January 11, 1923 MUSICAL COURIER 50 MUSIC ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE program. His singing was received with enthusiastic The piano section of the Alameda County Music Teachers’ Association held its December meeting at the studio of Elizabeth Simpson, Berkeley, when Harriet Thompson arranged the program. Julian Waybur spoke upon the San Francisco Music Week and Doris Osborne, pianist, played several numbers. After eighteen months’ study in Europe with noted teachers, Beatrice Anthony, talented pianist and teacher at the Jenkins School of Music, is returning to Oakland in January, when she is expected to resume her teaching, varied with piano recitals. Warren D. Allen, A. A. G. O., organist at Stanford University, gave an o.rgan recital at the First Presbyterian Church, under the auspices of the Temple Choir of that church. Mr. Allen has had engagements throughout the East, including Cornell University and Tremont Temple of Boston. He plays all his recitals from memory. Lulu J. Blumberg, a young Oakland woman, has completed negotiations with Jessica Colbert, San Francisco concert manager, for a Transbay Colbert Concert Course. As associate manager to Mrs. Colbert, Miss Blumberg has secured the Municipal Opera House for four concerts to be given this season by the following well known artists: Arthur Middleton, baritone; Vladimir Rosing, tenor; Mischa Levitzki, pianist, and the London String Quartet. Arrangements have been completed in Alameda for the Adelphian Artist Series, which will be presented under the auspices of the Adelphian Club, to give residents of the city an opportunity of hearing well known musicians for a nominal cost. Mrs. Carroll Nicholson, contralto and well known voice teacher and coach, presented at her Piedmont studio Ruth Riley Meager, soprano, accompanied by Edna Wyman Riley, assisted by Katherine Hundley, violin, and Harriet Hundley, piano. The brilliant young pianist, Eva M. Garcia, presented her pupil, Ellen Virginia Clarke (age eleven), at Ebell Hall, in a piano recital, assisted by the Technical High School String Quartet, and Raymond Throckmorton, violinist. John Wharry Lewis, violinist and popular leader of the American Theater Orchestra, has made a study of music for pictures and has arranged dozens of scores for the photodrama with success. Besides being a violin soloist of unusual ability, he has a prodigious memory for music. He is about to appear at the head of the musical organization of the Imperial Theater, San Francisco. Mr. Lewis boasts of a music library which he values at $50,000. The T. and D. Theater recently featured Walter Beaton, baritone, and John Wolohan, piano; also Mr. Becker and his augmented orchestra. The first of a series of three Young People’s Matinee are well adapted for the interpretation of the moderns, for she possesses a keen sense of rhythm, an ability to paint and describe through contrast of tonal effects, and an abundance of fire and energy. A more enthusiastic audience could not be desired. Loring Club Gives Carol Program. On December 18, the Loring Club of San Francisco gave its second concert of the season. The holiday spirit reigned throughout the program, which was devoted to carols. The soloist of the occasion was Lorna Lachmund, who displayed a voice of unusual beauty, a pliant technic and skilful phrasing. Wallace Sabin conducted this excellent male chorus with his customary sensitiveness for light and shade, and attained some effective climaxes. Rose Florence, a California mezzo soprano, has returned to San Francisco from New York, where she was heard in a successful song recital in Aeolian Hall. Mme. Florence is busily engaged working upon her programs, which she will present during the season before several of California’s leading musical clubs and organizations by whom she has been engaged for song recitals. A very active winter is confronting this excellent and conscientious artist. C. H. A. OAKLAND SYMPHONY SERIES SUCCESSFUL Gadski Given Ovation—Graveure Opens Concert Series— Notes Oakland, Cal., December 26.—A recital by Johanna Gadski, presented by Zannette W. Potter on December 7, at the Oakland Auditorium Opera House, elicited enthusiastic praise. Mme. Gadski sang Wagner numbers and songs by Schumann, Schubert, Schneider, Homer, MacDowell, Kramer and Kahn. The audience acknowledged its appreciation with an ovation and flowers. Oakland Symphony Series Very Successful. The series of ten symphony concerts by the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, Alfred Hertz directing, and under the management of Miss Z. W. Potter, is meeting with unqualified success this winter, and the concerts are being attended by increasingly large audiences at the Auditorium Opera House. Louis Graveure Opens Concert Series. Louis Graveure opened the series of artist concerts at Mills College this season, December 8, under the supervision of Ernestine Kier, representing the student body, assisted by Luther Marchant, chairman of the music department. Operatic numbers were the chief feature of his SAN FRANCISCO ENTHRALLED WITH ELLY NEY’S PLAYING Orchestra Plays César Franck Symphony—Australian Pianist Heard at Private Musicale—Loring Club Gives Carol Program San Francisco, Cal., December 26.—Elly Ney was presented in recital by Manager Selby C. Oppenheimer at Scottish Rite Hall on December 20. She was heard in a group of Chopin, the Appassionata sonata and the F major Andante of Beethoven, Brahms’ E flat Rhapsody, and, with the co-operation of the string quartet of the Chamber Music Society of San Francisco, in a vital reading of the Brahms Quintet in F minor. Mme. Ney possesses a tone of entrancing beauty and an excellent technical equipment. It is through her remarkable musicianship and intellectuality, and through the force of her personality, which vibrates throughout her performance, that she captivates her auditors. In the concerted work, Mme. Ney and the string quartet of the Chamber Music Society of San Francisco, which is composed of Louis Persinger, Louis Ford, Nathan Firestone and Walter Ferner, appeared to be in perfect accord as to perfection of ensemble and interpretation. It was a truly inspired reading. Orchestra Plays César Franck Symphony. The San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Alfred Hertz, gave its regular subscription concerts on the afternoons of December 15 and 17 to the usual packed house of enthusiasts. To commemorate the centenary of the birth of the great Belgian composer, César Franck, the symphony of the series was the master’s symphony in D minor. Throughout this exquisite work lies an undercurrent of religion and mysticism, which quality Mr. Hertz grasped and revealed with all the richness and warmth of orchestral tone at his command. Jascha Schwarzmann was the soloist of the day and gave a polished and finished rendition of the Haydn concerto in D major. Mr. Schwarz-mann’s work revealed a proficient technic and a warm, vibrant tone with no small amount of imaginative ability. The last work of the program was a spirited performance of Strauss’ Don Juan, which displayed the full sonority of the orchestra and Mr. Hertz’s authoritative manner of conducting. Australian Pianist Heard at Private Musicale. At the home of Lulu J. Blumberg, on the evening of December 17, Unna Bourne, who passed through San Francisco en route to England, played before a few of this city’s foremost musicians. Miss Bourne played works by Bach, Chopin, Scriabin, Cyril Scott and Albeniz. Miss Bourne’s playing was admirable for her exceptionally fine singing tone and concise and clear execution. Her gifts PACIFIC NORTHWEST DIRECTORY A RMSTRONG, FRANCIS J. A Violinist; Director Violin Department, Cornish School of Music, Seattle ]7 LWYN CONCERT BUREAU— ID Western Management Concert Artists and High Class Musical Attractions Broadway Building, Portland, Ore. KRINKE, HARRY Suite 506, The McKelvey, Seattle, Wash. Advanced Instruction of Piano T3 ISEGARI, SILVIO ■IN Piano; Concerts Fine Arts Building, Seattle CPARGUR, JOHN Director Seattle Symphony Orchestra People’s Bank Bldg., Seattle ADY, CALVIN BRAINERD v>< Normal Courses and Private Tuition or Advanced Piano Students, July 17-Sept. 1. Cornish School, Seattle, Wash. EURHYTHMICS OF JAQUES DAL-CROZE Hellerau-Dresden. Geneva. ELSIE HEWITT McCOY Odd Fellows Temple, Seattle T ACQUES JOU-JERVILLE of Paris J Operatic Tenor Formerly Boston Opera and leading grand opera of France Head Voice Dept Cornish School, Seattle ״׳p HOMPSON, MRS. CHARLES W., -I Northwestern Soprano, Pupil of Harold Hurlbut (Latest disciple of Jean de Reszke) Season 1922-1923 in New York 316 West 95th St., Phone River. 5400 CORNISH SCHOOL OF MUSIC, INC. Dramatic Arts and Dancing Nellie C. Cornish, Director Roy Street, at Harvard, Seattle, Wash. ATcNEELY, PAUL PIERRE 1V1 Concert Pianist, Instruction 206 The McKelvey, Seattle, Wash. ANTNER, CLIFFORD W. IV Voice Representing Edmund J. Myer 306 Spring St., Seattle CORYELL, MARIAN Composer-Pianist, Recitals Cornish School, Seattle fAATMAN, JOHN R. Kv Musical Courier Correspondent 1506 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. TOWNS, KIRK Baritone 205 The McKelvey, Canadian Club Seattle New York PACIFIC COAST DIRECTORY DECKER, MR. and MRS. THILO L) Piano, Violin 431 So. Alvarado St., Los Angeles BRONSON, CARL Voice, Phone 10082 204-5 Music Art Building, Los Angelas Л/ТORRISON, MARGERY -IVI Operatic Coach—Conductor’s Assistant and Repetiteur Piano Conductor On tour Orpheum Circuit with Doree Operalog CIMONSEN, AXEL »3 Cello Music Art Building, Los Angeles BEHYMER, L. E. p ADMAN, CHARLES WAKEFIELD SMALLMAN, JOHN, Baritone Kramer Studio Bldg., 1500 So. Figueroa St., Los Angeles Address E. M. Barger, Secretary Manager of Distinguished Artists 705 Auditorium Bldg., Los Angeles Composer-Pianist 2220 Canyon Drive, Hollywood, Cal. OPPENHEIMER, SELBY C. Musical, Operatic, Lecture and Concert Manager Foxcroft Building, 68 Post St, Near Kearney, San Francisco BOWES, CHARLES Teacher of Voice 446 South Grand View, Los Angeles COLBERT, JESSICA Concert and Theatrical Management 619 Hearst Bldg., San Francisco SPROTTE, MME. ANNA RUZENA School of Vocal Art Sixth Floor of Tajo Bldg., Los Angeles BRESCIA, DOMENICO Voice Specialist—Composition 603-4 Kohler & Chase Bldg.,San Francisco DE AVIRETT, ABBY Teacher of Piano Studio 246 Junípero Street, Long Beach, Calif. DERSINGER, LOUIS T Management Selby Oppenheimer 68 Post Street, San Francisco STETZLER, ALMA Voice—Opsra Coach Egan School 1324 So. Figueroa St., Los Angeles BRETHERTON, GLORIA Vocal Instructor and Coach Placement, Diction, Interpretation Studio 501 Tajo Building First and Broadway, Los Angeles T OTT, MR. and MRS. CLIFFORD •L* Voice and Piano 912 W. 20th St., Los Angeles Brunswick Record, “The Annual Protest,” composed and recorded by FRIEDA PEYCKE. Studio: 504 Tajo Building, Los Angeles, Calif. 0 7׳ELLNER CONSERVATORY OF Lj music Complete Faculty of Artist Teachers 1250 Windsor Blvd, Los Angeles, CaL