IE M iiUSlNG, icho has just returned from a tour of California and western Canada. He will give a recital in Chicago, February 20, at Orchestra Hall, for the benefit of the Chicago Osteopathic Hospital. (Photo by de Gueldre.) MERLE ALCOCK, contralto, who, following an appearance in Minneapolis, led James Davies to state in the Tribune of that city: "Throughout its range there is not an unpleasant tone in the voice.” According to James G. Tliurber in the Columbus Dispatch on January IS, uMerle Alcock has not only a splendid voice of great scope and sensitive beauty, but she is beautiful, she is charming, she is all that an American singer should be, with no flare for the exotic of the alien or the temperamental.״ (Townsend photo.) ALFRED CORTOT, the popular French pianist, who will give a recital at the Harcum School, Bryn Manor, Pa., on the evening of February 28. His program will include Concerto da Camera, Vivaldi; Andante Spaianata et Polonaise, Chopin; Camarai, Schumann; Etude en forme de Valse and Bouree pour la main gauch e, Saint-Saëns ; La Cathedrale Engloutie, Debussy ; Seguidillas, Albeniz, and a Liszt rhapsody. The Cortot recital will be the first of a series by eminent artists which Mrs. Harcum will present at the school, her aim being to give the students an opportunity to hear the best music intrepreted by world famous artists. (Photo by Royal Atelier.) ARTURO PAPALARDO, icho came in for his share of honors in Washington, D. C., ivhen he conducted an excellent performance of Rigoletto, given by the Washington Opera Company. The press was unanimous in its support of the young conductor’s admirable work. GÖARLES MARSHALL, looking at himself as Othello. With him is Glenn C. Sheffer, president of the Palette and Chisel Club of Chicago, who made the painting. (Photo © by Underwood & Underwood.) photographed under her 200-year-old apple tree at her home in England. The picture to the left shows Miss Sparkes’ home at Oldfield Point, L. I., and that on the right is the beautiful view to be seen from the house. BENIAMINO GIGLI, as Romeo, in Romeo and Juliette, his latest success at the Metropolitan Opera.