3 MUSICAL COURIER January 11, 1923 LAZAR S. SAMOILOFF BARITONE Teacher of Rosa Raisa, Giacomo Rimini, Gabrielle Besanzoni, Jean Barondess, Luisa Escobar, Edward Lankow, Alice Zep-pilli, and many others. BEL CANTO SCHOOL OF SINGINC Carnegie Hall New York EARLE LAROS **The Pianist with a Message*״ Educational Recitals Address: MISS JEAN WISWELL, 437 Fifth Avenne, N. Y. LAURIE MERRILL Soprano COSTUME RECITALS Hotel Bretton Hall, B’way & 86th St., N. Y. City Tel. 1000 Schuyler Katharine HOFFMANN ACCOMPANIST Home Address: St. Paul. Concert Accompanis t —Coach ARCHIBALD SESSIONS Organist-Director “All Souls,״ 537 West 121st St., N. Y. Tel. 6674 Morningside. IRUBANNI $»pran, ¿ 620 Spadina Avenue Toronto, Canada I LJUNGKVIST Jjjî Head of Voice Department L SULLINS COLLEGE, BRISTOL, VA. ARTHUR M. BURTON BARITONE Fine Arts Building....Chicago 1 HAZEL GRUPPE Concert Pianist Teacher—Accompanist—Coach Studio: 8 West 92nd Street New York Telephone Riverside 0118 ERNA CAVELLE SOPRANO Available for Concerts, Recitals and Oratorio Personal Representative: Mrs. A. R. Bushman, 437 Fifth Ave., Knabe Piano Co., New York Founder and Pres. Southland Singers. Rehearsals Monday evenings, 110 Carnegie Hall. Vocal Instruction. Residence Studio, 137 W. 93d St., Tel. 1436 River, between 9 and 10 a. m. EMILY CHURCH BENHAM CONCERT PIANIST Management: Ella May Smith. 60 Jefferson Ave., Columbus, Ohio CLARENCE DICKINSON Concert Organist Organist and Director Brick Church, Temple Beth El Union Theological Seminary. 412 Fifth Ave., New York. AGNES BRENNAN Pianist and Teacher Artist-Teacher at Marymount College Tarrytown־on־the*Hudson, N. Y. Studio: 452 Riverside Drive. New York City Tel. 9080 Morningside JOSEPH VITO Harpist A true American artist. Available for engagements during and after the present season. Limited number of pupils accepted. Address c/o Symphony Orchestra, Cincinnati, Ohio. GRACE G. GARDNER EUROPE—NEW YORK Artist Teacher “Singor and vocal pedagogue.״ “Internationally recognized as a “Voice Builder, Voice Repairer and Coach." Special Course In Diction. Pupils prepared for Opera, Oratorio and Concert. Teacher of Lucille Lawrence and many other successful singers. Studios: Burnet House Drawing Rooms, Cincinnati, Ohio. SOL ALBERTI Coach and Accompanist 255 Fort Washington Ave., New York Phnnpc / Wadsworth 1989 (Private) s l Wadsworth 4550 (Apartment) BETTY GRAY Mezzo Contralto OPEN FOR CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS 3 Linnaean Street Cambridge, Maas. Violinist, Organist and Composer Will Accept Advanced Pupils. 161 East 176th St. Tel. 2052 Trcmont TEACHER OF SINGING Metropolitan Opera House Studios 1425 Broadway, N.Y. Phone &6SU Penn. «KRAFT ¡J Concert ־TENOR-Oratorio " Care of Frank La Forge R 14 West 68th St., New York City GEHRKEN onanist “Able technic and fine command.” — Brooklyn Eagle. “Rapidly gaining unique reputation.”— N. V. World. 587 Bainbridge St., Brooklyn, N. Y. W A R R E N SEE AD. ANOTHER PAGE Bond«VAI FRI INDORSES E. V П 1■ 1■ I I I MARY POTTER Contralto Concert •Oratorio ־ Opera • Recitals Care Musical Courier Co. 437 Fifth Avenue. New York Tel. 4292 Murray Hill ARTHUR DUNHAM CONDUCTOR BOSTON ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY I HUGER GANNON CONTRALTO 624 Michigan Avenue Chicago, 111. I. MISERENDINO VIOLINIST and TEACHER 2020 Broadway - - - New York City Telephone 8737 Columbus JACOB FRANK CONCERT PIANIST AND TEACHER. 897 Livonia Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Telephone, Glenmore 6082. BIRDIGE BLYE К 5424 Blackstone Avenue, Chicago STEINWAY PIANO USED «FINNEGAN v TENOR H Soloiit St. Patrick’( Cathedral, N. Y. N Management* Ernest Briggs, Inc., 1400 Broadway N. Y. Personal address: 9 South 20th St. Elmhurst. L. I.. N. Y. Tel. Newtown 2398-J. SERGEI KlibanskY VOCAL INSTRUCTOR Studio: 212 W. 59th St.. New York City, 5329 Circle NATIONAL OPERA CLUB or AMERICA KATHARINE EVANS VON KLENNER, Founder and President America’s Greatest Musical Educational Club HAVRAH HUBBARD—Operalogue* Musical Illustration* by the Qreateat Authorltl•• Meetings Waldorf-Aatorla For *II Information applv to th* President 17M Broadway, Naw York CARMEN FERRARO Grand Opera Tenor and Conductor—Voice Placing, Concert, Oratorio and Opera Coaching—Only Talented Pupils Accepted Ensemble work and experience guaranteed. National Grand Opera Association reorganizing. Voice trials by appointment only. Studio 33, Metroplitan Opera House 1425 Broadway, New York City 1 NADWORNEY 02־Sm™ O (National Prize Winner) R 80 We*t 51»t St., Bayonne, N. J. A Tel. 1375 Bayonne RALPH COX COMPOSER—Teacher of Singing 554 We*t 113th Street New York City il BOMMEI NN 11 11 Tel. Audubon 1673 r Concert Baritone Instruction J STUDIOS: 303 Carnegie Hall 684 St. Nicholas Ave. ÏRI ITCH ■ CONTRALTO 519 Lincoln Place Brooklyn, N. Y. B Phone 7277-J Prospect ELLIS CLARK HAMMANN PIANIST 1716 Chestnut Street Philadelphia Mrs. hall McAllister TEACHER OF SINGING Musical Management 384 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. ^GRAVES ATKINS Soprano 839 North Dearborn Street Chicago, 111. VLADIMIR DUBINSKY CONCERT CELLIST INSTRUCTION: CELLO AND CHAMBER MUSIC Studio: 501 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Phone Stone 122 1V4INNIE TRACEY American Dramatic Soprano Open for Concert and Recital Engagements Studio: Ursuline Academy, W. McMillen St. Private Address: The Claremont, Apt. 22, W. McMillen St., Cincinnati, Ohio. GEORGE HAMLIN c?^1rt Instruction In Singing and English Diction November 1st to May 15th: 1070 Madison Ave., New York; June 1st to November 1st: Lake Placid, Adirondack Mts., N. Y. LEILA TOPPING CONCERT PIANIST—TEACHER Concert Direction Hinkle Barcus, 1425 Broadway, New York. Studio, 3 E. 35th Street, New York. Telephone 8391 Murray Hill FROSINI Famous Vaudeville and Edison Phonograph Artist. Instructor of the Piano Keyboard ACCORDION. Studio: 167 West 79th Street, New York. Telephone, Schuyler 1978. TENOR-COMPOSER Concert RecitaU 319 W. 95th Street Tel. River 8744 COEN R A AD V. BOS Accompanist—Coaching Hotel Harding 203 West 54th St. New York City Phone 2160 Circle Louise Si. John WESTERVELT TEACHER OF VOICE Columbia School of Music, 509 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago John Prindle Scott SO IMG WRITER 554 West 113th Street New York Telephone 7639 Cathedral FUSON THOMAS Tenor Oratorio, Recital, Festival 232 West 75th St. New York City Phone, Columbus 8255 KARLETON HACKETT TEACHER OF SINGING Kimball Hall, Chicago be taught to sing artistically. HAGGERTY-SNELL Vocal Music METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE STUDIOS. 1425 Broadway. New York Suite 20 Phone: 2634 Pennsylvania ELLA BACKUS-BEHR 231 West 96th Street, New York PHONE 1464 RIVERSIDE Mme. E. B. de SERRANO Teacher of Olive Fremstad, Mme. CLarlotte Maconda, Lucille-Marcel, Caroline Mihr-Hardy. VOICE CULTURE REPERTOIRE 430 West 57th St. Tel. 6641 Columbus, New York «Jeanne Le Fee Farduly Teacher of Singing Recital and Operatic Mezzo-Contralto Paris ־ New York 124 West 88th St., New York Phone 1368 Schuyler (Special courses of French and Italian Diction under competent instructors) BEFORE SELECTING YOUR VOCAL TEACHER READ “THE SECRETS OF SVENGALI” By J. H. DUVAL And You Can’t Be Fooled $2.00 at all Music Dealers and Booksellers Publisher—JAMES T. WHITE & CO., 70 Fifth Avenue. New York City ;ransier I PIANO RECITALS For Western Bookings address ¿I 51718־ First National Bank. Waterloo, Iowa Jv Eastern Representative: U Jean Wiswell, 43 7 Fifth Avenue, R New York Mme.Hildegard Hoffmann Oratorio and Joint Recitals with Mr. HENRY HOLDEN Recitals and Piano Instructions Soloist with New York Philharmonic and Boston Symphony Orchestra, etc. STUDIO: Steinway Hall AddrcM: 144 East 150th Street, New York City RUSSELL J. ENGLAND COMPOSER—TENOR Concerts—Recitals of his songs—Oratorio 214 Lakevlew Drive, Colllngswood, N. J. HAYDN OWENS PIANIST—ACCOMPANIST—COACH Conductor Haydn Choral Society 1227 Kimball Building - - Chicago SIBYL SAMM1S MacDERMID SOPRANO Pupil• Accepted. 312 Riverside Drive. New York VOICE CLINIC Mme. Rose Tomars, Voice Specialist and Rebuilder of Voices, will correct every defect under guarantee. Tremolo removing a specialty, as her method is not a theory but a Proven Fact. Write for descriptive folder. Siiti 824, Carnegie Hall, Residence Stadio, 20 West 65th Si., New York City. 9425 S. Robey Strsst, Chicago, III. Conductor—Apollo Musical Club, Mendelssohn Club o BAYERLEE » Associate Professor N oI N JULIUS STOCKHAUSEN A. TEACHER OF 502 We.t 113th Street. N.Y. WORLD FAMOUS Telephone 7960 Cathedral ARTISTS Audition• by Appointment Only S. WALTER KREBS Composer-Pianist Instruction. Recitals & Accompanying 547 Riverside Drive, N. Y. C. Mofiugsiie 0787 Natl. Song & Slogan