ERD!:. ALEXANDER KOSHETZTS UKRAINIAN NATIO^WCÜgRUâ Did you ever know of a concert, to which 32,600 people paid admission? This actually happened on Monday afternoon, December 26, 1922, when that number in the great bull-fight arena in Mexico City heard y ■ MUSICAL COURIER ÍITELY ANNOUNCES FOR SEASON 1923-24 »FESSOR ALEXANDER KOSHETZ’ NATIONAL CHORUS While this record breaking tour was in progress, some rival New York music managers were busily circulating false reports to the effect that the Ukrainian National Chorus had disbanded, and cancelled its tour. The two illustrations here shown were taken from a moving picture made during some of the Arena concerts ; they speak for themselves and absolutely refute those malicious reports. The Mexican officials requested that the Ukrainian National Chorus and its associate artists remain five weeks longer in the Republic, so that concerts might be given in as many cities as possible; therefore, the Pacific Coast portion of the itinerary was cancelled, but the United States tour was resumed in Kansas City on January 30, 1923, and will continue until March IS as S^rn)DSKAJA originally booked. Prof. Alexander Koshetz’ Ukrainian National Chorus Jointly With Mile. ODA SLOBODSKAJA Which superlative artistic attraction broke all known concert attendance records. Three additional concerts followed, ranging in audiences each between twenty-five and thirty thousand people, besides nineteen other concerts which were given in the largest theaters in Mexico City. THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL CHORUS made its debut at the Teatro Arbeau which has a seating capacity of 1,900. This was insufficient to accommodate the crowds that sought admission. The Mexican Government, under whose auspices the tour was made, in order to give as many persons as possible the benefit of hearing this marvelous organization, then arranged to present the Chorus at the Teatro Iris, which has a seating capacity of nearly 3,600. But even this large auditorium could not hold these music-loving and enthusiastic Mexicans. After nineteen concerts had been given in these two theaters, the Minister of Education and Fine Arts Vasconcelos, and Minister of Finance de la Huerta, both of whom are musicians, realizing not only the cultural appeal, but the message conveyed to the people by this remarkable vocal ensemble, then arranged to give further concerts in the great arena of the Plaza de Toros which comfortably seats 32,000, and has been equipped with the most perfect acoustical contrivances, so that the slightest sound is distinctly heard. >ast Tour II 5th (itutions—Serious eir Communities. tal Chorus created lthusiastic response factions before the From both press and !very American and I, whether from an >cal managers who |ipaired the prestige ־whether or not it »RUS ork City inswick Exclusively I Applause