January 18, 1923 MUSICAL COURIER 62 MUSIC ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE hospitals and other public institutions. They wound up the day singing carols at the downtown park, where the scene of the Nativity was presented by the Community Service members. The Wayfarer chorus, under Montgomery Lynch, gave two good performances of The Messiah, a group singing it on Christmas Day at the Orpheum, where a special program was given for strangers in the city and those who had not planned to attend other entertainments. Clifford Kantner’s quartet and the 250 members of the glee club from the West Seattle High School were features of the performance. Dai Steel Ross gave a charming program of songs that were compiled so as to make a complete Christmas story, which was the last of a series of five recitals. Mrs. Ross was assisted by E. Hellier Collens, violist, and Arville Belstad, pianist. The annual Christmas program presented by the Ladies' Musical Club was arranged by Mrs. A. S. Kerry, who is becoming well known as a composer under the name of Katherine Glen, and Mrs. Frank Van Tuyl. Maurice Le Plat, violinist, a new member of the music colony of Seattle, played excellently, and a group of mediaeval songs was presented in a very interesting way by Ada Tilley, a new vocal instructor at the University of Washington. Amphion Society in Concert The first concert of its thirteenth season was given at Meany Hall by the Amphion Society, with Betsy Lane Shepherd, soprano, as soloist. This society has about one hundred members and until this season was under the direction of Claude Madden, who did yeomen service in training these men to sing well and intelligently. He has been succeeded by Graham Morgan, who is also an experienced leader, singer and lecturer. The big audience was enthusiastic as the Amphion audiences always are. Miss Shepherd made such a favorable impression that even after her first number she had to respond with encores. She was in excellent voice and spirits and had to pay the price of pleasing her hearers—which she did very graciously. Notes The pupils of Louise C. Beck gave a Twilight Musicale in her studio, December 17. Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Armstrong were at home in their studio at the McKelvey on Thursday afternoon, when a short program was presented, Ernest Jaskowsky, one of Mr. Armstrong’s pupils, playing a group of violin solos. Paul McCoole, one of Boyd Wells’ talented pupils, gave piano recitals in Everett, Auburn and Tacoma, and will be heard here some time in January. John Hopper, one of the popular young pianists of Seattle, is now assistant instructor in the piano department of the Cornish School, and Lois Adler, pianist, who has appeared with the Chicago and Minneapolis Symphony orchestras, by this organization of male voices and many encores were demanded. Notes. Ellen Edwards, a young English pianist, has come to reside in Oakland. She gave an invitational recital recently and displayed sound technic and pianistic excellences which will ensure her a warm welcome in the musical sets of the bay district. She is an honor graduate of the Royal College of Music in England. The Cecilian Trio—consisting of Karoline B. Jump cellist; Mary Elizabeth Jump, violinist, and Selena Helen Reynolds, harpist—gave selections at the Christmas evening program of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, December 24. The semi-annual concert of students of the music department of the California School for the Blind was given December 24, open to the public. Otto Fleissner is director; Claire Upshur the vocal instructor, Natalie Bigelow the violin instructor, and Gussie E. Mast the piano instructor. Pupils of Eva Sanden-Johnson gave their semi-annual piano recital, December 22. Those participating were: Myrtle Hosford, Jack Fryer, Thelma Murchison, Sigrid Murchison, Irene Pulvermiller, Florence Westland, Helen Eliason, Anna Baldwin, Arthianese Baldwin, May Johnso., Anna Dahlquist, Pearl Cinnamond, Sylvia Poppe, Hilda Anderson, Margaret Duffy, Aloysius Duffy, Rodger Eliason, Steen Ericson, Helen Seeborg, Clare Anderson, Winifred Peterson, Virginia Maubert and Mary Lekas. The December program of the Alameda County Music Teachers’ Association deviated from the usual custom of presenting active members by introducing members of the student section. The following took part: Aurelia Frazee, Dean Donaldson, Jeanette Mainzer, Helen Marchant, Vin Lowry, Helen Hjelte, Marie Rambo, Zylpha Allen, Helen Marchant, Virginia Ayer, Grace Hjelte and Marie Harkett. A students’ recital was given recently by pupils of the Imperial Music School, Wallace E. Pettit director. Hazel Van Haltren, leading soprano of the Ferris Hartman Opera Company, was one of the chief features of the Christmas celebration of the Oakland Council, No. 784, Knights of Columbus. E. A. T. SEATTLE HEARS VARIETY OF CHRISTMAS PROGRAMS Amphion Society Gives Go-ce-t with Betsy Lane Shepherd as Soloist—Notes Seattle, Wash., December 22.—For weeks children rehearsed old time carols. On Saturday preceding Christmas Day they started in automobiles, to make the round of OAKLAND’S SYMPHONY CONCERTS ARE INCREASING IN POPULARITY Civic Christmas Pageant Draws Crowds from Neighboring Cities—Orpheus Club Gives Christmas Concert— Musical Notes of Interest Oakland, Cal., January 1.—Another delightful program by the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Alfred Hertz, was given in the Auditorium Opera House, December 30, under the management of Miss Z. W. Potter and auspices of the Musical Association of San Francisco. This was the fourth of the Oakland Symphony series and was a popular concert. Mr. Hertz repeated the fourth number of the Peer Gynt suite to satisfy encore demands. The soloist on this occasion was Walter V. Ferner, head of the cello section, who, with Louis Persinger directing the orchestra, played Serenade (Jules de Swert) and Hungarian Rhapsody (David Popper). Emma Calvé Draws Packed House People seated in rows upon the stage and others crowded within the orchestra rail showed the keen interest of the public in the engagement of Madame Calvé by Miss Z. W. Potter, as the third event of the Artists’ Concert series at the Auditorium Opera House. Christmas Pageant Turns Thousands Away The Yuletide Pageant given in the arena of the Municipal Auditorium is the annual gift of the Oakland Recreation Department to the citizens. Thousands were unable to get into the great auditorium, many having come from San Francisco and surrounding cities. Three thousand performers took part in the pageant, which was under the general direction of Mrs. E. A. Hollington. The schools were well represented. Yuletide customs of many lands, dancing, singing, tableaux, boy scout drills, Westminster Chimes by the British group, an orchestra and several well-known soloists, all contributed to make a program that will be remembered for its excellence and effectiveness. Orpheus Club in Christmas Concert The first concert of the twenty-ninth season of the Orpheus Club was given in the Auditorium Opera House, under the direction of Edwin Dunbar Crandall. Christmas songs and selections formed a great part of the excellently rendered program. Soloists from the club were Ernest H. McCandlish, Richard Lundgren, D. A. Ervin and W. H. Bundy. The accompanist was Bessie Beatty Roland. The Arion Trio-consisting of Joyce Holloway Barthelson, piano; Josephine Holub, violin; Margaret Avery, cello—assisted i the program. A full house attested the popularity of the concerts PACIFIC NORTHWEST DIRECTORY A RMSTRONG, FRANCIS J. il Violinist-Teacher-Conductor. The McKelvey, 1519 Third Ave., Seattle. ]7 LWYN CONCERT BUREAU— L Western Management Concert Artists and High Class Musical Attractions Broadway Building, Portland, Ore. KRINKE, HARRY Suite 506, The McKelvey, Seattle, Wash. Advanced Instruction of Piano D ISEGARI, SILVIO IN. Piano; Concerts Fine Arts Building, Seattle CPARGUR, JOHN Director Seattle Symphony Orchestra People's Bank Bldg., Seattle C' ADY, CALVIN BRAINERD U Normal Courses and Private Tuition or Advanced Piano Students, July 17-Sept. 1. Cornish School, Seattle, Wash. CORNISH SCHOOL OF MUSIC, INC. Dramatic Arts and Dancing Nellie C. Cornish, Director Roy Street, at Harvard, Seattle, Wash. EURHYTHMICS OF JAQUES DAL-CROZE Hellerau-Dresden. Geneva. ELSIE HEWITT McCOY Odd Fellows Temple, Seattle T ACQUES JOU-JERVILLE of Paris J Operatic Tenor Formerly Boston Opera and leading grand opera of France Head Voice Dept. Cornish School, Seattle nP HOMPSON, MRS. CHARLES W., ־*־ Northwestern Soprano, Pupil of Harold Hurlbut (Latest disciple of Jean de Reszke) Season 1922-1923 in New York 316 West 95th St., Phone River. 5400 A/fcNEELY, PAUL PIERRE 1V1 Concert Pianist, Instruction 206 The McKelvey, Seattle, Wash. TS־ANTNER, CLIFFORD W. IV Voice Representing Edmund J. Myer 306 Spring St., Seattle CORYELL, MARIAN Composer-Pianist, Recitals Cornish School, Seattle (־A ATMAN, JOHN R. Musical Courier Correspondent 1506 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. TOWNS, KIRK Baritone 205 The McKelvey, Canadian Club Seattle New York PACIFIC COAST DIRECTORY D ECKER, MR. and MRS. THILO L) Piano, Violin 431 So. Alvarado St., Los Angeles BRONSON, CARL Voice, Phone 10082 204-5 Music Art Building, Los Angeles A/TORRISON, MARGERY Operatic Coach—Conductor’s Assistant and Repetiteur Piano Conductor On tour Orpheum Circuit with Doree Operalog CIMONSEN, AXEL *J Cello Music Art Building, Los Angeles SMALLMAN, JOHN, Baritone Kramer Studio Bldg., 1500 So. Figueroa St., Los Angeles Address E. M. Barger, Secretary BEHYMER, L. E. Manager of Distinguished Artists 705 Auditorium Bldg., Los Angeles (־> ADMAN, CHARLES WAKEFIELD U Composer-Pianist 2220 Canyon Drive, Hollywood, Cal. OPPENHEIMER, SELBY C. Musical, Operatic, Lecture and Concert Manager Foxcroft Building, 68 Post St, Near Kearney, San Francisco BOWES, CHARLES Teacher of Voice 446 South Grand View, Los Angeles COLBERT, JESSICA Concert and Theatrical Management 619 Hearst Bldg., San Francisco SPROTTE, MME. ANNA RUZENA School of Vocal Art Sixth Floor of Tajo Bldg., Los Angeles BRESCIA, DOMENICO Voice Specialist—Composition 603-4 Kohler & Chase Bldg.,San Francisco DE AVIRETT, ABBY Teacher of Piano Studio 246 Junípero Street, Long Beach, Calif. DERSINGER, LOUIS 1 Management Selby Oppenheimer 68 Post Street San Francisco STETZLER, ALMA Voice—Opera Coach Egan School 1324 So. Figueroa St., Los Angeles BRETHERTON, GLORIA Vocal Instructor and Coach Placement, Diction, Interpretation Studio 501 Tajo Building First and Broadway. Los Angeles Brunswick Record, “The Annual Protest,” composed and recorded by FRIEDA PEYCKE. Studio: 504 Tajo Building, Los Angeles, Calif. 7׳ OELLNER CONSERVATORY OF Lj music Complete Faculty of Artist Teachers 1250 Windsor Blvd., Los Angeles, Cal T OTT, MR. and MRS. CLIFFORD ■*—' Voice and Piano 912 W. 20th St.. Los Angeles