50 February 1, 1923 Marcel Dupre, Fritz Kreisler, the Cleveland• Orchestra, Rachmaninoff and Paderewski, . Local musicians are offering to the music lovers of Spring-held a series of Sunday afternoon vesper concerts. These concerts are given fortnightly in the downtown church and are free to the public. Mrs. -Warren Thrasher, organist and director of music at the Central M. E. Church, had charge of the program for January 7. These concerts are well attended and are filling a long felt need in the musical hie of Springfield. q q Tallahassee, Fla., January 17.-A most attractive recital was given by Cleona Quiett, soprano, and Gladys Comforter pianist, at the Florida State College for Women, before a large and enthusiastic audience. Miss Uuiett s dramatic soprano was heard in numbers by Haydn Mendelssohn, Gounod, Tirindelli, Mozart, Foster and Leoni. Miss Comforter has a sound technic and fine sense ot values. She offered a Beethoven sonata, and selections by Liszt, Dett, MacDowell and Sowerby. Dean Opper-man accompanied the singer. Grainger's Shepherd Hey and Guion’s Turkey in the Straw were interesting novelties presented by Gladys Mosley in a recent recital at the College Auditorium. E. O. Tampa, Fla., January 16.—A sacred concert given recently was in charge of Conrad Murphree, the capable chorus director of the Musicale. The program was well balanced and delightful throughout. On January 12 the Friday Morning Musicale celebrated c? . annua Music Day. Through the efforts of the State Chairman of Education for the F. F. M. C., it was unanimously agreed at the convention last spring in .Miami to make the observance state-wide. The music appreciation conducted in the schools here by the music teachers was a prominent feature. Excellent programs were given in all p¡* ־״ institutions and in the leading music houses. Nellie Wells Durand gave an excellent organ recital. The climax ot the day was reached in the program given in the evening by the Friday Morning Musicale in charge of Mine Saxby. Gray Perry, pianist, distinguished himself by an artistic interpretation of Chopin’s B flat minor sonata and Mrs. Frank Parziall was given much applause after her coloratura number.' The program given by the student’s department of the club was a credit both to the pupils and ^e?^ers an^ the organization which they represent. The Emory Glee Club appeared recently and received favorable comment from many enthusiastic listeners The Christmas recital at the Virgil School of Music was most attractive, both in the excellent program rendered and in the unique way in which the decorations and refreshments reflected the spirit of the season. A, very pleasing recital was given recently by the pupils of the Dawson School of Musical Art. Atlantic City s Million Dollar Pier Band has been engaged for the season to play in Plant Park. The first concert was given this week. M. M. S. 9״a"a