13 M U S 1 C A L C OU RI E R February 8, 19 2 3 «Sa . , ' ON A CONCERT TOUR WITH MISCHA LEVITZKI His style is individually his own, as is his technique, exceedingly finished, unfailing in its correctness, endless in its minute gradations.—New York Times, Nov. 9, 1922. Levitzki has grown with somewhat confounding quickness from the position of an unusually gifted and promising boy to that of a young master.—New York Sun, Nov. 9, 1922. He is a remarkable young pianist, one of the princes of the piano.—Chicago American, Nov. 18, 1922. He exhibited his delicate touch, ease and smoothness of execution to perfection, and the response from the house was spontaneous.—Brooklyn (N. Y.) Eagle, Nov. 28, 1922. Of all the pianists that come to display their wares in Chicago in the course of a season, Mischa Levitzki comes pretty nearly leading the list.—Chicago Tribune, Dec. 11, 1922. A great figure in the pianistic world is Mischa Levitzki. His art combines something of the authority and superlative pianistic mastery of Busoni with more than an echo of the romanticism of Paderewski.—Chicago Herald, Dec. 11, 1922. The conclusion of the program found the audience entirely unwilling to leave the building. One burst of applause followed another as encores were demanded.—Savannah (GaJ News, Dec. 13, 1922. He held his audience spellbound from beginning to end.—Rock Hill (S. C.) Record, Dec. 18, 1922. The nonchalance with which he surmounted the technical difficulties were little short of amazing. —Cleveland Press, Jan. 5, 1923. Here was beautiful piano playing, poetic, sane, yes inspirational in a way; one thought of it as Beethoven himself would have been pleased to hear it .—Cleveland News, Jan. 5, 1923. That the great crowd of admirers of the aesthetic art were immensely pleased was shown in the enthusiastic applause which greeted the young pianist at the close of every number; and towards the end the plaudits assumed tremendous proportions.—Muncie (Ind.) Star, Jan. 9, 1923. Mischa Levitzki gives Peorians one of rarest treats of the Musical season.—Peoria (III.) Transcript, Jan. 11, 1923. Mr. Levitzki has grown in virtuosity since he last appeared here and he did some amazing things last night. He proved his creative powers in two original compositions, a Gavotte of conventional structure and harmonies, and the waltz, which is really a litttle gem, and altogether fascinating as the composer played it.—Buffalo Express, Jan. 17, 1923. There is no need to expand on Mr. Levitzki’s familiar and delightful art.—New York Herald, Jan. 25, 1923. SEASON 1923-1924 NOW BOOKING A Number of Dates Already Assigned NEW YORK Am pico Records EXCLUSIVE MANAGEMENT Aeolian Hall DANIEL MAYER Steinway Piano