February 15, 1923 MUSICAL COURIER 34 JOSEPH DISTINGUISHED E< “A voice that among its kind has BEAUTIFUL EXAMPLE OF SUSTAINED LEGAT( SINGING. Heimliche Aufforderung had a depth of pas-| sionate feeling. A Woman (by Sinding) so pleased the audience that it had to be repeated. There was much enthusiasm throughout the evening] and there were many encores. Chicago Evening American, January 16, 1923 BY HERMAN DEVRIES When Joseph Schwarz made his debut here last year| at the Auditorium in Rigoletto, WE GOULD FIND NC ADJECTIVE ADEQUATE TO EXPRESS THEl BEAUTY OF HIS ART, NO TERM OF PRAISEI SUFFICIENTLY ELOQUENT TO VOICE OUR ADMIRATION OF THIS REMARKABLE SINGER-1 ACTOR. When he followed with a perfect Pere Germont in| Traviata and crowned all by one of the most poetic Wolframs ever heard in Tannhäuser, we w ere sure Chicago I had found A CELEBRITY WORTHY THE NAME,| WORTHY THE FAME. Last evening Mr. Schwarz gave a song recital before an audience whose enthusiasm was evidently grounded in solid musical appreciation and the cultivation that knows | how to value genuine greatness. THE ENTIRE PROGRAM WAS A CONTINUOUS | LESSON IN THE ART OF SINGING. Schwarz is not a wonderful singer simply because HE HAS A GLORIOUS BARITONE. He has, besides this,' other precious gifts, VERSATILITY OF INTERPRETATION, MATCHLESS DICTION AND A PERSONALITY OF RARE ORIGINALITY AND DISTINCTION. The announcement of Mr. Schwarz’s engagement (by the Chicago Opera Company) should terminate this article. ... We solicit the cooperation of our esteemed contemporaries in this demand for the engagement of that noble artist, Joseph Schwarz. His name on the roster of the opera company can only add luster and dignity as well as artistic glamour to the association. Chicago Evening Post, January 16, 1923 JOSEPH SCHWARZ IS A SINGER OF SONGS IN THE MOST EXACTING MEANING OF THE TERM. Each song last evening was an individual tone picture quite different in character from every other. He got at the essence of each and brought it out with a beauty in tone quality and variety of shading that was remarkable. The most delightful part was the spontaneity with which he entered into each song. This required VIRTUOSITY OF THE FIRST RANK. MR. SCHWARZ’S VOICE IS Exclusive Management: S. HUR1 Photo by Hartsook Chicago Daily News, January 16, 1923 SCHWARZ GREAT IN SONG BY MAURICE ROSENFELD JOSEPH SCHWARZ, the Russian baritone, gave a song recital at Orchestra Hall last evening and AROUSED GREAT ENTHUSIASM. Mr. Schwarz was A CONSPICUOUS FIGURE when he sang here with the Chicago Opera Company. He is a still more MAGNETIC PERSONALITY on the concert stage. He brings to his renditions of various songs and airs a comprehensive artistry. Not only a voice, . . . but a musical sense of rare judgment . . . and intensity in emotional and dramatic expression and a stage presence that wins his audience. Dream in the Twilight was A