MUSICAL COURIER THE STEIN WAY iliümuviiniïlut PIANOS “THE STRADIVARIUS (GRAND AMD UPRIGHT) Are Everywhere Known As THE STANDARD PIANOS OF THE WORLD OF PIANOS" The Mason & Hamlin Piano has set a new stand• FACTORIES : Dilmars Avenue and RIker Avenue ard of tone and value and has long commanded Steinway, Borough of Queens, New York ״, . | Steinway Hall, 107-109 East 14th Street, New York the highest price of any piano in the world. arerooms. ^ Steinway Hall, 15-17 Lower Seymour St., Portman Sq., W., London Principal Warerooms and Factories Represented by the Foremost Dealers Everywhere BOSTON STEINWAY & SOINS New York Warerooms, 813 Fifth Avenue NICH-S-BACH *l/ltra-Quality PIANOS and Player Pianos New York City ENDORSED BY MUSICAL ARTISTS EVERYWHERE Established 1864 The Celco Reproducing Medium in the A. B. Chase Established 1875 Emerson Lindeman Sons Established 1849 Established 1836 United Piano Corporation 20 West 45th Street New York City PAUL ALTHOUSE WRITES: New York, June 19th, i9f9 The Autopiano Company, On-the-Hudson at 51st Street, New York City. Dear Sirs— You are certainly to be congratulated on your splendid achievement in the production of the Autopiano, which I consider one of the finest players I have ever played. It is so exquisitely beautiful in tone and expression, so unquestionably superior, that I can readily understand why the Autopiano leads in the player piano world. Sincerely, THE AUTOPIANO COMPANY On-the-Hudson at 51st Street New York Name Sofvmer on a piano is a guarantee of quality; a synonym for artistic excellence. For forty years the Sohmer family have been making Sohmer pianos. To make the most artistic piano possible has been the one aim, and its accomplishment is evidenced by the fact that: There are more Sohmers in use in the Metropolitan District than any other artistic piano. SOHMER & CO., 31 West 57th St., NEW YORK EI LERT PRINTING COMPANY, 318-326 WEST THIRTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK