February 8, 1923 MUSICAL COURIER 34 MAX RABINOFF DEI A few expressions of appreciation from our most distinguished educators UKRAINIA Will Positively Make a Coast to from November 1st to Mar! Responsible and Discriminating Local Managers—Educational Musical Clubs—Interested in the Development of Real Art ini PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRINCETON, N. J . November 21, 1922. My dear Mr. Rabinoff! I am very glad to express my deep appreciation of the concert given at Princeton by the Ukrainian National Chorus. Their work is an expression of the highest form of art and our Princeton audience v׳as enthusiastic in its approval and appreciation. With warm regards, Faithfully yours. PLEASE NOTE: That the concerts given by Prof. Alexander Koshetz’ Ukrainian such a profound impression on every audience that heard it and won si that this great vocal ensemble has become one of the biggest drawin| American public today. This unique organization has received unanimous and unqualified pr public, in European capitals during the past four years, and the past seasol Mexican city in which it has so far appeared. The appeal is equally sj artistic, cultural, educational, entertainment or financial standpoint. In several small cities in the United States there have been irresponsj used this attraction for their own personal aggrandizement, which unfaii of the organization, giving malicious managers material to work on. AFTER ALL, THE PUBLIC DECIDES Before you determine upon your course for next season, think over—care is good business to include THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL Cl and write immediately for available time to MAX RABINOFF, 250 West 57th Street, N< Mr. MaxRabinoff, 250 West 57th St., New York. Records fot Steinway Piano Used Exclusively UNIVERSITY or MISSOURI CO LU MBIA Eovember 16, 1922. The Horning After. My deer Mr. Rabinoff: . ',And '׳;hen ehe had passed it seemed like the ceasing of exquisite music.״ ״hcrr Y°Ur ^raihian Chorus ha8 come and gone, ¿hey had a rousing, wonderful ovation, and thay sang like the Lord's own anointed. ™ F?T a11 tide’ my de6r !» ״ “ ״“ ' Wl־״ent ״־517 »־־״־־ »» the Ukrainian ״ ׳״ “״ ״*■״ ־״«<■־" W. School 1־ MU 1־ «»Ol11» ?־־. *“ ol the Chorus and Its ahsolute uastory ol tnj „„־,־־ which .־^t&Ä;־«־־־* to m tole 1^K«״״״1“““ *־ .1<״V « . ™,lolaa. too, ־ l־־״r־.־־a at over, — 1־* ״ ~ ' I»r perlormnc.. ״־oh pi־־־ haa a wealth ״״»׳» 1־» a„a oharaoterlsUo national flavor, 1 ad»lr־d al־o •>״ ״•*״ ■״ ־״«״ ־־' lor the Inspiring efteot he W upon the Chorus and the a״al.»־־ and for the rare musd clanship which he displayed In shny of .he arrange™״־ of the ־*!<״ songs. ,The audio־־״ regarded the ״־־«־־ as an event of g״״״ hportan־־ and It was ־as, to realise that a deep topreselon ״a. «ade up״־ then. assuring you that ,־ are delighted to have had ,he Chorus as our guests, I am. u\0 À F K ROGERS. T, J. E GMSS. The Hampton Normal and agricultural institute HAMPTON. VIRGINIA H. Nathaniel Dett . Miss Wilhelmina B. Patterson December 5, 1922 Mr* Lax Rabinoff 250 W 57th Street New York City Deer L׳.r. Rabinoff: The message of the Rational Ukrainian Chorus is of the profoundest significance especially to America, a young nation which is, asutegarde music, just getting on her feet; for these singers demonstrate in a most remarkable fashion the wonderful possibilities of <4*-indigenous avt. Through their munic they s.eem to reiterate with great poignancy the .immortal words of Booker T. Washington, "Let doVn-your buckets where you erel" reminding us that ^here are alipgetber too few of us here who are "finding a way out" by means of the development of a native idiom. If there be any- to whom thi¿ is not obvious let them ask themselves the question, ",.Vhat has America to offer in any way comparable to the .. art :-.of the National Ukrainian Chorus?" In spite of Vr.e many unusual‘-opportunities which, through the kindness of friends and through other ways, are afforded our students and ,the community, the recital by the national Ukrainian Chord¿ at Hampton Institute, Saturday November twenty-first, remains the outstanding musical event in the historj--t£e school. Director çf TTEfsio. Hampton Institute Mile. Slobodskaja Acknowl