Bach—Beethoven—Brahms—Bruckner—Gluck—Händel—Haydn—Mahler—Mendelssohn—Mozart—Schubert—Schumann—Wagner—Wolf-Bach—Beethoven—Brahms—Bruckner—Gluck—Händel—Haydn 3? Wolf- Schumann— January 18, 1923 MUSICAL COURIER |_Bach__Beethoven—Brahms—Bruckner—Gluck—Händel—Haydn—Mahler—Mendelssohn—Mozart—Schubert—Schumann—Wagner Our brother musicians in Germany and Austria are starving! Not undergoing hardships or privations, but in sober, dreadful literalness, they are starving to death. More dreadful, they must stand by in a nightmare of helplessness and see their children die of hunger and cold. Already a number of men well known in the musical world have died of starvation in the past two years. And the next four months will see a greater scarcity of food and fuel in the Central Empires than at any time since the war. We, the musicians of America, must help and help now. We, the servants of the Beautiful and the Eternal, know that art is the centre and the heart of life and knows no geography and no nationality. Our brothers die of cold and of hunger and stretch sad, yearning arms toward us. It is not our duty to help —it is our high privilege to do so. But we must help promptly. Everv Dollar Saves a Life—the life of a brother artist. Save your life today! Send your life-saving contribution to ERNEST URCHS, Treasurer, Care Steinway & Sons, 109 East 14th Street, New York. AUSTRO-GERMAN MUSICIANS’ RELIEF FUND COMMITTEE Marcella Sembrich Arthur Shattuck Alexander Siloti David Stanley Smith Oscar G. Sonneck Edgar Varese Mortimer Wilson Theodore Spiering Chairman Alberto Jonas Francis Maclennan Daniel Gregory Mason George Meader Yolanda Mero John Powell Olga Samaroff be announced later. Rubin Goldmark Edwin Grasse Henry Hadley Victor Herbert Josef Hofmann Bronislaw Huberman Ernest Hutcheson Additional names will Mrs. H. H. A. Beach Thuel Burnham Florence Easton J. Lawrence Erb George Fergusson Ignatz Friedman Ossip Gabrilowitsch The above committee has requested Professor Wilhelm Klatte in Berlin to act as chairman of a distributing committee in Europe. Prof. Klatte will select an executive committee from a list of names submitted to him and which will be given later in these columns. Space donated by Musical Courier. Mahler_Mendelssohn_Mozart—Schubert—Schumann-—Wagner—Wolf—Bach—Beethoven—Brahms—Bruckner—Gluck—Händel— j Haydn—Mahler—Mendelssohn—Mozart—Schubert—Schumann- Wagner—Wolf—Bach—Beethoven—Brahms—Bruckner—Gluck—Händel—Haydn—Mahler—Mozart Schubert Schumann Wagner W olf