scherzo), are the descriptive titles. (Frank Harding, New York) ARABESQUE By R. H. Merrian A simple teaching piece for the piano in E flat. Third grade. (W. Paxton & Co., Ltd., London) ROUND THE WORLD By Clifford Winterton MY LADY’S MOODS By H. G. Gibson-Butler IDOLS OF IND By Jean le Clercq The first set, Round the World, is a musical tour personally conducted by fairy tales. There are seven little numbers by Clifford Winterton. Madrid, Buenos Ayres, Pekin, Cairo, Moscow, Prague and Paris are the cities visited by the young pianist. A clever idea and entertainingly worked out. Third grade. My Lady’s Moods are five impressions for the piano EDOARDO PETRI Vocal Instructor Studios: 1425 Broadway, New York City Telephone Pennsylvania 2628 MUSICAL COURIER acquire the proper effect the composer intended. The trill, broken chord and crossing of the left hand are emphasized. Recital number. {Clayton F. Summy, Chicago) MOTHER GOOSE TOLD AT THE PIANO By Ruth S. Havner Easy piano pieces for kindergarten work. There are eleven exercises in this collection, each with words. All but one are only eight bars long. Published with large notes and clever illustrations to be colored by the kiddies. These answer two purposes—as piano study, and little songs with a distinct melody. Good all round material for teachers of beginners. (John Church Company, Cincinnati and New York) THE NIGHTINGALE’S SONG By Ethelbert Nevin One of the best known piano pieces by this American composer, The Nightingale’s Song, was originally published with numerous^ other compositions and is now issued in sheet form. This is welcome news as there has been a great demand for it as a separate number. A more characteristic selection cannot be found, for it contains all of the color and lilting melody in which Nevin’s music abounds. {The Willis Co., Cincinnati) SONG AT SUNSET By Wallace A. Johnson A mazurka mélodique, belonging to a set of four teaching pieces, published separately for higher elementary work. For tempo, finger and wrist staccato and weak finger exercises. Bright with pleasing melody. For progressive study. (White-Smith Music Publishing Company, Boston) LITTLE TOURISTS By Charles Wakefield Cadman Early teaching pieces. A set of five numbers, published separately. On Hester Street, descriptive music; A Prarie Rose, meditation ; In An Alabama Cabin, characteristic ; At the Golden Gate, a barcarolle, and Among Northern Pines, a nocturne. When a musician of Mr. Cadman’s ability turns his attention to easy pieces they are very apt to be out of the ordinary, and most welcome to teachers. This set is far above the average despite the fact that there is a wealth of excellent material for beginners being offered today. (G. Schirmer, Inc., New York) PICKANINNY DANCE By David Guion This young composer from Texas is writing some very clever pieces these days. It is his sincerity that appeals. There is no inclination to exaggerate or confuse with im-poss.ble combinations. He knows what he is writing about and sets it down in a straightforward manner, which fact is winning for him much admiration. We are classing this as teaching material for the simple reason that advanced students who wish modern compositions of Southern atmosphere will find something good and worth while. The artist has long since recognized these qualities in Mr. Guion’s music,and his Turkey In The Straw, for instance, has taken its place among the best of its kind. TOLD AT TWILIGHT By Sidney King Russell A simple descriptive composition which was published two years ago, and has been used with good results by teachers of the intermediate grades. SPRING MORNING By Paul Yartin _ A brilliant recital number for advanced students. Particularly adaptable for commencement exercises. Rapid scales and tempo together with octaves and succession of chords. Requires much contrast in shading and developing touch. Good number. (Arthur P, Schmidt Co., Boston) FROM REST HARROW By Arthur Foot A little suite for the piano containing five selections published in one volume by a well known composer of educational study for all grades. In these; Mr. Foot’s newest contribution, are emphasized many fundamental Piano Music for All Glasses (Composers' Music Corporation, New York) INDIAN DANCE By Daniel Wolf Intermediate study for the piano. As the title, Indian Dance, indicates, the composition is descriptive. Good exercise for the fingers, wrist and, above all, accent and tempo. Though the piece is not overly difficult it requires not only technic but also musical understanding. Dedicated to Rudolph Ganz. CONTE HEBRAIQUE By Lazare Saminsky A Hebrew fairy tale, written while the composer was in Jerusalem, March, 1919. An interesting study for advanced playing. It begins with the melody in the left hand; after a few bars a voice is heard in the right. This theme is developed, with many variations to a simple and telling climax. The best description is, in the composer’s own instructions: tranquillo, poetico e semplice. Dedicated to Arthur Rubinstein. VALSE GROTESQUE By Frederick Albert Hoschke A recital selection for advanced students. Many contrasts in shading and rapid changes of fingering. Requires careful work in technic and phrasing. Well written and good all round composition for progressive teachers. Much longer than most pieces of similar grade and standard. CLOG DANCE By Howard H. Hanson Descriptive music which must be played with a marked rhythm and rather fast. A dance using rapid changes for hand position. Of medium difficulty both for artist and student. Very effective. Dedicated to Percy Grainger. CAPRICCIETTO, MINUETTO, VALZERINO and RONDOLETTO (for Piano) By Louis Gruenberg Little studies for the beginners. These show Louis Gruenberg to be the proud possessor of many styles and manners stretching all the way from Mozartian simplicity to modernistic complexity. The four little piano pieces are absolutely commonplace and evidently intended to be. They show that Mr. Gruenberg can write this sort of thing well—better, in fact, than some of his attempts at bigger things. They are first rate teaching pieces. {Oliver Ditson Company, Boston and New York) THE GRASSHOPPER AND THE BUTTERFLY By Renee Miles First grade teaching piece. Published with ■large notes and carefully fingered. {Carl Fischer, New York) IN A ROSE GARDEN By Tobia Acciani A melodic composition for third grade, higher elementary study. Any pupil of this division will find no technical obstacles, but at the same time there are demands for phrasing and color which must be observed in order to This Sign for Songs of the Better Kind TBAOt MARK RKI5TERC0 THE WITMARK BLACK AND WHITE SERIES The only Black and White Series Send for Songland Catalog M.WITMARK & SONS,Publishers E LIZ Al Fisk Building, New York BETH BONNER CONTRALTO CONCERT MANAGEMENT ARTHUR JUDSON Pennsylvania Building, Philadelphia CICLI’9 Only Vocal Teacher, MAESTRO ENRICO ROSATI New York Studio Now Open 21 West 58th Street Phone Plaza 6680 Season 1923-1924 Now Booking Exclusive Management: DANIEL MAYER Âcoliân Hall New York and the Denishawn Dancers ST. DEN S u T H