MUSICAL COURIER January 18, 1923 SCHOflL ix Weeks) 58th Year ACULTY: Teachers’ Certificates and Degrees Teachers’ Certificates and the Degrees of Bachelor of Music, Master of Music, Doctor of Music, Bachelor of Oratory and Master of Oratory will be conferred at the end of the summer session upon candidates who show sufficient knowledge and who reach the required standard. Full details in the summer catalog. NGER RICHARD HAGEMAN PERCY RECTOR STEPHENS NOTABLE TEACHER OF TEACHERS CONDUCTOR CHICAGO CIVIC OPERA NOTED COACH AND ACCOMPANIST INSTRUCTOR COACH CE EDDY LEON SAMETINI RICAN ORGANISTS RENOWNED VIOLINIST AND TEACHER GLASSES IN THE ART OF ACCOMPANYING AND CONDUCTING (Vocal, Violin, Opera, etc.) RICHARD HAGEMAN OPERA CLASSES (Repertoire and Action) RICHARD HAGEMAN CHOIR AND CHORAL CONDUCTING HAROLD B. MARYOTT ITALIAN AMEDEO C. NOBILI FRENCH EDOUARD DUFRESNE TOE, BALLET, INTERPRETATIVE AND CLASSICAL DANCING MME. RUTH AUSTIN MME. LORA SHADURSKAYA SCHOOL OF ACTING WALTON PYRE CLARINET AND SAXOPHONE J. G. BURNS TATION GLASSES OF. LEOPOLD AUER (Violin) ON SAMETINI (Violin) OF. XAVER SCHARWENKA (Piano) AURICE ARONSON (Piano) L COURSES OCAL OSCAR SAENGER HERBERT WITHERSPOON PERCY RECTOR STEPHENS BURTON THATCHER HAROLD B. MARYOTT ANCING MME. LORA SHADURSKAYA L MUSIC RYOTT RAMATIC ART YRE OWATT NSEMBLE PLAYING (Chamber Music) LEON SAMETINI SHIPS CAL COLLEGE FELIX BOROWSKI, President DR. F. ZIEGFELD, President Emeritus CARL D. KINSEY, Manager LATHROP RESSEGUIE, Asst. Manager