February 15, 1923 MUSICAL COURIER 28 FLORENCE Triumphs 1 With the Chicag Boston Post, January 25, 1923, said: MISS MACBETH TRIUMPHS The feature of this performance was the singing of FloJ ence Macbeth, making her first appearance during the cut[ rent stay of the company. Here is a woman who not onl| has a beautiful voice, but—rara avis in Grand Opera—sing as an artist. Her best singing was in the second act. He voice had marvellous flexibility in spite of its fullness (hei is somewhat fuller than the average coloratura’s). He range is very great, and she made no hard work of takinl the high tones in the well-worn “Caro Nome.” Boston Traveller, January 25, 1923 said: Florence Macbeth made her first appearance last eveninl in the Gilda role. Her voice is of a beautiful coloraturl quality. She was attractive and appealing as the Jester 1 daughter, and the audience last night called her back agaiJ and again. The quartet is probably the best known selecl tion from this opera and last evening Macbeth’s singing wal easily the most impressive. NOW BOOKIN( “SECRET OF SUZANNE’ (Miss Macbeth and HJ NATIONA SAMUEL 1451 Broadway Exclusive Chicago Sunday Tribune, December 31, said: MISS MACBETH WINS PRAISE IN OPERA RETURN colui! BY EDWARD MOORE Miss Macbeth celebrated her return by singing the name part of “Lucia di Lammermoor,” a role and a work known wherever grand opera is a habit. She put a special point on the occasion by singing it in a most lovely manner, as beautifully as she ever did it in past seasons, which is saying a good deal. There is much to be said for the excellences of the old time coloratura operas when there is a voice like Miss Macbeth’s to sing them, with its purity of tone, its infallibility of pitch, and the lovely youthful quality that has always been there since she made her first appearance here some years ago. The audience evidently felt that a great deal was to be said, and proceeded to say it with applause that was vigorous. The “mad scene” started a demonstration that was a gratifying response to a performance of high quality. Wherefore Miss Macbeth was once again a success in the annals of Chicago’s opera. She always has been. Chicago Daily News January 2, said: BY MAURICE ROSENFELD Miss Macbeth has become a potent and highly artistic figure (among coloratura sopranos, and she sang the music and acted the role of Lucia) so that it would be hard to compare the singing of any other coloratura soprano with hers. She sang with purity of tone, with remarkable flexibility and she acted with due regard for the dramatic demands of her part. She received much applause for all of her solos and a veritable ovation after the “mad scene.” 1 1 Ï\îf78\1 tYSVl f/é\1 Ì7IY1 lÿS?) ffäi t/SYl IrSVl tVSŸÎ foYi ÌVSV¡ ^1 [ÿï?¡ Î78?l ÎYÂVl tvSxl