January 4, 192 3 MUSICAL COU RIE R MUSIC-LOVERS 5.000 ANOTHER crowd DENVER CITY AUDITORIUM to hear CHICAGO OPERA ASSOCIATION MACBETH MAGNETIC AND CHARMING “Charmed by her personality as well as her voice the audience demanded encores which Miss Macbeth was both generous and gracious in granting. The appeal of her artistic performance was always intensified by her magnetic and unaffected stage presence.״ —Cynthia Grey, in the As onda in ״Rigoietto,” Denver Express. one of her favorite roles r COLORATURA SOPRANO DELIGHTS THRONG WITH MELODY “Like a princess from the pages of a fairy tale Macbeth came to sing. She captivated her audi-ence from the first with her spontaneity, winsome manner and dulcet tones. A golden flood of notes, pure, clear and delicately lovely like the warbling of a lark that cannot help but sing.”—Lucille Stubbs, in the Rocky Mountain News. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAM DENVER COL NOV n 1922 NATIONAL CONCERTS 1451 BROADWAY NEW YORK N Y THOUSANDS THAT CROWDED MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM TO OVERFLOWING LAST NIGHT NOT ONLY THRILLED BUT ENRAPTURED WITH EXQUISITE SINGING OF MACBETH. CONCERT WAS UNIVERSALLY CONCEDED ONE OF MOST ARTISTIC AND PLEASING EVER GIVEN IN DENVER. MISS MACBETH COMPLETELY WON HER AUDIENCE AGAIN AND AGAIN GRACIOUSLY RESPONDING TO ENCORES. H. B. SMITH Management: NATIONAL CONCERTS, Inc., (SAMUEL GENEEN, Pres.,) 1451 Broadway, New York, N. Y.